United Colours of Design • Olive Green Edition • October 2022

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Welcome Message

Our Highest Vision

To inspire entrepreneurs to tap into the transformative power of colour and align their business with their soul’s purpose, leading to a magical and prosperous life full of love and joy.

Seek • Expand • Inspire

There are many magazines on this planet that provide information and education to entrepreneurs based on traditional methodology. This magazine is NOT one of them. We ask that you view this magazine as a soul-based resource and safe space for you, our dear reader, to do business and life differently. 

The world is awakening and we need to meet our clients at their new level of awareness. They want connection, relationships, authenticity as well as profits and a sustainable business plan.  

With this in mind, our writers explore their area of expertise through the focused lens of one colour per edition. As you engage with this book you will feel their intension, their energy and will see colour in action in their own businesses. With their articles you will be able to easily apply this information directly to your own business – immediately.

There are many positive and healing aspects to each colour and by exploring your own company through the rainbow we can all evolve and grow our passions in alignment with our higher selves. In this context we are able to examine business topics from a completely different perspective.   

The energy and psychology of colour, from a business point of view offers you tools to create energetically compatible mission and vision statements, corporate messaging, hiring practices, policies, procedures, intentions and motivation. It helps you discover your WHY and gives you insights into why you are attracting the type of client that fills your database.  

Our Mission

We focus on the energy and psychology of one colour per quarter, providing entrepreneurs insightful, interesting, deliciously-new perspectives on business and lifestyle topics.

Amy Bell, Founder & Creative Director - A Full Moon in Olive

How do I have hope for the future when I’m sitting in the middle of chaos? How do I tap into creative power when I’m feeling disconnected from my gifts? How do I participate in a goddess circle when I am not feeling very goddessy?

You feel me? Where are you on the goddessy scale? What’s your current level of chaos? How’s that connection to your gifts thing going? Honestly, this is why I started this magazine in the first place. When shit goes sideways, I turn to the rainbow for answers. The rainbow is my therapist, she is my connection to source and provides all the answers I need. And since you’re reading (or listening) to this right now, colour may be your ticket too.

Unlike the olive tree that takes time to mature this edition came in fast and furious. With the sale of our home only a few days behind us, July first marked a brand new beginning for our family. Given that we had no permanent residence in sight we rented a house on the lake for the summer.

We went from the ‘city’ to hard core lessons in olive, country living. From the swarms of mosquitoes to ridiculously slow Internet to long drives for ‘milk’, we basically had to re-look at how we functioned on a day to day basis. As much as our new lifestyle took a bit to get used to we were incredibly grateful for the experience.

It was a baby step into the environment we want to be in. It prepped us for things to look out for and things we now know we loved. Our new colour retreat centre research at the lake was well worth it.

Olive’s yellow fraction asks us all to step up our game and the green fraction asks us to do it with love.

This is the divine feminine way. The way of the goddess. Olive is the gateway to the green heart chakra. Most of us want to take a giant leap from the yellow solar plexus right into the green heart chakra. I almost made this mistake as well. I didn’t see the importance of olive when next up the ladder was her brighter, more popular sister.

But how can we be ready to fully embrace the immense amount of love held in that green energy centre without first passing through the Olive gateway?

The goddess gateway, the hope for the future gateway, the creative power gateway. Before we can bring balance and harmony into our heart centre we must first do the olive fire-walk. We have to go through a process of rediscovering, reconnecting and recreating what we want for ourselves now and in the future.

Being immersed in all of this olive energy fueled the desire to step up our game and do a full moon, goddess circle colour retreat in August. This would be the first time Brian and I collaborated on a project together. He was the chef and I was the organizer. We both soon realized that we needed a third person to complete the experience. So we brought in United Colours of Design’ Intimacy columnist and olive goddess herself, Jennifer Love, to help with grounding the space and partnering with me to facilitate an amazing experience for our participants.

Before we could open our hearts to the queens that were en route, we had to spend the night in the full moon energizing the space and ourselves. We had to come face to face with our own creative power, our own divine juiciness in order to provide a high frequency container for our ladies.

In doing so we managed to generate an incredible vortex so intense that one of the Colour Mirrors bottles responded by releasing its magic right through the glass! (It’s important to note that these bottles work with the energy of a space or person. Sometimes the change colour, sometimes they leak and sometimes they explode.) The bottle that exploded was called ‘Generosity’ its top fraction is coral and the bottom fraction is pale gold. This bottle is part of our golden Gaia series and her message to us and our participants was this:

Coral is unconditional self-acceptance – I am perfect as I am – and pale gold is your connection to your authentic Divine self. This combination powerfully reconnects you to who you really are, a Divine creation, a magnificent human able to joyously dance your reality into being. If you are already perfect and aligned with your Divine self you can create anything, and this bottle opens you to harvest, abundance, love and joy. Now you can finally see yourself as part of the Divine’s perfection. You deserve everything and more, and as you claim this you can access and generously share all of it. The love that you hold for your precious self is so magnetic that it can attract anything you focus on because you are in alignment with Divine truth. This bottle holds the softly loving power of the Divine feminine and invites you to connect with it as you explore and heal your relationship with the female energies in your life.

This was the magic we had invoked to support us as we started this new beginning. It gave the three of us hope that the divine feminine was present.

The evening with our ladies was incredible. Each of them felt connected to the bottle that had blown up and the message that it brought to the circle. With colour, crystals and the stars guiding us we were able to deeply connect to that feminine energy.

While we were cleaning up the next day we were shocked (but not shocked) when we noticed a second bottle had blown up. The G10 ‘Impeccability’ bottle had cracked and a piece had blown out of the front of the bottle. In this bottle we have blue lilac and pale gold present, it’s message is this:

Impeccability means accepting and honouring every aspect of who you are and being clear and honest about both your shadow and your light. It is not about living up to a false standard of perfection, rather it is about seeing the perfection that already exists in yourself, in others and the world. The colour blue-lilac is about communication (blue) from your spirit (lilac). It asks you to be vigilant with your words and speak with incredible integrity because you hold the power to manifest whatever you say. When you are impeccable, words can no longer be used as weapons or instruments of manipulation. Instead they become vehicles for love and connection. This bottle relates to the masculine side of creation and asks you to make peace with the masculine side of yourself and the males in your life. It takes you into a space of silence, simplicity and deep inner stillness from which you can access the voice of inspiration.

We took this to mean that the divine masculine also wanted to join the party. He closed out the weekend with the same intensity as the divine feminine opened it. We had balance and complete confirmation that we had the full support of all dimensions with us on our new path.

Each edition, each colour we work with provides so many insights on how to heal ourselves to remove blocks that stop us from living life full on. While surrounded by olive trees and nature I found the answers to the questions I opened this article with.

How did I participate in a goddess circle when I was not feeling goddessy? I surrounded myself with other goddesses and received confirmation through the explosion of the G11 bottle (above on the left) that I am and we are all joyously dancing our reality into being.

How did I find peace amongst the chaos? I sat still in nature and surrendered to the wonder of not knowing my next move. I surrendered into the belief that the universe has my back and my job is to follow the breadcrumbs and say yes.

How did I reconnect to my creative power? I co-created with others. and listed to the message that G10 ‘Impeccability’ so badly wanted me to hear. I saw the perfection that already existed in myself and in others and let go of trying to control the outcome. This opened the olive gateway and once that happened, the rest was a piece of cake.

Janice Cardinale - Special Report - The Power of an Olive Branch

Most people have heard the expression, “extending the olive branch”. But what does it really represent? Some people have suggested that the olive was a very deliberate and well[1]considered choice as a metaphor for peace and reconciliation, because olive trees famously take years to mature. War is typically very hard on the trees because people cannot take the time to nurture them and plant new ones. Therefore, the offer of an olive branch would suggest that someone is tired of war, whether it be an actual war or a falling out between family, friends or colleagues.

I had recently had an occasion to forgive and forget. It’s always tougher than it sounds. It got me thinking about an age-old symbol for peace and what it can teach us about loving our neighbor as ourselves.

The olive branch has meant peace as far back as ancient Rome and Greece times. Because of its earliest uses, today we commonly think of extending the olive branch as a way of calling a truce between two warring parties.

If you’ve ever seen an olive branch, it’s not very strong. It’s actually quite delicate. It’s light enough to be carried by a dove as it’s often depicted in the Bible.

It’s interesting that something so fragile carries the weight of humanity’s most powerful gift: Forgiveness.

To forgive someone is an essential element of peace. How can you be at peace with someone against whom you hold a grudge? Forgiveness is also part of the golden rule. We all long to be forgiven when we’ve messed up. We all want a fresh start. It only makes sense to give the thing we want the most away to other people.

Sometimes your olive branch will be ignored or worst yet rejected. You can’t force it on anyone. It’s not a symbol of peace if you throw it at the person. Just lay it down. When he or she is ready, they know where it is and they know where to find you.

You don’t always have to wait until the person says he’s sorry. I’m a big fan of the do-over. I’ll go to the person and ask, “Hey, we got off on the wrong foot back there. Can we start over?” I can’t say it always restores the relationship, but it’s always worth a try.

So, the next time you can forgive someone (and trust me, there’s always an opportunity), think about the olive branch. Imagine it in your hand and see yourself giving it to the person you want to forgive. How do they respond? What you hope is that they accept it graciously and you can both form a brandnew relationship not based on the past.

Who needs your forgiveness? Make peace today. The olive branch may seem weak, but when offered in sincerity, it holds incredible strength.”.

Sherry Brouzes - Colours of Feng Shui - The Wood Element Explained

    • The colour of olive combines yellow and green and considered neutral on the spectrum. Olive represents hope, fertility, change, creativity, vitality and new beginnings. Everyone is familiar with the olive tree that takes many years to reach maturity in order to bear fruit. Olive is a prime example of a shade of green to best describe the wood element in Feng Shui.

    The Wood element is one of the five elements in Feng Shui known as “Wu Xing” in Chinese. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Chinese Feng Shui believe everything in the universe is one of these elements that dominate at certain times or seasons. The five elements reflect the essence of each type of Chi, also known as ‘cosmic breath’ or universal life-force.

    The Wood element is the only element with inherent life energy. It is associated with both Yin and Yang. Wood element is known as ‘young or new yang.’

    Wood has two parts like a tree; the roots beneath the earth that we cannot see are yin (feminine) energy. The tree trunk, branches and leaves represent yang (masculine) energy. The tree will spread up and out to reach the heavens.

    • Wood chi in our environment activates hope for the future in our goal setting as we journey through life. Wood Chi gives us the power, vision, productivity and energy we require to start anew. Olive trees are an excellent example of hope for future prosperity as they take at least three years to reach full maturity. Olive as a colour signifies many of these qualities.

    How does wood chi affect us in our environment? 

    • When there is too much wood chi in our homes or spaces, we may feel upset, angry, impulsive and impatient. As a result, we may exhibit controlling or dominating behaviour. On the flip side, when there is too little wood chi in our environment, we can become lazy and unmotivated. Good feng shui is the art of placement for acquiring balance. Therefore, a healthy balance of wood chi is essential to remain motivated and calm.

    In feng shui design, when an office has large wood furniture, wood beams, wood flooring and wood paneling, people may become agitated and restless. Too much of the wood element will disrupt the creativity and productivity of the employees. Too much wood Chi makes us feel claustrophobic. To mitigate the effect of the wood element, I would suggest adding the fire element to ‘burn’ some of the wood element to bring the Chi back into balance.

    To remedy this, try adding red colours to the décor. Artwork with scenes of sunrises or red flowers is a good choice. (The Fire element reduces wood in the exhaustive cycle in Feng shui.)

    • To enhance personal/inner feng shui, use bamboo, hemp, cotton, wicker, and all wood products. So, wear wooden jewelry, add some green colour to your wardrobe, or buy a set of wooden salad bowls.
    • You can use Colour Mirrors essences to balance the Wood energy in your personal auric field and for your spaces. Colour Mirrors includes a set of all the elements including wood essence (olive) to help you shift and elevate your vibration with soft, gentle oils and essences. I work with Colour Mirrors energy system in my Feng Shui practice. The wood element essence supports the body by detoxing suppressed anger held in the liver.

    Wood Element and the Bagua


    In Traditional Feng shui Bagua, the wood element represents the east and southeast directions. The East gua is “Family and Community.” The Southeast is the ‘Wealth and Prosperity” gua.



    The Trigrams associated with wood in the east direction is “Zhen” (Thunder). The Trigram in the Southeast is “Xun” (Wind).

    In Western Feng Shui Bagua, the wood element is located center left and upper center left areas of the nine-grid map. The left center gua is called ‘Family and Health” The left upper gua is called ‘Wealth and Prosperity.”

    Activate wood Chi with leafy greens 

    In Feng Shui design, activate wood chi in your home and spaces with fresh, healthy, lush plants. I recommend broad, soft-leafed plants. Because of their sharp points, the cactus and spiky plants can exude ‘sha chi’ (harmful energy). Cacti should be kept in areas where the ‘spikes’ are not aiming toward you. They are lovely in the garden, not directly in front of the entrance. All healthy plants are good feng shui. Plants are not recommended for a bedroom as the energy may be too yang for a restful sleep. However, fresh flowers are acceptable if they are not too close to your head where your sleep.

    The colour of the wood element encompasses all shades of green. The shape that depicts the wood element is tall and vertical, like a tree trunk. Columnar objects, pillars, and tall rectangular shapes represent wood in your spaces and home. Floral patterns in wallpaper depict the wood element in feng shui design. Artwork or sculptures with scenes of forest, trees and flowers are all included as a representation of the wood element.

    Olive and Chakras

    The colour olive is composed of yellow and green. The solar plexus chakra is represented by yellow and our “power center.” The heart chakra is green and is the center of love and compassion. Olive is a true expression of fearless, feminine power.

    Summary of the Wood Element in Feng shui

    • Positive message: growth, expansion, power, creativity, fertility, flexibility and new beginnings.
    • Colours: Olive green and all other shades of green
    • Shape: columnar, rectangular, floral patterns, vertical artwork and sculptures
    • Material: plants, trees, flowers, cotton, wicker, rattan, hemp all wood products
    • Properties: raises the Chi; retains the Chi
    • Smell and taste: mint, rosemary and the scent and fragrance of newness and freshness
    • Human Organs: liver, gallbladder (throat)
    • Creative element: Water (water feeds wood)
    • Destructive element: Metal (metal chops wood)
    • Reducing element: Fire (fire burns wood)
    • Direction: East/Southeast
    • Feng Shui animal associated with a wood element: Green dragon
    • Colour Mirrors: Wood Element Essence/Olive coloured oils.

    Sonal Raje - Colours of Fine Arts - NEW BEGINNINGS Influence of Studio Space

    An artist’s studio is more than just a work space. The energy of that space has a great deal of influence on the art that is created there. For years I had a dedicated studio space to paint. I had canvases stacked everywhere, a big easel, and would bring in all kinds of paint material to experiment with. Acrylics, encaustic, fluid art, I had to try it all. The art I created could make a mess and create spills which sometimes went unattended for days. And that was OK too, as what happened in my studio stayed in my studio! We had so many fun paint nights there with family and friends.

    That space was my sanctuary as well, where I would spend hours meditating and reading. I expanded my knowledge about colour energy and art as therapy reading through books and online learning. All this reflected in my art and teaching.

    “The only constant in life is change” – Heraclitus

    All that seems like a distant memory now. We had entered a new phase in our life and decided to downsize and move to a new city. From a 3-story house with a studio to a studio apartment. A small but gorgeous space with an amazing view of the water, and lush greenery all around with walking trails. Quiet evenings watching the sunsets, and the shimmering glow of the moon over the water. All the inspiration I needed as an artist was right in front of me.

    Alas, there is no space to prop up huge canvases and store the boxes of paints and brushes. So did that stop me from painting? No way!

    “ Although I love the original vibrant blue of these prints, I was inspired to digitally alter the colour to natural olive green tones. Creativity is all about adapting and experimenting. “

    Where there is a will there’s a way

    And find that way I did. Actually, Mother Nature showed me the way. Who needs paint and brushes when there are trees, sun and water? All you need is paper. Paper coated with a solution that makes it sensitive to light. The process is called Cyanotype print or Sun prints. Having moved here in summer, the trails were full of greenery and wild flowers. I collected these flowers and leaves, pebbles and branches on my walks. That’s all I needed to create the prints. The process of sun prints appealed to me as it is so organic, exciting, and full of surprises.

    The colour olive combines green of the heart centre of love and yellow of the solar plexus centre of power and wisdom. An expansive yet soft, feminine power that is in harmony with Mother Nature. It stands for new beginnings, hope and creativity. The Cyanotype prints gave me all this and more. It is also a very beautiful way of honouring the earth and nature by discovering beauty in small things, and not dumping toxic paints and waste in our garbage.

    Painting with sun and water.

    So let’s see how this works. As mentioned earlier, the paper we use has a coat of the Cyanotype solution. You can either put this on the paper yourself or get pre coated paper. The first step is to take one of the sheets and lay the leaves, flowers and other materials that you have collected in an interesting arrangement on the paper. Then take the paper out in the sun. Yes, a bright sunny day is when you need to do this project. If it is windy, keep a piece of clear glass on top. Leave it out for 15-20 minutes for the Sun to work it’s magic. Bring the paper in and remove the materials on top. Now comes the fun part and the moment of truth- rinsing the paper in water. Fill up the sink with water and soak your paper in it. You will see the blue getting darker, and the areas where we had the leaves and flowers stay white. Remove the paper from water and leave it to dry.


    Can’t wait to go on another walk and see what lies to be discovered.

    New Beginnings, Hope, Nature, Creativity and Feminine Power.
    Yes, I have extended the Olive branch and made peace with my
    New Beginnings.

    Moira Bush & Amy Bell - Colours Behind the Brand - Case Study: Garnier & Loreal

    Case Study: Garnier & Loreal

    You’ll never look at these logos the same again!

    You can’t make up this stuff!!

    When we looked at a company to tell their Olive brand story, Garnier just popped up as a great example of the use of olive greens in a logo. Not only is the colour appealing and telling of its origins, the image is just so pleasing to look at. After all, who can resist the beauty of a leaf?

    And then we begin to delve into the meaning of Garnier through numerology and as usual we are gobsmacked at just how amazing this process is! This is one brand story you will never forget. It has the magic that has become known as the Tesla code 3-6-9.

    The charts on the following pages, created by Moira, are a snippet
    of the process we use to generate the foundational information about a company. We use the Pythagorean numerology system to get our numbers and then we convert those numbers to colours using the Colour Mirrors system. Colour Mirrors is a system of energy-infused oil bottles that contain a top and bottom colour fraction. Each bottle has a message that relates to a person’s or business’ conscious and unconscious patterns. When colour and numbers are combined we can begin to build the story!

    Humble Beginnings

    In France 1904, Hairdresser Alfred Amour Garnier developed and patented a lotion for hair care that was made entirely from plants. He called it Lotion Garnier. Fast forward to today, and Garnier is now owned and manufactured by L’Oréal. We are sure that back in 1904 Alfred was not thinking about magical manifestation formulas, he probably just wanted to help his customers improve the health of their hair. So what has Tesla to do with Garnier?


    Nikola Tesla was known for saying that the number sequence of 3-6-9 held the secret to unlimited energy, a free source of electrical power. It is also said that we don’t yet know how to harness the power of these numbers in sequence because it is of another dimension. What we do know, is that any company that has these numbers as their numerology story, somehow achieve success and fame beyond the norm.

    Tesla Nikola Tesla was known for saying that the number sequence of 3-6-9 held the secret to unlimited energy, a free source of electrical power. It is also said that we don’t yet know how to harness the power of these numbers in sequence because it is of another dimension. What we do know, is that any company that has these numbers as their numerology story, somehow achieve success and fame beyond the norm.

    Garnier’s numbers: 30, 15 and 45 [C9]. Their face to the world energy of Garnier is 30 and 3, turquoise and coral. A combination that is water and coral reefs and oozes freshness and natural beauty. Turquoise is a colour that says ‘you can trust us’ and coral is a colour that says ‘we will make you beautiful’. A good combo as Garnier effortlessly added skin care to its range of products. Because Garnier has a 3 showing up in the consonants their business is set up energetically for love money and joy. Coral contains yellow and red/pink so customers understand that they would want to spend their money (red/pink) on Garnier products and services because they will bring them joy (yellow).

    Olive is the colour of magic, in fact in the Colour Mirrors system bottle number 15 is called The Magician and a bright olive colour. This is also the number indicating the internal workings and intentions of this brand. Olive says anything is possible, dare to dream bigger, dare to think and work outside of the box. As we researched this company we took a look at the actual ingredients of their products. The ‘inner’ workings of their formulas also include many olive coloured natural products. Green apple, avocado, aloe and olive oil are top of their ingredient lists. The magic of plant alchemy fills their bottles and provides the fresh scents and cleansing properties of Garnier products.

    The number 45, in the Colour Mirrors system is the C9 clear bottle. Clear holds the rainbow, a full spectrum of colour. It is not surprising that in the years 2002 and 2009 colour appeared in the logo design. It’s also not surprising that one of their 4 divisions is hair colour. They are literally bringing colour into our bathrooms. Just in case you were a little nervous about what you’d look like with coral coloured hair, they have a ‘virtual try on’ live app on their website!

    Now the magic: 30 is 3, 15 is 6 and 45 is 9. A perfect sequence of Tesla’s code. What does this mean for Garnier? Do they perhaps hold the secret formula for ultimate hair and skin care?

    What is the link with its parent company L’Oréal? So we went a bit deeper and looked at Loreal’s name – and to our astonishment they have the Tesla numbers too! With the 15 in both names, this was a match made in business heaven for the Garnier brand. Loreal’s 12 by the way is the bottle in Colour Mirrors called ‘Heaven on Earth’. So there is some magic and 27 harvesting with the parent company that adds to the allure and power of Garnier.

    Lisa Cavender - Colours of Business Growth- Success Like Magic

    Have you ever reflected upon what true success means for you? What success means to me now is so much different than it meant to me years ago.

    Early in my career, when I was working as a Chartered Accountant in the Entrepreneurial Services Group at Ernst and Young, success was all about the numbers. My job was to calculate the bottom line and the total net worth.

    But after studying and teaching personal growth and development for the last 30 years, what I have learned is that measuring the level of your net worth is SO much more than the numbers on a balance sheet.

    What I have found is that your net worth is driven far more profoundly by the level of your self-worth – that intangible essence that comes from within.

    You see the shocking truth is that you just can’t consistently outperform your self-image. You must believe that you are deserving and capable of everything that you dream of achieving in order to accomplish it!

    I have realized that true wealth is really more of a state of “being” as opposed to a state of “having”. When we embody the essence of “true wealth” we are feeling free and in the flow.

    We are calm and alert in both mind and body. We are clear about our passions and purpose, and we have a plan to live in alignment with them. We feel inspired and have good timing. We are tapped into our intuition and heed it. Then things unfold naturally and easily; often so easily that it seems like magic!

    We expend effort towards the achievement of our goals to be sure, but we don’t have intense struggle. We attract the right people, situations, and events with ease. Work becomes play.

    “I realized that what you REALLY need to jump that gap from where you are to where you want to be is HOPE!”

    We feel a sense of contribution and fulfillment to being in the service of others. We have immense self-trust and an unwavering belief in our ability to overcome any challenges and obstacles.

    We are free to be, do and have anything we set our minds to. After all, isn’t this the reason we want wealth in the first place? To have more freedom? Are you with me on that?

    Having said that, I know that many of us have a large gap between where we are and our “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” kind of life. You may be thinking, “That’s great Lisa, but it’s just not possible for me.”, or something similar. I realized that what you really need to jump that gap from where you are to where you want to be is hope!

    And that’s where this edition’s theme comes in to save the day! You see, a lot of what Olive conveys and represents is hope. Hope that we can thrive and not just survive, hope that our dreams will be achieved, and our prayers answered. Hope that we can reclaim our personal and authentic power, so that we can live in alignment with our soul’s calling and bring more magic, ease, and flow into our everyday lives.

    In the last few years, as I have been embarking upon my own journey of further transformation and empowerment, I came across the Colour Mirrors system and it has been an invaluable additional tool for me, as well as to add to the coaching programs and mentoring work that I do with clients.

    As we bridge from the previous Yellow Edition into the Olive Edition, let’s have hope that with the right tools and coaching you can be empowered to reclaim your authentic power and have the inner and outer freedom you are seeking!

    The C3 bottle from the Colour Mirrors System, which is olive over yellow (pictured below), is the perfect representation of this for me! It is all about the energy of the solar plexus and our personal power.

    In my early career as an accountant, I noticed that in order to succeed you had to be powerful, in control, self-confident and out for yourself. (Remember the yellow power tie?)

    Now that we are evolving away from that notion of power to a more authentic energy of empowerment, the addition of olive to the mix brings some green from the heart center and adds a softer grounded feeling.

    In order to manifest your dreams and business goals with more ease, passion and purpose we need a new paradigm of power and manifestation that is based in power and love. Where both feminine and masculine views and energies are needed and valued. Where leaders empower their teams to express their true selves and their creativity without fear of being unfairly judged.

    The pot of gold at the end of this rainbow for me is the Colour Mirrors Bottle 15 – The Magician (pictured below). It reminds us that we are indeed magical, that we are responsible (response-able) for how we act with ourselves and one another and that only authentic power will truly set us free.

    Take a few minutes now to meditate on the colour olive. Alternatively, you can place your hands over the photo of the Magician bottle (below) and absorb its wonderful uplifting, empowering and magical energy so that you can be more free right now and achieve “Success Like Magic”. If you try out the exercise, please let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear from you! All my contact details are at www.LisaCavender360.com. Wishing you a magical rest of 2022 and beyond!

    Rachael Weaver - Colours of Content - Content By Design

    I have something so amazing and exciting to share! It goes against conventional wisdom and throws all the rules out the window. There is a secret to creating the life you want. And it involves getting your head and heart on the same playing field & on the same team.

    If you’re reading this magazine you’re familiar with manifesting and creating your reality. But have you considered that the reason you may be struggling to manifest is that your head is on one team and your heart is on another? Wild idea, but stay with me.

    In the past, I would create my goals from what I thought I wanted. Most of the time it involved making money and buying things. Creating goals this way was wildly inconsistent in my ability to actually achieve them. No matter how hard I tried, how much I forced myself to show up or make SMART goals.

    I found myself forcing action because I wanted it to happen. The more I pushed, the more I actually repelled the very thing I thought I wanted. The more I created from my mind, the more stories I created about how hard things are, or how I have to struggle to be successful. My mind was literally trying to do all the work.

    The problem is most of us have no real idea of what we want. We see other people with certain things and think, “yeah I want that too”. This is where the wheels fall off the cart. You can’t create from your mind. Yes, your thoughts do create, but only if your heart (aka your soul) is on board with it. It’s referred to as head and heart coherence. I’ve also seen it explained as your subconscious and conscious mind.

    There are so many modalities to help you create head and heart coherence but my favorite to use is Human Design. It’s a system based on your birth date and time that shows you how your energy works. This system, explains what your soul came here to do and what will bring meaning and purpose to your life.

    Instead of asking your head what you’d like to create, start with your hand on your heart and drop down into your body. What does your body want to create? This isn’t about what we “should” create or what we’ve been told to create. We want our soul piloting the ship!

    We want to create from abundance, not lack or fear. Our brain wants to create from fear. “I want to make X a month because it’ll make everything easier.” Our soul or heart doesn’t have fear. Your soul wants to create from abundance and purpose.

    For so many clients usually, they feel a calling to something big that coincides with the dominant energy of their Human Design chart. Something that their head immediately says is impossible. Truthfully it is impossible from the mind’s perspective. We’re not made to create from the mind! We’re made to create from our energy and vibration.

    When I work with clients to clarify their messaging and time to get your head on the same team. No more stories about it not being possible or how it’ll take too much time, energy, resources, etc. Nothing is impossible when the head and heart work together.

    To understand the patterns of thinking keeping you stuck we look to your Undefined (white centers in your Human Design) energy. These are places you absorb the energy of others and identify with it. An example is your mother never thought she was good enough to get a real job when you were a kid, so you took on her unworthiness as your own and now struggle to get clients because you’re afraid of letting them down.

    Our minds are wired to look for patterns to keep us safe. If that pattern is no longer serving our highest good, it becomes a pattern holding you back from getting what you want. It copy, I’m looking at their dominant energy and translating it into the 3D world. We decode aspects of their chart so that their purpose work can be fully expressed. When they’re authentically themselves, the people meant to work with them show up at their doorstep ready to throw money at them. Their authentic self is the doorway to everything they desire. Are you ready to open the door?

    “Your Authentic self id the doorway to everything you desire “

    Your soul won’t get on board with something that’s superficial or created from a place of lack. It knows you’re capable of so much more than that. To tap even more into your soul and what it’s craving to create look at your Incarnation Cross in Human Design. This is your soul’s purpose and a very big energy theme in your life.

    Now that you have a good idea of what your soul wants, it’s takes awareness to notice these thoughts. Let’s drop back into the body and notice where we tense up when we think about our goal. Where does it feel sticky? That’s what you need to clean up so that your mind can be on the same page as your heart.

    When you find something sticky or heavy, get curious about it. Feel into it even more. It won’t bite, I promise. Forgive yourself for feeling this way. I love using Ho Oponopono mantra. Good work, you’re aligning your head and heart!

    You may notice the more you check in with your heart there’s less stickiness and you feel more connected to what you’re creating. You’re now well on your way to creating everything you desire through head and heart coherence.

    Sara DiFlow - Colours of Visibility - Surrender and Radiate

    The tone of olive has an important question for these times – Are you ready to surrender to a new power and radiate your true essence?

    Olive reminds us of the infinite resources, strategies and platforms we now have access to, to expand our visibility in the world. And yet anyone with a ‘NO’ as an answer to the question above, will find themselves hitting a wall.

    Olive is all about the expansion of the heart beyond the reaches of the mind and limitation of the intellect. In fact olive asks us to embrace our fears and move through and beyond the walls we discover along our journey to claim this new power.

    Let’s dive into 3 important aspects of olive for those ready to say YES to this new world and visibility in business.


    This isn’t about gender or to say woman will rule the world, in fact in the new world there is no hierarchy or ruler. It’s the end of the guru or higher authority figure. There is an understanding that we are all sovereign beings capable of leading our own life and accessing our own wisdom. Our path is completely unique and our journey to discover how our masculine and feminine qualities express themselves (or not) is ours to contemplate. The nature of our wild, intuitive, devotional, empathic, tender and emotional feminine side is no longer able to stay hidden or stand off to the side. We are beginning to really understand that in this new world of business we must honour feminine leadership, one that has not been accepted or honoured in the work place traditionally. We were taught to leave our emotions at the door and not to trust or even listen to our intuition. When we allow our feminine side to be heard, acknowledged and a guide in this world, it will provide the space for our masculine side to play out in a much healthier harmonious and sustainable way. Feminine leadership invites the energy of the heart to provide a non-linear path guaranteed to lead us to greater expansion, resources and visibility than we ever thought possible. This only happens when we have the courage and compassion to continue leaning into the barriers that present along our path (as they always will). To quote comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell. “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”.


    Continuing with the rise of feminine expression, this new power understands the gift of co-creation, collaboration and letting go the concept of competition. We are seeing this strategy all over the Internet with apps like Instagram that have built-in abilities to go live with other co-creators. In doing this you mix audiences and become seen in communities you may otherwise never had access to. This can be said for all sorts of social media strategies and functions such as Facebook groups, YouTube collaborations, TikTok stitching and the list goes on! Even with all of this potential, it’s important not to discount that the conditioning of competition runs deep and this is a very important quality for healing in all of us.

    Competition feeds the illusion of lack and that there is not enough for everyone. It also potentially keeps us deaf, numb and blind to our unique essence. Truly there is no one like you, even if you have a similar business to thousands of people online, no one has your exact life experience, passion and wisdom. Even if you intellectually agree with this, it can be a good exercise when scrolling on social media to witness if you experience any shame, feelings of being less than, behind or of no value to the market. This is a great opportunity to heal this deep pattern versus pushing it down or pretending it doesn’t exist. This is the true power of visibility. Having the courage and compassion to sit with uncomfortable emotions and ask yourself honestly and lovingly what you really feel so you can make visible what you truly need. Healing through feelings of shame, jealously and envy can be a particular challenge as most cultures have conditioned us to be ashamed for even having them come up. This is a great example of the importance of feminine leadership, to provide loving space for the most uncomfortable feelings and therefore transmute them versus perpetuate them by denying they are even there. When we are being our authentic self, competition ceases to exist in our world and we will instead attract those who are looking to collaborate and support our work. We know there is truly nothing to compare, there is enough for all and radiating is effortless.

    Spaciousness & Boundaries

    Some have the false idea that boundaries are about closing off, putting up walls or keeping ourselves separate from others. If we come at this very important skill with that mindset, business will not work well for us. We will end up going against the expansion of the universe and slowly contract in fear. The new world is all about expanding into the experience of unity. Boundaries are really about defining yourself, while knowing you are not separate from anyone or anything. It’s acting in an intuitive way that is right for you and the whole. This often means we need to give ourselves more space as we make this big shift in consciousness. Boundaries enable us to integrate the rapid changes happening inside and around us. This often means we need to say no to more than we may be use to and yes to things we’d never previously considered. For example this may look like creating more time in your work schedule to spend time in nature. With more feminine energy rising on the planet, suppressed emotions are unleashed and they need the time and space to be acknowledged and processed. Spaciousness helps us to become masterful at responding versus reacting and therefore able to make harmonious and creative decisions about what’s best for ourselves, our business and our communities.

    Olive is created with a mix of yellow (the intellect) and green (the heart). In bringing together two worlds; heart and mind, feminine and masculine, unconscious and conscious, it is no surprise there may be a clash. If this is your experience, know that you are not alone and this is the human journey. Crossing this bridge to the new world is not without its strain. As we discussed: 1. Feminine leadership courageously welcomes the space for our heart to open. 2. It reminds us that there is no competition, yet allows us to feel the contrast of the past and heal any neglected wounds. 3. Finally the quality of spaciousness gives us the opportunity to integrate all the changes we are experiencing as we transition from old ways of doing business to the new.

    Embrace these 3 olive qualities and you will radiate your true essence brilliantly!

    “Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking” -Mahatma Gandhi

    Whitney Hammond - Colours of Wealth- Start Early Finish Strong

    Many of us when we are young, look at what others have. We wish for things, we covet what others have, to the point of disliking those “who have”, when we do not have. The colour Olive represents several characteristics in humans, one of them being jealousy. It can make us feel doubt, like we will never get to where we want to be in life financially. Wishing we can be like others is total self-defeat, feeling less than and playing small.

    Do you know this feeling? I sure do. Maybe this would be the reason I started planting seeds at a young age. I wanted a new beginning, a new space, a new life. Was I running from something? Yes, my past and my current situation. I felt held hostage in my life.

    If you feel like this or have felt like this, read on. It is possible to escape the chains of bondage that haunt our minds continuously.

    Keeping up with the Joneses is a tough way to live in this world. It becomes all about measuring ourselves against others. We are chasing the horizon at that point.

    So how do we get to where we want to be with family, finance, and freedom? Olive is also a colour of growth, it teaches us to plant seeds and grow. If we are not where we would like to be in life, let’s take charge, omit the blame, and start planting the seeds to get to where we want to be.

    So how do we get WHERE WE WANT TO BE?

    5 steps for massive growth:

    Vision. It all begins with a vision of what we really want in our life.

    Imagination is our biggest friend here. Remember when we were children, imagination was our greatest talent. There was no self-doubt, just all the big thoughts in the sky. When we dreamt, we dreamed big. It’s how our seeds were planted. We had so many thoughts, and…. some of them came true.

    • I want to own a home; own a new car, a cottage, an RRSP and an opportunity investment account
    • I want to own a well-oiled business that is extremely profitable with systems that allow it to flow continuously.

    Visionaries dream ideas into fruition, it’s how great businesses are built, it’s how close-knit families evolve.

    If you cannot see it, you cannot do it. See it in your mind first.

    Plant the seeds

    Money is related to your morals and key values. Much of this can be BS=Belief System. Previous habits, past generational messages, and societal messages will need to be unlearned. Once we let go of our old ideas, here’s how it works:

    There are 3 levels of money – how to earn it, how to keep it, how to save it. Let’s look at how to grow it and invest it:

    • open a household account for bills and add the same amount each month (if married, each partner to put a specified deposit each month) then from this:
    • open 3 bucket accounts: short term savings, opportunity bucket, retirement bucket
    • Do not incur debt unless is it to invest in capital to earn a return (a car loan is allowable)
    • Pay all income taxes, hold HST and income tax each month to remit, NEVER spend or borrow your tax/HST money. Many folks get into an endless cycle of paying debt.

    Take time to understand this. Make this a focus in your everyday life:

    • Do not overspend
    • Pay into your buckets first
    • Make the effort to learn
    • Concentrate on filling those buckets

    No woman or man should feel stifled or stuck over money in life. We all bring value to the table. There is always a way to manage your money until your visions come to fruition.

    These are the seeds to plant to start filling your vision.

    Make money while you’re sleeping

    Albert Einstein once said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it”

    It really is magical how quickly this works. The money inside of your opportunity bucket should be invested. There are choices, here are a few:

    • Term certificates or GICs. These pay a stated amount of interest for an indicated period.
    • Investing in publicly traded shares on the stock markets. These may pay dividends and create capital gains, which both have a discounted tax rate.
    • Investing in professionally managed mutual funds which invest in a balance of stocks and corporate or government/provincial bonds.
    • Real estate, whether it is your residence, or you have purchased to become a landlord with tenants or a vacation property.

    Sooner than later, you have a snowball effect of your money and assets growing.


    Most of the wealthiest folks have leveraged (borrowed money) to make money. The easiest concept to grasp is borrowing money to buy your first home. This may be the most accepted “trick” that we ordinary folks do, we borrow money to buy our first home. The home increases in value, creating more equity (profits and retained value). The equity in our home creates our net worth.

    • use OPM (other people’s money) to make you money.
    • Why stop at one home, why not a 2nd home.
    • Invest in a business or a stock on the stock market
    • Borrow to expand in the existing business you own

    Our homes can be refinanced to take profit to leverage to buy a 2nd home to set up as a rental. Remember that opportunity bucket, that money can be used to purchase a 2nd home. Use the rental income to carry the mortgage.

    Leverage can be used to buy into good companies. It could be a private operating company, a share in a company listed on the stock market, or simply mutual funds. The interest will be tax deductible on this venture and only interest needs to be paid to carry these types of loans. Should interest rates remain fairly low, this gives time for the equity in the business grow, hoping to grow faster than the interest rate

    Borrowing to invest can be risky and taking risks can bring higher rewards or can bring losses. Mitigate these risks prior to committing. For myself personally, I have done all of these, and more but always have repaid the debt (leverage) quickly.

    No risk, no reward.

    Keep your eye on your net worth

    Build an excel spreadsheet and save it. Add a new tab every 6 mos. List your assets and subtract your liabilities (mortgage) and this will reveal your net worth.

    • Tally your net worth every 6 months

    What we focus on grows.

    Crystal Eves - Colours of Astrology - An Astrological CIRCLE OF GODDESSES and how they would help

    An Astrological CIRCLE OF GODDESSES and how they would help

    What would it look like if, oh, I don’t know, some astrologer in an act of feminine assertion (it was me) invented a feminine deity for each of the zodiac signs? Well, that would essentially result in a zodiacal Circle of Goddesses, who, if invoked, might each assist you in their own particular way, such as the following.


    Aries, the Get Your Butt in Gear Goddess

    “That’s right, get off your butt and get moving. You said you wanted to do it, what’s stopping you? You’re afraid of failing? Who cares, life is for living and there’s no time like the present. I brought you this t-shirt to remind you, it says, “Carpe That Bloody Diem”. Now get off of that fence and get going. Don’t make me push you!”


    Taurus, the Leave my Chocolates Alone Goddess

    “No need to be hasty, nothing is that urgent. The best thing you can do is stay the course. It won’t kill people to wait. In the meantime, how about I cook us up a nice meal and you book us a massage? Then we can think about what matters most and how to keep building on those values. Hey, those are my chocolates, don’t touch them, but you should definitely get your own because they are delicious.”


    Gemini, the Meme and Chit Chat Goddess

    “I’m here, oh, just a minute let me finish this text. Okay, sorry, what’s up? How can I help with your issue? Do you need to talk? D’you wanna go window shopping? Actually, let’s see what’s on Netflix—a distraction is always good. Speaking of, did you see what your neighbour posted? Unbelievable! Oh, hey if you’re looking for a reference, I can give you one, or if you need a tradesperson, I’ve got tons of numbers for you. Listen, I have to run, but before I go, I’ve got a great joke for you….”

    Cancer, the I Made You Soup Goddess

    “I’m just calling to see if you’re okay. I didn’t come over in case you wanted to be alone. Did you get the results back? Do you need anything? Food? Company? Someone to walk the dog? If you want, I can just listen on the other end of the line. You don’t even have to say anything. Mostly, I just want you to know that I’m here and that you’re loved, and if you want me to come over, I’ll be right there.”


    Leo, the Let’s Celebrate Goddess

    “You know what you need? A night out. It’ll be fun—I’m excited already! Let’s book that trendy restaurant and then go out dancing. There’ll be music and food, maybe we’ll have a few drinks. You can wear that new outfit— which looks amaze-balls on you, by the way. I hope you know how wonderful you are! Skoosh in for a picture!”


    Virgo, the I Already Booked it Goddess

    “I’m just checking to see if you need any help getting everything done. I’ve made a list of the important tasks and I figure if we break them down into smaller jobs, it’ll go much faster. By the way, don’t worry about making the booking, I already took care of that. I figured you’d be busy. Also, I brought us a green smoothie for when we’re working. No sense ignoring our health just because we’re busy, right? We’ll have this handled in no time. Is that broccoli in your teeth? Here, I brought a toothpick.”

    Libra, the No Harm in Flirting Goddess

    “You have a problem, you say? Well, the important thing is to weigh your options. Don’t just jump at your first choice; think it through logically. Bounce it off other people; they might have a perspective that you don’t. Can I try a bite of your dinner? I should have ordered what you ordered; it looks good. By the way, that person over there has been eyeing you all evening…”


    Scorpio, the Things Aren’t Always as the Seem Goddess

    “My advice to you is: don’t reveal your cards just yet. You’ll find out more when they think you don’t know. In the meantime, do you have access to their email? I’m not saying hack in, but it’s left open, it’s not a crime to look. Also, let’s pull a tarot card and see what it says. Couldn’t hurt to recruit the powers of the universe right now.”


    Sagittarius, the You Have Options Goddess

    “If it really bothers you quit, just leave. You don’t have put up with that! You could be on a beach somewhere, right now, enjoying yourself in the sun. You’re talented, you’re funny, you’ve got lots of opportunities! The world is your oyster. You’re totally free to choose whatever you want! And hey, if you do go to a beach, I’d be happy to join.”


    Capricorn, the Don’t Let Anyone Outwork You Goddess

    “The thing is, almost every problem can be solved with the earnest application of hard work. It’s not rocket science. Just figure out what you want to get out of the situation and work it backwards from there. Step by step, make it happen and before you know it, you’ll have everything that you want.”


    Aquarius, You Can’t Make Me Goddess

    “Look, you have to do things your own way. Who said you have to follow the rules? Who made them, and why are they the boss of you? The most important thing is that you be your authentic self, if that means bending some rules, so be it.”



    Pisces, the I’ll See How I Feel Goddess

    “I sense that you’re feeling confused. No worries, these foggy moments happen. It’s best to let your intuition guide you through this. Things will unfold properly, you’ll see. The trick is to align with the present moment. Here’s a healing crystal that might help. Do you want to come to yoga with me? No? Well, wait a bit and see how you feel later.”

    Heather Bain - Colours of Family - Lessons in Reading

    My school board spent time identifying positive character traits our students should acquire during their years in our schools. When introducing a lesson about these character traits, I always start by reading the class a story to easily illustrate my point. *Check out my personal favourites list of stories that I’ve read aloud to students over the years.

    As a child, I struggled with reading, a fundamental education building block, as I was often absent from school due to recurring appendicitis and ear infections. How did I go from being a child non reader to an adult working in education? I do remember not feeling as smart as my younger sister. Without the concerted effort from caring adults in my life recognizing and addressing the problem then, my life could have been very different!

    Children learn, copy and use our attitudes and behaviour. My method of problem solving is based on words starting with the letter P. I use this process to help me identify and determine next steps no matter what type of problem I’m facing.

    THE 5 P’s of Problem Solving

    My Personal Problem Solving Plan includes the following:

    1. POWER

    Power refers to using your ability to discover and deal with a problem. Recognizing the problem is always the first step! It requires taking the initiative to establish cooperation and collaboration with others, asking questions and researching to find details and missing knowledge. Look for clarification, help, advice or strategies. At school I regularly consult with students, teachers, administration and parents. Empowering people, especially students by listening to their input while getting this data and creating the plan makes a big difference in successfully reaching the goal.


    Planning means actively gathering facts based on questions asked and answered, evaluating skills and strategies. Then use this information to create a logical “Plan of Attack”. List responsibilities and who is assigned that part of the plan. Periodically the plan may need to be evaluated, updated and adjusted based on new information and improving skills. That can also be built into the plan.


    Practice the skill using the methods suggested by experts, research or advice from others. It may take time for someone to build confidence in a new skill and adopt a more positive attitude. Praise the effort, not the result.


    Persistence is necessary. New skills and habits take time to develop so keep doing it if you’re seeing movement toward a goal. Take the time to continue practicing regularly until new skills are confidently acquired and used.

    5. PROOF

    Proof is seeing the results. If things have improved, terrific! Keep the plan going. If not, evaluate what worked, what didn’t and adjust as necessary. Flexibility is key if you aren’t getting the wanted results. Seek more information or try new tactics. Persistence is important at this point.

    Sometimes our inner monologue unconsciously influences our perception of our skills or personality. What are you saying when thinking about yourself? Are your mindset and self talk encouraging or self defeating? What experience does your family have facing problems?

    In my case, primary teachers informed my parents and sent home phonics worksheets. My father, an elementary school Vice Principal familiar with the Phonics Program, worked with me. We practiced letter recognition, letter sounds, reading, printing and spelling skills. After much steady practice, I could name and match letters and their sounds and then use those skills to sound out and read words independently.

    One day I was sick at home, tucked in bed and bored. I picked up a chapter book and flipped through it. What pride I felt when I realized that I could read and understand it by myself. I continued until I heard my mother coming down the hall. As she entered the room, I quickly threw my covers over the book because I was shy about sharing my reading skills.

    Mom saw me and demanded to know what contraband I was covering up. To her surprise, I sheepishly pulled back the covers to expose my book. She asked why I was keeping reading it a secret so I explained. After I read aloud to her she praised my efforts. That night at dinner, she proudly explained to my dad how she “caught me reading!” My father congratulated me and we celebrated this breakthrough. My mindset shifted from “No I can’t!” to “I think I can!”

    My Dad and I continued our dining room table lessons but now I was taking initiative and reading independently. In turn, my father had proof that the phonics program he had studied at University worked. Based on his personal experience, it became a mandatory program at his school helping primary students learn to read when he became a Principal.

    Reading became a much enjoyed pastime. The librarians at my local public library knew me by name. Eventually, my parents had to set limits because I was going to bed with a book and a flashlight! Since then my reading ability became a source of pride, relied upon and a skill utilized daily. Now when I want to read a story to a class or enjoy a novel, I just pick my book or device and begin. Problem Solved!!!

    My Top 7 Favourite Books for Developing Positive Character Traits

    with the character traits being introduced. I always explain the definition of the character trait and ask students to look for examples of it in the story. Ask questions after the story. This promotes active listening and interesting conversations. Most of these stories can be found on Youtube in the Children’s Read Aloud Book Section.

    • The Very Cranky Bear by Nick Bland

    Character Trait: Caring

    • Moose! by Robert Munch

    Character Trait: Cooperation

    • Edward Fudwupper Fibbed Big by Berkeley Breathed

    Character Trait: Honesty

    • I Miss Franklin P. Shuckles by Ulana Snihura

    Character Trait: Inclusion

    • It’s Okay to be Different! by Todd Parr

    Character Trait: Respect

    • A Little Spot of Responsibility by Diana Alber

    Character Trait: Responsibility

    • The Little Engine that Could by Matty Piper

    CharacterTrait: Positive Mindset

    Need help with a story suggestion for an issue or problem that you’re dealing with? Message me via the magazine contact link. We can book a chat time to discuss your concerns.

    Jennifer Love - Colours of Intimacy - The Goddess Awakens Arouse the Divine Feminine within & Activate Your Creative Power

    The Goddess Awakens Arouse the Divine Feminine within & Activate Your Creative Power

    The Goddess has awakened from her slumber. This moment in time marks the rise of the Divine Feminine. A return to the power of love, forgiveness, compassion, insight, intuition, creativity, healing, and wisdom. A time of deep embodiment of pleasure, passion, and purpose.

    We have been dominated by the masculine power of destructive force for far too long. It is now time to come back to a more balanced way of life. We need to live from our heart and know our true authentic selves. We need to remember how powerful, gifted and uniquely creative we are. We are here as co-creators with the Universe and when we can remember our Goddess nature, we can reclaim our birthright. There is no need to force or fight any longer. It is time to embody LOVE.

    As we begin to awaken, the Divine Feminine will be with us along our journey. At first, she may whisper quietly, so softly you may not even notice. But if you ignore her guidance, she will bring you to your knees. The Goddess is YOU and she wants you to remember that. For the sake of humanity and this planet, we need to wake up! We need to remember.

    The Goddess is inviting each of us to go within and to do the inner work needed to clear out the clutter. All the programming, limiting beliefs, fragmented identities, fears, traumas, past life memories and anything else that needs to be released. It is time to let go of all that is not US.

    When you do the inner work and call back your soul fragments, you are creating space for the Goddess to live within you, as you. As we come back into alignment with our wholeness, we can create a new life for ourselves – and for humanity. We can create heaven on earth.

    Get Intimate with the Goddess Exercise

    1. Create a Sacred Space to Commune with Her

    Find a place either in your home or out in nature that feels good to you. Create a sacred space to commune with her by adding sacred objects, fresh flowers, crystals or any natural elements. You may wish to use incense, sage or Palo Santo to clear the energy of the space and bring in a beautiful scent. You may enjoy some soft sensual music playing in the background. There is no right or wrong way to create a sacred space. It is all about your intention and your desire. Get creative and enjoy the process.

    2. Go Within and Allow Her to Appear

    Once you have created your sacred space, it is time to go within. Close your eyes and begin to take long, deep breaths in and out. Repeat this for about 5-10 minutes, until you can feel your thoughts begin to slow down and your body relax. When you are feeling calm and centered, invoke the Goddess by inviting her to sit with you. However she appears to you is perfect. Again, there is no right or wrong. She may take the form of one of the many Goddesses, she may appear as a colour or a shape, she may appear as an element. Simply be with whatever arises and trust that she is there with you. You may wish to keep a journal close by to write about your experience.

    3. Embrace Your Feelings and Emotions

    In order to find your inner Goddess, it is important that you find peace within yourself. You may notice feelings, sensations or emotions arise from deep inside. Do not be afraid, do not suppress them and do not run. Just sit and breathe and allow it all to be. Be with it. Sit with it. The Goddess is bringing these to you to be felt and then released. Trust the process and do not judge yourself or your experience. Just be a witness to it all.

    4. Self-Love and Self-Care

    All of life is a relationship. You cannot truly love another person until you first love yourself. You cannot truly be of service and live your life’s purpose until you first take care of yourself. The greatest teaching of the Goddess is LOVE. Develop a deep sense or self-love and become your own best friend. She will reveal to you the places in your life where you are giving your power away to others in hopes of being loved. Take note of what needs to be healed in your life and give yourself the time necessary to heal.

    5. Be True to Your Authentic Self

    As you begin to heal your life and deepen your relationship with your inner Goddess essence, you will begin to remember who you truly are. You will remember your authentic self – the self you were before the programming, limiting beliefs, fears, heart break and trauma. Begin to come back into your power by releasing all the things that are not you. Let them all go and come back to your centre. Come rest in your heart. Stay here and ask the Goddess to reveal to you your truth. Ask her “WHO AM I?” Pause, breathe, listen.

    6. Live a Life of Pleasure, Power and Purpose

    Once you have awakened the Goddess within, you will never be the same again. You will begin to shed your old skin and rise from the ashes of your old life. A new vision of your new life will begin to unfold before you. Give yourself the gift of time and patience. Trust in the process and go with the flow as it unfolds. When you are ready, step into your new reality – your heaven on earth. A life of pleasure, power and purpose.

    You are the creator of your life. Align with the Goddess and remember who you really are. Give yourself permission to live an extraordinary life. It is time for you to arouse the Divine Feminine within and activate your creative power.