Inspiring entrepreneurs, like yourself, to tap into the transformative power of colour and align your business with your Soul's purpose

Green Edition available now! Green is about space, balance and harmony. It is at the centre of the rainbow and represents the heart chakra. How does the energy of colour play out in your business? Allow our columnists to show you how they have put green into action! (Must be a member of The Rainbow Room to read the electronic edition, log in or join below)

Join The Rainbow Room for complimentary (immediate) access to our current and past editions.

How does the energy of colour play out in your business? Allow our columnists to show you how they have put colour into action! (Must be a member of The Rainbow Room to read the electronic edition, log in or join below)

Your Art Featured in Our Magazine?

Artists & Creatives of all kinds – OPEN CALL. Are you called to work with the colour blue?
Deadline: June 1, 2023
Publication Date: July 1, 2023
How will blue’s positive and healing attributes show up in your work?
Become a part of the Rainbow Room to submit by clicking the button below. If you are already a member of this site, click the sign in link below. (Must be a member of The Rainbow Room to submit, log in or join below)

Apply to our SOULpreneur Gallery

Are you a soul-based entrepreneur who has aligned your business with your Soul’s purpose and because of this you are leading a magical and prosperous life full of love and joy? Nice Work!! We’d love it if you shared your journey, tips and wisdom with our readers. (Must be a member of The Rainbow Room to apply, log in or join below)