United Colours of Design • Green Edition • January 2023

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Welcome Message

Our Highest Vision

To inspire entrepreneurs to tap into the transformative power of colour and align their business with their soul’s purpose, leading to a magical and prosperous life full of love and joy.

Seek • Expand • Inspire

There are many magazines on this planet that provide information and education to entrepreneurs based on traditional methodology. This magazine is NOT one of them. We ask that you view this magazine as a soul-based resource and safe space for you, our dear reader, to do business and life differently.

The world is awakening and we need to meet our clients at their new level of awareness. They want connection, relationships, authenticity as well as profits and a sustainable business plan. 

With this in mind, our writers explore their area of expertise through the focused lens of one colour per edition. As you engage with this book you will feel their intension, their energy and will see colour in action in their own businesses. With their articles you will be able to easily apply this information directly to your own business – immediately.

There are many positive and healing aspects to each colour and by exploring your own company through the rainbow we can all evolve and grow our passions in alignment with our higher selves. In this context we are able to examine business topics from a completely different perspective.   

The energy and psychology of colour, from a business point of view offers you tools to create energetically compatible mission and vision statements, corporate messaging, hiring practices, policies, procedures, intentions and motivation. It helps you discover your WHY and gives you insights into why you are attracting the type of client that fills your database.  

Our Mission

We focus on the energy and psychology of one colour per quarter, providing entrepreneurs insightful, interesting, deliciously-new perspectives on business and lifestyle topics.

Amy Bell, Founder & Creative Director - Green Means Woah!

Unexplored Galaxies

Welcome to the green edition! We are half way through the rainbow and this is when things get juicy. This is the part of the show where  things can come to a halt or we add rocket fuel and head out to unexplored galaxies. Green in the world today is usually a sign for GO but when dealing with all things spiritual (as we do here) it can sometimes mean – WOAH! Go is scary. Go means this is ‘thing’ is real. Go means I have to dig in and commit to the goal I set out to accomplish. Go can mean a paralyzing fear of success.

Admittedly, this magazine we’ve all come to love, almost came to a screeching halt since the last Olive Book. We have put out nine editions, some came so easily and some were a little more challenging but this one, this was the edition that had me stumped. I realized that there are not just creative entrepreneurs reading it, we have all kinds of people interested in tuning in to the transformational power of colour.


This realization – plus the synchronicity of it being the green edition and green means new beginnings – had me thinking that I needed to change the name of the magazine to better connect with the different entrepreneurs engaging with it. I bounced around different names and found I was becoming obsessed and paralyzed at the same time. I was not liking the numerology of the names I was choosing and I was hitting roadblocks with copy write and urls that had been previously bought up by smart cookies a long time ago. I was pushing and forcing this idea of a name change and it was driving me crazy!

At the same time, I was really going inward. What did this magazine mean to me? What did it mean to the readers and writers? What was it’s purpose on this planet when there are so many other magazines and online articles that can help entrepreneurs?

Defining a Vision

I was struggling to define a vision for this baby of mine since so much has happened since the first edition in October of 2020. Not only globally but in my life as well. I had many conversations with my business coach and those that have been with the magazine since the beginning, but in the end I felt it was still United Colours of Design. I just needed to figure out the answers to all those questions I had.

I believe, after many hours of contemplation that the message on page 4 and 5 really express what this passion project of mine is and who it’s for. I invite you to flip back and read it if you have not already.

In Front of the Camera

To keep with the ‘new beginning’ theme – that I was transfixed on during November and December in anticipation of this Green edition – I decided to do a bit of a design overhaul. The exercise of redesigning started with a photo shoot I had for another project I’m working on.

My last photo was taken about five years ago and the thought of being in front of the camera again was terrifying. I’m normally on the other side, the one who is asked by everyone, “Can you make me look thinner?”, “Can you get rid of my double chin?” “Can you change the colour of my blouse?” Now it was me in the hot seat coming face to face with my own demons. Have you ever seen yourself at 300%? Have you ever seen yourself at 300% with four other women in the room all waiting to see themselves at 300%? It was so interesting to me how I could truly see the beauty in those other women’s shots but I was having a heck of a time seeing my own.

I do admit that Maggie Habieda, the beautiful soul that did the photo shoot with all of us, was the least judgmental person I have ever met. She made me feel beautiful and loved and was so supportive. I don’t think I could have done that without her. Thank you Maggie!

Falling in Love Again

Now armed with a new photo that I loved I was able to fall in love with the magazine again. I solidified my vision and mission with the help of my inner UCoD circle and I’m ready to slide down the other side of this rainbow.

A giant thank you to you, without you looking forward to the colour conversations each quarter there would be no magazine. Another giant thank you to the writers and creators who are willing and excited to look at their businesses differently so you can see colour in action.

Amy Bell, Founder & Creative Director - Green Means Woah!

Unexplored Galaxies

Welcome to the green edition! We are half way through the rainbow and this is when things get juicy. This is the part of the show where  things can come to a halt or we add rocket fuel and head out to unexplored galaxies. Green in the world today is usually a sign for GO but when dealing with all things spiritual (as we do here) it can sometimes mean – WOAH! Go is scary. Go means this is ‘thing’ is real. Go means I have to dig in and commit to the goal I set out to accomplish. Go can mean a paralyzing fear of success.

Admittedly, this magazine we’ve all come to love, almost came to a screeching halt since the last Olive Book. We have put out nine editions, some came so easily and some were a little more challenging but this one, this was the edition that had me stumped. I realized that there are not just creative entrepreneurs reading it, we have all kinds of people interested in tuning in to the transformational power of colour.


This realization – plus the synchronicity of it being the green edition and green means new beginnings – had me thinking that I needed to change the name of the magazine to better connect with the different entrepreneurs engaging with it. I bounced around different names and found I was becoming obsessed and paralyzed at the same time. I was not liking the numerology of the names I was choosing and I was hitting roadblocks with copy write and urls that had been previously bought up by smart cookies a long time ago. I was pushing and forcing this idea of a name change and it was driving me crazy!

At the same time, I was really going inward. What did this magazine mean to me? What did it mean to the readers and writers? What was it’s purpose on this planet when there are so many other magazines and online articles that can help entrepreneurs?

Defining a Vision

I was struggling to define a vision for this baby of mine since so much has happened since the first edition in October of 2020. Not only globally but in my life as well. I had many conversations with my business coach and those that have been with the magazine since the beginning, but in the end I felt it was still United Colours of Design. I just needed to figure out the answers to all those questions I had.

I believe, after many hours of contemplation that the message on page 4 and 5 really express what this passion project of mine is and who it’s for. I invite you to flip back and read it if you have not already.

In Front of the Camera

To keep with the ‘new beginning’ theme – that I was transfixed on during November and December in anticipation of this Green edition – I decided to do a bit of a design overhaul. The exercise of redesigning started with a photo shoot I had for another project I’m working on.

My last photo was taken about five years ago and the thought of being in front of the camera again was terrifying. I’m normally on the other side, the one who is asked by everyone, “Can you make me look thinner?”, “Can you get rid of my double chin?” “Can you change the colour of my blouse?” Now it was me in the hot seat coming face to face with my own demons. Have you ever seen yourself at 300%? Have you ever seen yourself at 300% with four other women in the room all waiting to see themselves at 300%? It was so interesting to me how I could truly see the beauty in those other women’s shots but I was having a heck of a time seeing my own.

I do admit that Maggie Habieda, the beautiful soul that did the photo shoot with all of us, was the least judgmental person I have ever met. She made me feel beautiful and loved and was so supportive. I don’t think I could have done that without her. Thank you Maggie!

Falling in Love Again

Now armed with a new photo that I loved I was able to fall in love with the magazine again. I solidified my vision and mission with the help of my inner UCoD circle and I’m ready to slide down the other side of this rainbow.

A giant thank you to you, without you looking forward to the colour conversations each quarter there would be no magazine. Another giant thank you to the writers and creators who are willing and excited to look at their businesses differently so you can see colour in action.

Alena Nuvltova, Special Report - Finding the Magic in Your Life

I have been an entrepreneur most of my life, working with people to understand the way they think and to empower them to move forward in their lives. The experiences I’ve had on my journey have taught me how guide people in understanding their true selves and purpose, and live their life to the fullest.

A World Full of Colour

I came from Europe to North America, from a world full of colour, imagination and creation in fashion design, with a son who was sick and fighting to live to his fullest potential. I learned to be still with any situation, to hear what people need even when it is unspoken. For me to keep a state of calmness and love, I always return to nature.

When my son was young, I remember a time when it was raining, and I left home to walk in the forested mountains. (They called me the “Rain Woman”) As I sat at the top of the mountain, I watched the mist and I felt the breath of the mountains. I felt cleansed of all worries, I felt at peace, and I had the strength to move forward. When I came to Canada, I took a leap into the unknown – unknown country, unknown language, unknown future. All I knew was that I had to create a new identity, a new life.


Toronto is a big city, full of movement and action – people running in all directions, often unaware of how and where they are expending their energy. Their first instinct is survival as they try to “climb the ladder” of success in whatever field they think their goal exists. In fashion design I learned to read people, to allow them to stand out and express their personality through the design. With my son’s illness I was allowing him to be who he needs to be to deal with his state of health – to hold a place and space for him. At the same time, I was in a state of constant awareness of what was going on with him.

Many of my clients appear to be physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted as they move through their lives. They are consumed by the demands of one area of life and have no time or energy for the others. They are feeling overwhelmed. They have no green space to sit and just BE, to find who they truly are, rebalance their lives and recharge their souls. They do not have a way to calm down, see the light, find and be guided down their paths.

Refelection in Green

When I was introduced to the energy and psychology of colour through the Colour Mirrors system, I found my reflection in the greens. I needed to be quick minded and versatile, be willing to let go of my old beliefs, be really truthful with myself about “what is” and be able to adapt. (I found this realization in bottle #5). I need at times to be the Hermit, to withdraw into my inner space, reflect on my heart and regain my ability to live life as it is without judgment (Bottle #31). And bottle #15 gives me access to my inner magic, shows me the light in the darkness, allows me to feel the love and redirect myself along my. By embracing these three bottles I am now better able to express all of these aspects in my day-to-day life and with my clients.

As an entrepreneur, I keep working on myself, I look at my life and my business to ensure that it is a true representation of what’s inside me. I am able to take in all that is, see it clearly and keep the light shining on my path. In this light, I wish that everyone finds the Magic of their Inner Light and that Love guides them, in 2023, along their path of personal fulfillment and professional success.

Janice Cardinale, Special Report - Colour can Change the World

We all have a unique sense of self, and the bravest thing that any of us can do is to show our true authentic selves, as we look to the world to give the same back to us.

But this is very difficult to do. It takes so much authenticity and vulnerability while confronting obstacles along the way.  It could be language, using the wrong tone, the wrong word, the wrong term of faith.  Maybe we are speaking behind a screen, or into a cell phone, allowing the physical cues to get lost in translation. Sometimes it’s emotional, we’re tired, we’re stressed, and the words don’t come out right and we are then misunderstood.  But often we fear how others will receive us and say things that are easy and safe.

What if there was a shortcut to self-expression?

A medium that would support who we are? That would allow others to understand us perhaps? 

What if colour were the short cut? Think about this for a moment.  Everything around us has changed, colour has remained the same, and has the power to influence. Colour can make a statement. So many brands know that colour can lead to human connection. Colour can amplify and exude a brand’s ethos.  Colour has the power to make you instantly recognizable and sometimes legendary.

Colour Enables us to Express Ourselves as Individuals, Brands and Societal Influencers!

How many times have you walked into a space and you see the same colour or colour scheme that you had just seen somewhere else or maybe you were just having a conversation about? It’s uncanny. There is a reason why colour can be symbolic of our times.

Allow me to share a personal story; “when the pandemic began, I was working from home, I no longer had the desire to dress up or placed any colour in my daily accountability.  My world was very grayish which was indicative of how I was feeling inside.”  But, now that we express ourselves through digital means, we must be more intentional about how we express ourselves and represent our selves in a digital space.

There is a Connection Between Colour & Culture!

As we re-connect this world, we have an opportunity to bring our whole selves.  But a change of knowing and understanding what is before us is paramount.

This is why it requires so much bravery and vulnerability.  Colour enables us through a visual language to be more honest, transparent and open. And this is how colour can change the world.

We are living in a very unconventional time and in fact what many people are embracing now is the experience we have had and seeing the opportunity to write a new narrative for ourselves and establish a new vision.

We are finally giving ourselves permission to be accepted for who we are.  Ingenuity, unconventional ideas and creativity are at the core of our existence. Devising new methods, taking actions that involve courage allows us to do things with a deeper meaning by establishing new values, that enable us to take bold steps while reinventing our lives. 

Creating Our Own Unique Journey!

Expressing a mood or attitude towards those close to you, is reflective of what we are experiencing, The colour green resonates around the world with all of mankind. It’s an organic colour and one that supports sustainability and growth.  This is what people are looking for and what they need to feel alive and thrive.

Suggestions to Help You get Started on Your Journey:

  • Begin a brave new journey
  • Have the courage to act
  • Embrace the unconventional
  • Let hybrid colour into your life

Luma Qusus Awad, Special Report - Interview with Hania Kuzbari - Jewelery Designer (Canada)

I met Hania few years ago in Jordan at an event held by the Business and Professional Women Association (#BPWA) where I proudly sat as a board member. I remember engaging in a conversation with this elegant and soft-spoken lady as we talked about her jewelry project. A topic we are both passionate about. In this green edition, Hania’s name came to my mind as she creates her limited luxury collections using precious metals and colored gemstones with sustainable and socioeconomic importance. ~Luma

Introducing Hania Kuzbari…

When did you discover your love for jewellery? (Who inspired you or influenced your decision?

It took many years of trying out different things. Since I was a little girl, I loved working with my hands. Everything from knitting, cooking and decorating cakes — creating miniature shapes out of dough and adding little details. I’ve always loved making very fine finishings and focusing on the tiny details. I started to work on making jewelry with beads. I found my curiosity growing as I began to seek new answers. I wanted to learn everything from how to solder and set stones to how to use different materials and create finishings.

So, I started looking for a place to learn. I had the opportunity to study at George Brown College to learn the techniques of jewelry making. Afterwards, I went to Italy where I learned how to design and use even more techniques. The most important lesson I learned was not to be afraid of exploring new ideas.

My family’s history of working in metal coating and construction also inspired me heavily as a jewelry designer. I can say I was familiar with these techniques, but I never thought I would become passionate about working in this field!

What was the first piece you worked on and who bought it?

The first piece was a Jasmine ring. Made of 18k gold and diamonds, it was inspired by the flower that I love most, the Jasmine. I couldn’t put this piece on the market as I wasn’t able to price it. It is of great value to me for the memories it holds and the work time involved. It serves as a medal for my first accomplishment. My mother owned the next piece that I created, she was so excited for me when I started to work! She still wears the piece all the time.

How has this career transformed your life?

My career transformed my life in many ways. I’m able to do what I love and I’m passionate about, I’ve become unafraid to dream big and try new things. Some very important lessons my career has taught me are how to interact professionally, manage my emotions and be more calm. I also learned how to accept failure, knowing success is created by failure and is a step toward achieving growth.

My career has taught me that growing is a journey. We don’t know all the answers at once and it is ok not to know everything. We keep learning. When I first began working in jewelry making I found it very difficult to find a balance between my work life and personal life. While dreaming big professionally, it is important not to forget our personal goals and values.

Most importantly, my career has allowed me to believe in myself. I’m more courageous and can think positively, no matter the situation! I now use negativities to elevate and be better.

You are known to work with gemstones, tell us about your favorite gemstones and what is special about them?

I always feel amazed when I work on a piece of jewelry. I am inspired by the fact that we’re working with metals and gems that have been stored inside the earth for millions of years. I love to work with Tourmaline. Actually it is the brand’s signature stone. Tourmaline has very unique chemical and physical characteristics. It is also known for its variety of color shades, encouraging peace and positive energy, which makes it very interesting to work with.

Tell us about your latest collection Made To Be Loved.

Our latest collection has been designed with the intention of bringing brightness and love into the lives of those who wear it. Each piece has been crafted with the utmost care, using ethically-sourced gemstones set in solid 18k gold.

The standout stones for this collection are the calming green tourmaline and sapphire, which are believed to encourage the wearer to follow their heart. These radiant gemstones display a spectrum of shades, evoking the beauty of nature and promoting peace and positive energy.

In addition to these stunning stones, we have also incorporated dainty diamond charms in a range of cuts and settings, adding a touch of sophistication to the designs. The Made to Be Loved collection also features pink tourmaline, the color of affection, as well as heart and horseshoe motifs, symbolizing love and good fortune. These wearable-art pieces are meant to be treasured as heirlooms, representing the art of simplicity and elegance.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Finding inspiration is a key part of  a designer’s life. When you are born in a very interesting and rich culture, you don’t have to go far to find inspiration, you simply look around you and observe. I was surrounded by plenty of beautiful things growing up. I wanted to reflect these nostalgic motifs in my jewelry, like the Arabesque collection or Aghabani collection.

Inspiration doesn’t have to be an object, it can stem from circumstances, emotions and experiences happening around you. For example, my Smile collection was a way for me to lift the spirits of people back home in Syria during the war. I wanted to create something fun, beautiful, and artistic to remind people to stay positive and hopeful with a smile!

Who are your typical clients?

My typical clients are people who treasure fine things and precious heirlooms. They enjoy starry nights, exotic travels and exploring art. The Hania Kuzbari community appreciates wisdom

passed from previous generations, cares about the environment and sees value in conflict free and ethically sourced wearable-art.

My creations are loved and worn by a variety of age groups and cultures, which is amazing to see. I love that all of my customers are able to interpret the meaning of my pieces by themselves.

What is the best part about your job?

Details and craftsmanship. I really love the work behind the creation of each jewelry piece, from the moment I start to sketch to the handcrafting process. I like to be involved throughout the entire process to make sure the finished product is exactly what our customer desires and needs. My ultimate joy is when I see a new piece come to life! We are bringing new life to something precious and each piece tells a unique story you can feel good about.

Moira Bush & Amy Bell - Colours Behind the Brand - Spotlight on Spotify

Spotify is one of the largest music streaming platforms on the planet. And looking at the colours and numbers in their name, you’ll see why they have outlasted the likes of Napster and PeopleSound..

Spotify (and other platforms like it) were hugely disruptive to the music industry. They gave independent musicians equal ability to get their music out to the world and get paid without a label representing them. Unlike physical or download sales that pay artists a fixed price per song or download, Spotify pays them based on how many streams (in proportion to the total songs streamed on the platform). It was revolutionary and gave so many people the ability to gain validation in their music careers.

So now, let’s take a look at the colours behind this brand and how they play out in the Spotify story.

This chart represents what the name ‘Spotify’ looks like in colour. We take the letters and give them a number based on the chart on the previous page. We divide consonants and vowels then calculate the total. Each number is assigned a colour (or combination of colours) in the Colour Mirrors system. Each colour has a message then we interpret the messages to provide a reading for the business.


In this article we are going to focus on the single digit numbers in this line up. The green Mercury bottle in the consonant position tells us that this company needs to be mindful of the environment.   

You would think that being a live streaming service that they would have less GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions than when the industry was manufacturing records and CD’s, but that’s not the case. It turns out that the sheer amount of energy it takes to run the servers, is producing significant GHG emissions.

In an article on energytracker.asia, Spotify is doing their part though. They have joined the United Nations’ Race to Zero and are committed to net-zero by 2050. Since 2019 they have shifted their content from traditional data centres to the Google Cloud platform. (Google states that the platform is carbon neutral and intends to power all of its data centres with clean energy by 2030).

In addition to being mindful of environmental impact, the colour green energy is one of vastness and no limits. The company must be accessible to all. It would not serve them to put out a limited time offer or a limited space offer in their marketing efforts. The green energy says no one will be excluded, there’s space for everyone.

One way to be inclusive for a green company is to provide multiple tiers for their users which Spotify has done well. They have their free platform with advertising, their paid platform without advertising, and their podcast platform. Green companies should adopt an open door policy with regards to usage as well as  support.


Moving on to the centre column in the above chart. These two coloured bottles represent the vowel vibration. The Magician, bottle 15 and that breaks down to the Venus love and money, pink colour.

Pink in the vowel position means love and money are extremely important (as they should be to all companies, but especially a pink company). They will be hard on their employees because they expect perfection. If the servers are down or complaints come in they need to fix these issues right away. They can’t afford to look less than perfect to the outside world.

A pink company is going to care deeply about their employees. Since they want to be loved by everyone they may even go overboard by offering more perks than the average company. They will do their best to make sure they are all taken care of and work in a beautiful environment. I did some checking behind the scenes to see if this was true of this pink company. In true Google fashion I was able to find the answers on glassdoor.ca, some comments from employees include: Beautiful office, well stocked with snacks and beverages; Great culture, good benefits, fun office, free lunch; amazing healthcare, free food, beautiful office space, flex home working. Great job Spotify! You’re feeling the energy of a six in the vowel position even if you don’t know it!


OK, now let’s take a peak at the total (the very last bottle in the line up on the previous page) It’s the number 2 bottle and it’s called ‘The Moon – I Feel’ and is represented by the colour blue. Blue in the ‘total’ position means it needs to be a global company. They can work when the sun shines or when the moon is out. They are good in all time zones and would do well to send out marketing messages in the wee hours for best results.

Blue is a futuristic colour which means this company is ahead of it’s time. If you think back to when online streaming was emerging you will see that they were one of the pioneers.

The moon energy is present in their logo. Of all the shapes they could have chosen they chose the moon shape to represent their brand, nice work! Since they have this futuristic vision a number 2 company will attract a younger demographic. My son still can’t figure out why I’m not on Spotify all the time!


Daniel Ek is the CEO of Spotify, his birth number is an 8, represented by the colour violet and the planet Saturn. Eights are perfectionists and expect perfection from their staff. He won’t feel the need for recognition or to give himself a pat on the back. He will most likely just blow it off and move on to the next thing. If you are an eight CEO it will be important to celebrate your successes. A violet/eight CEO is able to make money doing soul work, something that makes them feel good about themselves because they are creating a legacy for their children to inherit!

Sonal Raje - Colours of an Artist - Connecting with Your Heart

The relief and childlike awe that we feel as we see the first green shoots of spring bursting forth from the dry land or the snow after a long winter. That joy in our heart as the earth starts a new season of life and hope. The lush green meadows in summer, feeling the grass beneath our feet, and the soothing canopy of a tree as we sit in the shade on a warm afternoon. Oh, the joy that the colour green brings us through spring and summer! All the shades of green get poured on my artists palette: Olive green. sap green, emerald green, viridian green, leaf green…. would I ever be able to capture all the shades of green in nature on my canvas? When I paint with this colour,  it is with such an expansive feeling, as if giving birth to life right here on the canvas!

Green brings to mind the trees, leaves and grass, so full of life and just filled with the nurturing of Mother Earth. Green is a combination of blue and yellow: a cool colour and a warm colour, so it is the perfect balance of energy. The various shades of green from the brilliant emerald green to the earthy sap and olive green fill our heart with the sense that we are nurturing the precious life force within us.

When I began my journey as an artist, I started with painting landscapes. The connection between the scenes that I saw in front of my eyes and what I captured on my canvas was a very personal experience for me. At that point I was not thinking of who will see that painting or want to own it. I just painted because I was inspired to. I think that was the most joyful way that I have ever painted. Then as I studied art and took it as a career, I had to think about where am I going to show my art or who is going to appreciate it? Then came the process of showing and marketing the work. Do I enjoy it? Well, yes and no. I like it because it creates connections, and I get to learn about how I can improve my art. And there is always so much to learn. But I am uncomfortable when the process of marketing does not feel authentic. Looking back, I think I should thank this feeling because it led me to develop strategies that felt are more heart centered. Now I feel that when people learn or buy art from me, I am giving them something of value that is not just a material possession, but a tool or means of joy and empowerment.

Green is about connections. The viewer of your painting perceives it according to his or her imagination. In my experience as an abstract artist, I always leave it up to the viewer to come up with their own interpretation of my creation. The connection from the artist to the art and to the viewer is a very individual process. As I started to teach art, this experience of connection has taken on a new dimension. I like to teach in a way that allows for individual expression. When I see my students create the same paintings in their own individual way, I feel that we are creating our own reality in the way that is relevant to us. Teaching art has always been a two-way street for me. I have learned so much from my students as I teach. This give-and-take is the very basis of connection. This is the green energy of the heart center, from where we send and receive love. As a creator of art, I love to share my creations and teach others to create. This is my way of fostering connections in the community. The smiles on my students as they hold up their paintings proudly is of so much more value to me than displaying my own art in a gallery. I feel grateful to be given this opportunity of sharing my skills and spreading the joy of expressive art and creating joy and connections, within the community.

Crystal Eves - Colours of Astrology - Finding Balance Near the End of the Whoosh

The Astrology of 2023

If you would like a summary of the astrology of the past few years, a good metaphor might be someone lying on the floor with a nose bleed, a tooth loose and an astonished, if not fed up, look on their face.  And if you asked them how they happened to get that way, they would answer, “Well, funny thing, I was just standing here, minding my own business, when all of a sudden WHOOSH, the rug got pulled right out from under me—again, and again, and again.”

You lived it; you know.

There was a global pandemic, with deaths, lockdowns and mandates.  WHOOSH.  When it looked like we were making some progress with that, we had supply chain disruptions stemming from chip shortages, shut downs, and an unprecedented blockage of the Suez Canal.  WHOOSH.  While we were adapting to the increased consumer prices and wait times, the environment grabbed our rug and WHOOSH, floods, fires, heat domes, atmospheric rivers and hurricanes impeded our progress.  Suckers for punishment, we arose again in time for, WHOOSH, a war in Ukraine, political uncertainty, nuclear threats, gas shortages, military aggression in the Taiwan Strait, record inflation levels and a crypto market crash.

This is not to mention that the backdrop to all this has been a wild and intense political atmosphere: Hong Kong Protests, a Japanese assassination, an American Insurrection, a Canadian Convoy Occupation, Iranian demonstrations, and, oh yeah, the British Queen dropped dead right before people armed with soup started gluing themselves to museums. WHOOSH, WHOOSH, WHOOSH!

I know what you’re thinking, “Great moons of Jupiter, what in the Universe has been going on and how long must we endure it!”  Frankly, we’re all wondering that.

Well, my WHOOSH-weary friends, you’ll be happy to know that the astrology that symbolized these events (a configuration involving Saturn and Uranus) is finally breaking up in 2023!  This means that after years of disruptive chaos, the world is in the early stages of regaining its balance. Now, to be clear, I’m not saying that times will be especially good or even that the chaos is over (2026 seems more likely for that) but from an astrological perspective, we might feel more grounded in our ability to handle whatever arises.  In a way, it’s like becoming skilled at playing whack-a-mole—those rodents keep popping up, but you can handle it when you find a stable rhythm.

So, what does this mean for you personally?  It means that your own life may be ready to stabilize as well.

There is one caveat: the probability of developing a strong and steady footing in 2023 depends largely on whether or not you made the necessary adaptations to your life over the last 3 years.

For those of you who stubbornly resisted, and you know who you are: you’re the people whose teeth are now mere nubs because you’ve been grinding them all night long, the people whose thoughts now present as an interior screaming voice, and the people who currently feel more like growling than talking.  For you, there are more changes to come—best to just make them—before people have to start hiding the kitchen knives on you.

For the rest of us, who have already adjusted, conceded, pivoted, changed, released and surrendered, we may begin the delicate job of finding a rooted balance where we are now situated.  Sure, there may still be a recession and geo-political unrest for a few more years, but those problems are on the rug and if we’ve made the changes we needed to make, we are now standing on bare hardwood.  Pull that rug all you want, Life—it won’t affect us in the same way.

Of course, finding your personal balance this year will depend on your individual situation. Here’s some advice arranged by sign.

Aries—You’ve been expanding recently—rolling up your sleeves and getting to work now may be exactly what’s required to realize all of the potential you’ve imagined.

Taurus—If you’re born in May, you’re still changing, so cultivating flexibility will help; if you’re born in April, life could present opportunities for massive reinvention.  Saying yes will unlock that energy.

Gemini—May Geminis: be ready to make realistic changes.  June Geminis: the best way through your directional uncertainty is to let your feelings be your guide.

Cancer—After more than 10 years of challenge, things are finally entering an easier phase. As you proceed, try not to expect hardship.  You’re through that now.

Leo—July Leos: a new ‘you’ is trying to emerge—let it happen.  August Leos: excitement lay ahead—time to explore your untapped potential.

Virgo—August Virgos: meet opportunity with earnest effort in 2023.  September Virgos: you may need to let go of some element of your old experience to thrive now.

Libra—2022 was a big year for all Libras and you’ll feel the demands starting to calm down in April of 2023.  When they do, take a much-deserved break—maybe for the rest of the year!

Scorpio—October Scorpios: a massive opportunity may reward your past efforts. November Scorpios: 2023 is a year of experimental transition. Remember, not everything has to be forever.

Sagittarius—November Sagittarians: you have a year of fruitful hard work ahead.  Early December Sagittarians: you should be able to coast quite freely through 2023. Mid-late December Sagittarians: what have you been avoiding?  Deal with it.

Capricorn—Lots of expansion and opportunity for Capricorns born in December and early January; later Capricorns: you have a year of excitement and empowerment in 2023.

Aquarius—January Aquarians: you could be passionately swept up in some new activity this year; February Aquarians: time to make big changes to your personal and professional life.

Pisces–Late February Pisceans: time to get serious about your life and goals.  March Pisceans: it will be easy to flow with life this year—try to stay grounded within that current.

Lisa Cavender - Colours of Business Growth - A New Paradigm for Goal Setting and Success

It’s that time of year when we review the past year’s accomplishments and set new business goals for the year ahead.  We might also make personal resolutions to start a new hobby, change our diet, take more time off and so on. 

What’s on your list for the New Year?

If you’re anything like me and my clients, we can sometimes feel weighed down by everything on our to-do list, all the pressure to do the things we think we “should” do.  Are you with me on that? 

You want to grow your business and have more time for hobbies, friends and family but a nagging list of “shoulds” is in the back of your mind, “shoulding all over you” to run your business and life in some prescribed way that the so-called business gurus tell you is the correct and only way to operate.

Now, as a coach, mentor and entrepreneur I am all for coaching, reading and learning new ways to be more productive and successful; however, when learning those things is done out of guilt and pressure and not out of a sense of curiosity and joy, then it’s destined to fail. 

So let’s take a few minutes right now.  No time like the present! Stop what you’re doing and take a few deep breaths.  Grab a sheet of paper or your journal and then close your eyes and ask yourself, “If my business is to grow this year, then I should…..”

And then stream of consciousness, no editing as you go, write down super fast in bullet point form all the things you come up with.

When you’re done, give yourself a high five! You’ve just created a list that will be the breadcrumb trail back inside yourself to see what beliefs you have that may be holding you back from having the life and business success that you want. 

Review the list of items.  How do you feel when you think of doing them?  Be honest with yourself. Does it feel exciting and inspiring or like a burden?

If that list feels like it’s heavy, ridden with guilt and that if you don’t do it you won’t amount to much, then let’s get in there and clear it! Let’s make 2023 your year to breakthrough!

The amazing news is that there is a new paradigm for goal setting that will feel much better, keep you on track and allow you to achieve your goals with more ease and balance. Your definition of success becomes much more multidimensional and not only based upon financial profit.

Instead of a “should” list”, the new paradigm approach is based upon your passions and purpose. 

In order to grow your business, you have to grow yourself. Business Growth = Personal Growth

In order to get different results, you have to be a different version of yourself.  We get so caught up in the “doing” that we get disconnected from who we are “being” each day.  If you find yourself “being” stressed, overwhelmed, impatient, anxious, doubtful, etc. then you can’t be at your best with your customers, team and family.  Those states of feeling and being are nothing to feel bad about, they’re simply messengers that something is out of alignment and needs to change.

The other trap I see many entrepreneurs fall into is focusing solely on financial goals as a metric of success.  They overlook or discount metrics such as impact, passion and purpose when making business plans.  Many of us were taught to focus only on the bottom line and then figure out how to inject some fun and passion into the equation and then couldn’t understand why we ended up stressed, overwhelmed, disconnected and burned out. 

Instead, the new paradigm focuses on articulating the company’s mission, purpose and each individual’s passions so that the right team members are in the right job that aligns with the tasks that light them up and that they are good at.  This has been proven to cultivate much better corporate culture, keep people in their positions longer, increase employee satisfaction, minimize sick days all of which allows the company to thrive.

So let’s try a new exercise.  Take a few deep breaths, put one hand on your heart, one on your solar plexus and feel into that for a moment.  What are your heart’s desires?  How does your life and business look and feel when it is ideal for YOU?

Now complete this sentence and stream of consciousness write down all the ideas, insights and wishes:  “When my life and business are ideal, I am….”

Here are a few examples to get you going:

  • I am working less and earning more.
  • I am having fun with my team.
  • I am delivering a product or service that my customers love and are grateful to have.
  • I am happily reviewing my corporate bank statement which shows multi seven figure balances.

Once you have this list, you can examine what has to happen in order for that to become a reality.  You can also look at the ‘should’ list and see what items on that list are opposite to your ideal list so you can see where you might be tripping yourself up.

In order to take different actions towards your success, you have to have a different level of belief in your ability to succeed. This is crucial to really understand and work on when thinking about your goals because it’s virtually impossible to regularly take an action that is inconsistent with your beliefs about yourself or the world around you.

Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of dedication, effort, creativity and faith in yourself.  When challenges come, and they will, then knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing, why it lights you up, what the impact is that you are attempting to make in the world makes all the difference to keep on persevering.

It’s also important to have a coach or mentor to help you develop a solid business model and plan and a definition of success that’s right for you.  It’s important to write all of that down and review it regularly so that your subconscious has a road map to follow.

A multifaceted coach or mentor will then be crucial in helping you to unpack and dissolve any limiting beliefs that are getting in the way of your success.  Most often I see entrepreneurs who know what strategies and tactics they could employ within their business, but they just aren’t doing them.  They’re getting in their own way.  Often they aren’t even sure why or what’s holding them back, just that they feel the resistance to moving forward.  It’s like they are driving their business with the emergency brake on.  This is where the inner work is so valuable in removing the obstacles to ease and success.

Being around like-minded and uplifting people in a mastermind or business association is another way to be inspired to new ways of being, thinking and achieving.

So in summary, the new paradigm for goal setting allows the financial success to more easily flow as a by product of you and your team knowing and living in alignment with the company’s mission, purpose, values and culture so that a valuable and unique product or service can be brought into the world that clients and customers will be grateful to have and happily pay for.

To get you started, I recommend working with the following steps:

  • Get in touch with your heart’s true desires
  • Identify your top passions
  • Articulate your values and what drives you
  • Identify your likes and dislikes as it pertains to the tasks/work in the business and delegate as much as possible from the dislike list.
  • Develop a mission statement for the company based upon the values, purpose and impact you wish to have through the business products and services you provide
  • Set goals for the year and then break them down quarterly.
  • Set personal growth and development goals for yourself that will support you in reaching your business goals.
  • Visualize your ideal business and personal life every morning before you start the day and let yourself feel what it’s like to be living that success now.

Wishing you a fabulous year ahead!  To your success!

Heather Bain - Colours of Family - The Space Between Us

Green’s infinite variety of shades inspire feelings of peace, harmony and appreciation of the outdoors in me. Perhaps it’s because the home I grew up in had a huge yard where we played year round. It could be the result of summer vacations spent at the beach in Cape Cod, camping and hiking in Ontario’s Provincial Parks or relaxing at our cottage. Winters, we snowshoed to a snow picnic spot in a local bird sanctuary then built a fire to make hot chocolate. That’s how my sisters and I were taught to enjoy and appreciate nature’s wild spaces.

Space is a pretty interesting concept when you think about it. There are so many ways to define and use it: outer space, personal space, green space, outdoor space, eating space, head space and work space to name a few. Did you know that spending time exposed to or in a natural outdoor green space has a beneficial effect on us?

A Danish study* followed a segment of their population from childhood to adulthood 1985 – 2014, and found that those who lived in or around dense green areas as children had significantly less mental health issues as adults. Parents who encourage their children to spend time outside are giving their child health benefits from fresh air and exercise, along with a chance to connect with nature and disconnect from technology. It has a positive, calming effect on people of all ages with many types of neurodiversity and mental health issues.

The article ** “GreenSpace and Mental Pathways” by Emily J. Rugel of the University of British Columbia examined research studies related to this topic from around the world. The author supported the concept that green space has a positive impact on mental health. Spending time in nature is associated with lessening of anxiety and depression in adults and increases in focus and attention in children with ADHD. However, she wrote in the summary that additional long term and detailed studies need to be conducted to gather more specific data. My hope is that, in future, spending time in green spaces could be used as part of comprehensive mental health treatment plans. 

Differing amounts of space needed between people is another interesting topic to explore. Personal space and the amount needed can vary depending on factors like a person’s gender, age, personality, cultural and geographic background. An interesting fact is that people from warmer climates require less personal space than people from cooler climates.

The less we know people, the bigger the distance we are comfortable having between us.

Recently a teacher asked me to talk to her grade 3 student because she was affectionately hugging classmates, making some feel uncomfortable. During our chat, I had the student stretch her straight arms out to the side and turn in a circle. Then I told her that the space from the tips of her extended fingers to her body is her “personal space” and that only the people who are in her innermost circle can cross this boundary. I wanted her to have a way to figure out how to determine the space people would be comfortable with.

We did the “Circles of Friends” Exercise to map out her relationship boundaries on a piece of paper. (*See the instructions below.) This gave her a visual drawing that shows the amount of increased distance needed between her and others. Familiar people like her immediate family, extended family and friends are in the inner circles. The less we know people, the bigger the distance we are comfortable having between us. I explained that when we know people but don’t know them well, the circles represent the growing distance of the imaginary and real space between us. She proudly showed her finished project to her teacher and is more aware and respectful of personal boundaries now. I did some research online and found a website with games teaching personal space on  connectablitity.ca .  Children use hula hoop games to create actual perimeters of personal space while having fun to help cement the lesson.

Conflicts can arise from personal space issues. Children react when their security is threatened with too much space, for example, a crying toddler banging on a closed door because a parent is on the other side. They can also be triggered by a violation of personal space. Often the first action that causes a verbal disagreement to escalate into a physical altercation is when one person aggressively and intentionally “gets up in another person’s face”.  At school, I separate the parties, distance them from one another and give them time to decompress. Once all parties are calm, we can begin the process of resolving the issue.

In September 2014, my husband and I wanted more space and privacy. We bought a small, older, side split home with high ceilings that gave it a roomy feel. The major attraction for me was the expansive backyard that reminded me of my home growing up. The very first time I saw the yard with the patio, the mature trees, flowers and lots of green space to play and roam, I immediately felt “I’m home!” Since then, living here has given us a place where we and others can gather, visit, play and relax. We definitely enjoy the space between us.

Circles of Friends Instructions (suitable for elementary aged students)

  • Have the child/children draw a star with their favourite colour to represent themselves in the very middle of the page. Then place the smallest can over the star and trace around the can to make a circle.
  • Add the names of the people in her/his inner circle (people in her immediate family) in her next favourite colour.
  • Repeat the process but each time, have the child select a different coloured pencil crayon to trace the next largest circular object.
  • Add grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends to the next circle.
  • Keep going with the next sized jar or can and add the next layer of people the child knows. Ask questions to prompt the child’s memory to include friends or neighbours who live on their street, classmates, teachers, coaches, sport, hobby or activity groups that the child takes part in.
  • Add names until the child can’t think of others to include. As the circles are mapped out, the “Circles of Friends’’ will keep getting bigger and wider. When my grade 3 student and I did the exercise, we stopped at 5 circles. Feel free to adapt the idea and use less or more circles as necessary. 

Sherry Brouzes - Colours of Feng Shui - Green Living

When we think of the colour green, it invokes an image of nature, forests and lush plants. In Feng Shui design, Green represents growth, harmony and renewal. In addition, Green is associated with hope and healing, a word related to protecting the environment for recycling and “green living.” The primary goal of Feng Shui design is to create an environment that supports and nurtures us where we live, work and play. Green Qi/Chi (energy) has a specific vibration we can use in design to effectively create balance to enjoy and love our life.

In Feng Shui, green is associated with the wood element, east and southeast directions and the area of the Bagua called ‘Family’. In China, green represents clean and uncontaminated items. An interesting fact is, wearing a green hat is an expression that Chinese use when a woman cheats on her husband or boyfriend because the phrase sounds similar to the word for a ‘cuckold’. This apparently dates back to the Yuan dynasty when the relatives of prostitutes were forced to wear green hats. In the Western part of the world, we associate green with wealth; for example, Americans call their paper money ‘greenbacks.’ We can see how colours have different meanings in many cultures.

Green is an excellent colour to use for the illusion of more space. It is recommended to paint small rooms Green. In addition, it is beneficial to use green spaces to separate halls and stairways. Prison walls are painted green to reduce the feelings of confinement for the incarcerated. Green is also used in medical centers, clinics and hospitals to promote healing. Surgeons and nurses wear green uniforms known as ‘scrubs’ in hospitals.

Green can be used in most areas of the home as it is neither hot nor cold. Green sits in the center of the spectrum, creating peaceful Qi (lifeforce energy)

It is not the best choice for a space where a more dynamic colour is necessary.

I recommend adding green Qi to your office and workspace as it supports decision-making skills necessary in business. When we feel stagnant and unable to move forward, Green Qi will shift our energy field. Green is also very soothing for the eyes when working and studying at a desk for long hours.

The primary bedroom is our sanctuary, a place of rejuvenation and romance. Green Qi/Chi (energy) has a specific vibration we can use in design to create harmony and balance effectively.

Light green lampshades make reading in the bedroom less stressful for our eyes. However, I don’t advise using dark green colours in a bedroom as it may create intense growth energy, which is not conducive to sleeping. Instead, add pastel green bedding, throw pillows, curtains or rugs. Green helps heal love relationships and is the colour of the heart chakra.

In the kitchen, I suggest using green in moderation, green being associated with the wood element feeds the fire element. The kitchen already has an abundance of fire Chi/Qi due to the stove and cooking appliances. Unfortunately, too much fire Chi/Qi may cause irritability and outbursts in people.

We mainly identify green with the colour of trees, plants and all greenery in nature. Therefore, bringing healthy plants into our homes is the best way to cultivate healthy Chi/Qi in our spaces. In addition, plants are recommended to soften harsh lines in Feng Shui design that create negative energy and, over time, will create headaches and stress on the nervous system.. Healthy green plants exude yang energy which  is excellent in most home spaces I do not advise placing large plants in a bedroom. However, smaller plants and flowers are acceptable yet best placed away from the head of your bed.

Designing offices and workspaces by adding green vegetation has many benefits, such as:

  • reduced blood pressure
  • reduced heart rate
  • reduced employee absenteeism
  • increased productivity and job satisfaction
  • increases focus and concentration
  • creates a spacious environment
  • raises trust in management 
  • improves teamwork
  • reflects respect and loyalty to a company
  • Biophilic designs and feng shui have proven to improve all aspects of the home and workplace. For example, E.O. Wilson quotes that humans have “an innate and genetically determined affinity with the natural world.”

The colour green is an excellent choice for many spaces and buildings. It can be implemented using plants, artwork, paint, choosing low VOC (volatile organic compounds), fabrics, textiles, furnishings and décor. Humans are scientifically proven to be drawn to plants with patterns that depict nature. For example, the Fibonacci sequence has specific leaf patterns and spirals we see in flowers, plants and shells.

Biophilic design principles integrate plants and greenery in buildings and spaces. It also includes utilizing natural and artificial lighting, air flow, water features, balance in an area, sound, authenticity and safety.

Green is synonymous with life, growth and nature. It is more common today to see a biophilic design and feng shui implemented in large office spaces, airports, hospitals, libraries and new architecture. Biophilic design principles work to bring nature inside buildings where we work and live. Feng Shui and biophilic design complement each other. For example, we have seen office spaces with green ‘living walls’ that reach out to the ceiling with beautiful plants. The green Qi generates peace and rejuvenation for employees to relax during workdays. Yet, we spend eighty-five percent of our life indoors. Feng Shui and biophilic design principles use the natural elements of nature and energy flow to create an appealing and balanced space.

Green encompasses a large portion of Mother Earth. The word ‘green’ is associated with the green movement creating a healthy and sustainable environment in this modern world. Green living and Green Peace are two familiar organizations. Green is familiar to our souls. I believe Green can be used in any form of design, space, home or building. It represents new beginnings, peace, healing, love, and trust. It is balance and harmony. It is life.

Feng Shui is green, an ancient wisdom still used today as it was over a thousand years ago.

Samantha Timbers - Colours of Hypnosis - Balance or Chaos, it's Your Choice

So let’s talk green! As I write this article for the green edition there has been quite a bit of chaos in my life for the last few months.  And many people have stated …wow… you are dealing with a lot, how are you staying so calm?  Believe me, that was not always the case, I used to let chaos run my life and cause me much stress and anxiety.

One of the positive aspects of the colour green is balance, and one of the negative aspects of the colour green is chaos and burnout.

When I made the statement a few weeks ago “Balance or Chaos it is your choice” it brought with it raised eyebrows and that facial expression that states …well maybe for you … but you have no idea what I am going through, it is not a choice for me!!!

I must state the statement is true for everyone, it is a choice.  And with every choice, there are consequences, sometimes good sometimes and sometimes not so good.

How do we choose balance in a world of chaos and burnout?   

You may not be aware of the choice

Being busy, exhausted, frazzled and having “no time” can be seen by some people, that you must be giving it your all, you must be great, and you are a hard worker.   This belief runs their lives.  They may be unaware of this belief, yet it controls much of their behaviour.

Looking well-kept and relaxed, put together, and enjoying life can be seen by many that you are just lucky and that you landed the easy job, or your business is so easy you must not be a hard worker. 

So, you may ask how can we choose?

You know the people, or it might be you as well, “I wish I could have lunch but I just can’t find the time”, “I wish I could chat with you more but I just have too much to do”, “I just feel so tired I can’t even enjoy myself”, “I am so stressed”.  Over and over and over. 

What do you think is going to happen, does this person even believe they have the time to find balance? 

When you choose chaos, you might be choosing burnout, stress, high blood pressure and a host of other things that chaos can manifest.

Do you hear people say “My life is so balanced; I enjoy work and my family and I have time to rest and rejuvenate – I am loving my balanced life”.  If you did hear someone say that, what would you think of them?

Do you want to have a balanced, healthy and rewarding life so that you can choose balance?

There are many ways you can begin to find balance in your life and deal successfully with periods of chaos.  One way is self-hypnosis and/or Hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy has become very popular and scientifically proven to help increase balance in one’s life and decrease stress and anxiety associated with an environment of chaos and burnout.

What if you could feel like you had more time to do the things you enjoy, what if you could find balance amidst the chaos?

I do not profess that we can completely get rid of the chaos, I am not suggesting that you give up your job, your kids, or your family.  I am suggesting that you choose balance.

How can you choose balance?

Start by examining your beliefs about balance and about chaos.  Why do you feel busy all the time, are you actually busy all the time?  Do you find yourself saying, I am so busy I have no time; my life is full of chaos, I am out of control, nothing ever goes right for me.

When you say all of these negative things, you generally will attract more of those negative circumstances.  Many people have said to me, I just can’t stop the negative thoughts that take over my mind when chaos begins and then I feel out of control.

Now is the time when you need to literally stop and breathe. 

Your mind will continue to look for negative things unless you train your mind to stop and focus on balance

How does Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy help

What would it mean to you to feel balanced and calm while still meeting all your responsibilities?  Often feeling overwhelmed starts with a thought about the past or the future, that thought creates a picture and this is followed by feelings of overwhelm and stress.  Each time you have one of those thoughts the process begins again, and you feel overwhelmed and see chaos in your life, it can become a never-ending cycle.  Self-Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy assist at the unconscious level to change the thought, the picture and the resulting feeling.  Hypnosis can change your beliefs, and your predictions of the future and can install feelings of balance and calmness so you are able to deal effectively with the situations in your life.

Jennifer Love –Colours of Intimacy - Creating for DEEPER INTIMACY Sacred Boundaries

Sacred boundaries are the greatest gift you can give to yourself. Taking the time to define what is important to you, the way you desire to be treated and what you want in your life, are the foundation of being able to set and maintain sacred boundaries. Boundaries are for yourself, not the other person, and are one of the most powerful tools for healthy relationships. They are a set of rules that you hold in place by aligning to what you value and what is authentic to you. Having sacred boundaries in place will allow you to effortlessly maintain the relationships that are most supportive to you and to release the ones that do not serve you.

Without boundaries, we can suffer with people-pleasing behaviors, co-dependency and feeling as if we are not grounded. The other very sad reality is that we can find ourselves simply settling in our circumstances. It is too easy to become a victim of life without healthy boundaries and that is why I call them “Sacred” because they really are just so important. Clear boundaries allow you to create the life you most deeply desire.

Without boundaries, we can suffer with people-pleasing behaviors, co-dependency and feeling as if we are not grounded. The other very sad reality is that we can find ourselves simply settling in our circumstances. It is too easy to become a victim of life without healthy boundaries and that is why I call them “Sacred” because they really are just so important. Clear boundaries allow you to create the life you most deeply desire.

Sacred boundaries enhance intimacy in relationships, they do not take it away. By setting boundaries with the people, we care about, we can increase safety, intimacy and long-term sustainability of these relationships. Take the time to get clear on the boundaries inside your relationships, and I would even invite you to do this exercise with your partner. Not only will it be a great communication exercise, but it will also allow you both to set the sacred rules that will allow your relationship to flourish.

Clear any “Issues” before Setting your Sacred Boundaries

You want your boundaries to be created from your heart. If you have any upsets or anger present toward your partner or any unspoken needs, these need to be addressed before setting boundaries. Clear the energy and make amends before settling in to define your boundaries. This will allow you to do it from a space of love and openness rather than hurt and anger. If there are many “issues” that need to be addressed, set the space to do it in a time frame that feels good for you both. Maybe this is over a few days or weeks before you can have the conversation of boundaries. You may also want to seek out a relationship coach to help you.

Connect to Your Heart Space

Once you have set the space, take a few minutes to release the day and any tension in your body by taking some deep breaths. If you are doing this exercise with a partner, consider doing 7 minutes of eye gazing before beginning your conversation. The key here is to center yourself in your heart, to be able to come from a place of love and openness.

Get Clear on Your Desires

Once you are centered, take some time to visualize the most important areas of your life. You can break this down into Career & Money, Love & Relationships, Health & Vitality, as well as Creative Expression. Or if you are working with your partner, you can focus solely on your intimate relationship. Get super clear on what you want. Your sacred boundaries are meant to help you attain your desires by keeping you aligned to your truth and values. Without this clarity, we may find ourselves saying “yes” when we really should be saying “no”.

Set Your Sacred Boundaries

Remember, your boundaries are for you! What “rules” do you need to have in place for yourself to feel empowered and stand in your truth? What set of rules do you wish to live and direct your life by. Once you have made this decision, it is your responsibility to be assertive and maintain these boundaries. If you are working with your partner, take some time to create agreements around each other’s boundaries to support each other.

Creating sacred boundaries will make your life so much easier because you will know what you want in your life and what you don’t want. This makes saying “yes” or “no” to certain people, activities or things effortless. If setting and maintaining boundaries is new for you, give yourself some time to be able to keep them in place. It takes a lot of courage to stand in our truth and alignment. It is a practice to be assertive, especially if we have not been able to practice that in the past. Give yourself this gift of Sacred Boundaries and watch your life transform in ways you never dreamed possible!

Create a Sacred Space

Whenever you are doing anything that is important to you, take the time to set a really beautiful space. Tidy the room, clear the clutter, light some candles and some incense and set the intention that this time is sacred

Sara DiFlow - Colours of Visibility -Do you love yourself for who you are? Or, do you love yourself for what you do?

The question above is a powerful one to consider… and it is not surprising to learn that hardly anyone focuses on who they are being moment-to-moment.

Every single one of us has been conditioned during the first 18 years of our life, in our first family, then in the education system, to identify with what we do. We have no idea of the power in our being. As a result, all of our attention and resources are invested in getting better at doing. Doing a better website. Doing better video. Doing better social media. Doing for the sake of doing ends up being all about keeping busy. This is what each of us learned in school – work hard, keep your head down… and trust that if you keep doing better every day… somehow, you will succeed.

Alternatively, when you ask self-reflective questions like the ones above, you begin to identify with who you are really being. This is when you start to scratch the surface on how important it is to be authentic, to be true to your inner spirit and … what the f*ck that even means! When we focus on who we are being, our focus changes from “out there” to “in here first, out there, second”

I have found that when we love ourselves only for what we do, it can feed a false sense of who we actually are. We can get so far off our authentic path that we never bother to take a moment to look up and look within and ask, am I really in love with who I am?… Am I happy here? … Am I getting what I actually need? … Are my choices allowing my heart to sing? …

Once we start down the path of looking within, we find we’ve burned ourselves out and exhausted our resources in attempts to ‘fit in’, get visible, hit 7 figure months, peddling stuff that’s not actually aligned with our soul.

To find sustainability with what we do for work in 2023 and beyond, it must connect with our heart and our true nature.

Typically, when we spend almost all of our time focused on “doing”, we convince ourselves that we will begin to love ourselves once we reach x,y or z. The problem that most people are not able to see for themselves, is that what we are really invested in, is ‘fitting in’, which ultimately wears us out and keeps us living outside the moment.

Typically, when we spend almost all of our time focused on “doing”, we convince ourselves that we will begin to love ourselves once we reach x,y or z. The problem that most people are not able to see for themselves, is that what we are really invested in, is ‘fitting in’, which ultimately wears us out and keeps us living outside the moment. The journey of becoming a powerful and on purpose entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. We must be willing to constantly self[1]reflect and ask questions that may end up changing our whole world. It will require letting go, which is not always very easy or obvious. The kind of visibility I write and speak about is not the kind of stuff you’d hire an SEO or algorithm expert about. My take on visibility is a result of my own life experience as well as the many artists, entrepreneurs and business owners I’ve worked with over the years who focused on their outside visibility first, when they really needed to look within, on who they were being. I’ve learned the power of making our authentic inner spirit visible to ourselves and letting go of the parts that keep us small. Looking within allows us to make subtle and profound shifts in how we be in the world. This is truly what creates the deepest impact and widest reach beyond what our minds or old world business strategies could possible comprehend.

To find sustainability with what we do for work in 2023 and beyond, it must connect with our heart and our true nature. If what we do and who we be doesn’t light us up, we run the risk of serious burn out after exhausting our time and resources.

Many have already reached that point and because of this, we will see a rise in conversations around honouring rest, doing what we truly love, and work life balance. Self-reflective questions such as the ones opening this article are essential for sustained success in this transformation economy.

Here are a few more questions to reflect on with some space to capture what comes up for you.

  • Why do you want more visibility in your business?
  • What does that look like?
  • Why do you think that is important?
  • What will happen in your life then?
  • Is that what you really want?


If you resonate with the power of making changes in your business with subtle shifts within, you may enjoy my Marketing from the Mat Yoga Series. I’m giving it away for free. Email me sara@FlowNetwork.ca for 4 free sessions that will enhance your visibility from within.

Whitney Hammond - Colours of Wealth - So What's Holding You Back?

Colours create energy for us, some negative and some positive. Knowing the positive characteristics of colour can help us with that “where energy flows, focus goes.”

Green is a colour about Space, Heart, and Choices.  Let’s look at What’s Holding us Back. In business, we want to end up with the “shiny side up.” It’s a saying we have in aviation which could be translated into “We want to be as profitable as we can.”

We became an entrepreneur because of Heart, Space and Choice! Let’s break this down:

Heart: An entrepreneur finds their passion, their love, enters their Zone of Genius and carries their product or service to the world. IF you are in a business that is NOT YOUR PASSION: STOP and find your passion. We must believe in our product or service to such a level of passion, that we would SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS. This is the beginning of our success. We love our business so much, that all we want to do is share it.

Space: Many of us choose to become an entrepreneur to create freedom and space in our schedules. Although at times, it doesn’t feel like this, as we can work extra-long hours, we truly are working for our baby, for our creation, for our future and to build our wealth.

Choices: The ability to make our own choices and not be micromanaged is our dream come true. Total freedom to choose as we please and build it as we wish. We have the ideas; we have the passion and the time to do it.

So… How do we Move Forward Easily?


Write out your vision. Pin it to your mirror or fridge. We need a clear vision of how this business should look, flow and profit. Once stated, it becomes easier to block out the noise and focus on your mental picture.

I have run my business for 25 years, and although it’s very profitable, it isn’t easy at times. I do update my vision from time to time as I master. Originally it was:

  • Build a steady stream of revenue and machine to the process business.
  • I focused on this for quite a few years to now:
  • I’m a great leader who attracts incredibly committed staff.

Updating vision is perfectly ok as new struggles will pop up. Once the steady flow of business arrived, I needed more staff. Each time we solve an issue, it creates another, this is what growth is about. Remember, we chose entrepreneurialism for challenge, growth, passion, and reward. No better arena than this.

Focus on the outcome

Now that we have a vision, we can focus on the outcome that will lead us to this vision. This may be the most important point. RUTHLESSLY cut out any noise or chatter that affects our ability to keep our mind focused on the outcome. Distractions are nothing but a nuisance. People’s opinions, which by the way, do not track our outcome, can be filed into the “naysayer’s” bucket. Unless we have a board, or committee where we can weigh strategies, keep the noise out of our sphere.

Price your product or service for it to be profitable.

Am I worth it? Yes! Business is built on supply and demand. When demand increases, price increases. When demand is low, our prices may need to be lowered. Business is not only about serving, but also about being profitable; no profits, no business. In order to determine how to price, we need to know the cost of our:

  • overhead (rent or mortgage)
  • cost of goods
  • our hourly rate
  • money to put aside for “winter.” (Winter is a term we use for when business declines or economies struggle)
  • 15% minimum share to add to our retirement fund (we do need to eat when we stop working, which could be again, economies, disability, or disruption) BE PREPARED.
  • vacation fund as we do not have vacation pay
  • income tax and HST reserve

Recently a female realtor friend asked me if I thought she was worth it. She is HIGHLY paid being in the real estate business for over 40 years. Yes!! When we stay in the same business, as both she and I have, we become EXTREMELY WORTH IT. Time and repetition teaches us to be exceptionally efficient bringing us to our outcome nimbly. We become “in the flow.” And this is the sweet spot as a business owner. Therefore YES, charge for it, you’re worth it.

In time, we develop an hourly rate. We know the clients we want to work with. In the beginning, anyone who breathes is a prospect, and in time, we determine our ideal client, and we work in that arena.


Track your business every month. It’s particularly important to work clearly. Not knowing the necessary numbers will have us all working blindly; rudderless as we say in aviation.

Build a revenue model: a = (b x c ) x d      

Where: a = gross revenue; b = # of clients; c = size of sale

d = the number of cycles (times you have to do it) to increase revenue


$100,000 = (50 clients x $2000 price of good or service) x 2 cycles = $200,000

Each person will develop their own ratio. When established, your ratio may change to this:


This is my ratio that I have used faithfully for decades:

  • 40% of my gross revenue: maximum pay to myself
  • 35% of my gross revenue: maximum cost of goods and overhead
  • 25% of my grow revenue: goes into my retained earnings

By using this ratio equation, I can determine, when to hire more, when to expand and never go broke as I have built in savings.

  • 40% Prevents me from being an hog and over spending
  • 35% Keeps my cost of doing business in line
  • 25% Allows me to be an investor

Ask for help if this part doesn’t make sense. It can make us or break us! I highly recommend that we all work at this, this truly is the secret sauce in building a business.


Put a percentage of your revenue away each month, even if it is small to begin with. Add 15% to the cost of doing business to allow a budget rate for your retirement. 15% is not a magic formula, it is only a number. Working and having nothing left over for ourselves is not the fruit of being self-employed. A business owner’s goal is to use their passion to help and expand others, create space and freedom for themselves and have choice in life to go and be what they want to be. Working just to make ends meet is not the goal of an entrepreneur.

Never, never ever give up.

Surround yourself with winners. Develop friends and colleagues who are like minded. Positive energy is contagious and so is negative energy. Stay with the positive.

Being in business is one of the best ways to develop and grow ourselves to the best possible version of ourselves. Sharing ideas, experiencing more in life, sharpening our communication skills, and building an empire to a place of comfort where we can give back to others who may not be as advantaged as us. It is in the giving, that we receive.