United Colours of Design • Gold Edition • April 2022

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Our Highest Vision

To inspire entrepreneurs to tap into the transformative power of colour and align their business with their soul’s purpose, leading to a magical and prosperous life full of love and joy.

Seek • Expand • Inspire

There are many magazines on this planet that provide information and education to entrepreneurs based on traditional methodology. This magazine is NOT one of them. We ask that you view this magazine as a soul-based resource and safe space for you, our dear reader, to do business and life differently. 

The world is awakening and we need to meet our clients at their new level of awareness. They want connection, relationships, authenticity as well as profits and a sustainable business plan.  

With this in mind, our writers explore their area of expertise through the focused lens of one colour per edition. As you engage with this book you will feel their intension, their energy and will see colour in action in their own businesses. With their articles you will be able to easily apply this information directly to your own business – immediately.

There are many positive and healing aspects to each colour and by exploring your own company through the rainbow we can all evolve and grow our passions in alignment with our higher selves. In this context we are able to examine business topics from a completely different perspective.   

The energy and psychology of colour, from a business point of view offers you tools to create energetically compatible mission and vision statements, corporate messaging, hiring practices, policies, procedures, intentions and motivation. It helps you discover your WHY and gives you insights into why you are attracting the type of client that fills your database.  

Our Mission

We focus on the energy and psychology of one colour per quarter, providing entrepreneurs insightful, interesting, deliciously-new perspectives on business and lifestyle topics.

Amy Barroso - Founder & Creative Director - Surrendering To The Black Dragon

Holy lesson in trust as I work toward this gold deadline! Each edition brings its excitement and challenges and it was silly of me to think that Gold would be any different. Many of the writers for this edition are going to speak to you about stepping into your power, embracing your I Am’ness and the alchemy that comes with Gold. I am going to write about another aspect of Gold, trusting and surrendering into what is. I had no idea how much of a control freak I actually was until I was put to the trust test this month.

For the last few years, I have taken part in a predictions program put on by my mentor Moira Bush. At the beginning of the year, we pull 12 cards from her Colour Mirrors Oracle Card deck. One card for each month of 2022.

As I absorbed my spread for the year, I found myself feeling a bit nervous with the amount of black cards, particularly the ‘Black Dragon’ card for March. When you read the message of the Black Dragon (below) you’ll understand why I was a bit skittish about that particular card turning up. (In my Birthday month of all months!).

Black Dragon represents death and rebirth. He relates to the phoenix which is always reborn more beautiful and more powerful than before. This dragon reminds you that the journey is an endless series of deaths and births – and that is OK. He is black with silver sparkles, indicating that in the darkness there is always light. His gift is bringing light into the darkness and a reminder that there is a bigger picture. Endings are always beginnings and every step along the way is for our highest good. Black Dragon helps us release our judgments around death and darkness and what we have considered evil.

When I picked the card in January, I had no understanding of how impactful and bang on this card would be! What stuck out for me in Click here for the audio version of this article. The Gold Book April 2022 • 9 the description about the Black Dragon was the bit about ‘endings’. I’ve never been good with goodbyes or endings so I entered into March, with much trepidation, I was actually relieved to see that no major upheavals were on the horizon and I started to relax. That is until my King and I had the brilliant idea that now was the perfect time to sell our home and kick-start our dream of owning a retreat centre. Exciting… Right?!

With no idea where we would end up I went to visit my Real Estate Agent to find out the state of the market. When I asked her when a good time to put the house on the market would be… Her answer was … yesterday!

Because I love the story that numbers and colours tell and for shits and giggles I calculated the date I went to see my agent, which was the date I signed the paperwork to list the house.

09.03.2022 = 18 (1+8=9) Nine is an ending number, which I thought was pretty neat. I was ending a cycle on a date that was a nine. Cool huh? But wait, it gets cooler!

When this house closes (in June) I will have been here for exactly 9 years! And…

I just turned 54 this year, ALSO A NINE! (5+4=9) And…

The closing date that works best for our family is 24.06.2022 WHICH IS ALSO A NINE!!!

Did I need any more conformation from the universe that I was heading in the right direction?! With all those beautiful nines you’d think that surrendering to what is should be easy… Right? I wish!

I went into full panic mode! Where would I put the bunnies while we had the house on the market? How was I going to paint the entire house in a week? How were we going to clear out the garage that had become the storage unit for family members? There was decluttering, fixing, raking, dumping and right… A magazine to get out by April 1!

Suddenly the relaxation of nothing on the horizon turned into chaos and mayhem! I can’t tell you how many times I sat in the middle of the floor and cried at the magnitude of what I had signed up for. And there was my man, cool as a cucumber not worried and constantly reassuring me all would be well.

We spent an entire day going through our garage, touching everything once… Were we keeping it? Were we chucking it? Could we use that for our new retreat centre? “Do we really need to hold on to those hockey sticks Brian?” In nine years, I’ve never seen him play once lol! At the end of the day, we felt AMAZING. Everything was labeled and placed in secure bins for safe keeping. I truly felt that we had both risen from the ashes of old soccer shoes and ski equipment!

Now it was time declutter the house and make it feel like no one lives there… Why is that?? Who came up with notion that there should be no evidence of humans living in a home for sale?? Anyway, we had the appointment with the home stager, and she sent me a 10-page document of stuff to move, keep or fix … again, I found myself freaking out at the giant task before me. Photos were in 6 days, and I still hadn’t picked up a paint brush!

Brian and I worked 14-hour days prepping and cleaning and painting … OH MY! I wanted perfection; I wanted my home for the last 9 years to look her best when I presented her to the world. I can’t even tell you how fast those 6 days went. The day before the photographer came, I had a meltdown. I sent an SOS text to Moira on how to bend time so I had room in the final day to get the house perfect.

Her advice… Surrender. That is NOT what I wanted to hear. I wanted a magical solution that would make everything OK. I asked her what the hell surrendering and detaching even looked like. It was as though all my spiritual and colour training went out the window. She said I should breathe in “I Am” and breathe out “I Surrender” and do it until I pretty much pass out! Do it until I felt it in my soul. While I was breathing in I AM and breathing out I SURRENDER!!! I got my shadow cards out. Why was I having such a difficult time letting go?

I pulled the “Time” card. Was the universe joking?! Time is what I needed and there it was. In God’s time, not mine… OF COURSE!

I was trying to push my agenda rather than surrendering into the agenda that my higher self already had for me. I found myself repeating “everything is perfect as it is”. If there’s a vent that isn’t covered, or a spot on the wall… Who cares! It’s not going to have any impact on the sale of my home. After-all, this house is 54 like me and trust me, I have some cracks and scars but that doesn’t mean my man is not going to want me because of them. (OMG!! The house is a 9 this year!!)

As I write this editorial, I am smack in the process of trusting AGAIN! The house is listed and over the weekend there were only 2 showings… ugh! We spent a fortune on hotel rooms, our family was uprooted, the bunnies were a 3-hour tour away (Thank you Jenn!) And barely an interest! I was completely perplexed and second guessing my agent’s suggestions, I was second guessing the photos we took, the copy that was written for the listing… I was pointing fingers and wanting to blame someone for the lack of interest. I messaged her and wanted answers as to what the hell was going on? Her response… We’ve done everything possible, now we have to trust the process. Again, that was NOT what I wanted to hear! (Do you see a pattern here lol!)

After a hot reply I sent her an apology. She was right. Why was I trying, again, to push my agenda? I allowed my shadow to drive the bus for a moment. Rather than recognizing that when I’m in fear, my spirit is perfectly fine, I allowed that fear/shadow to drive my bus and it drove straight to ‘mean town’.

Clearly my agent is used to people freaking out and was gracious enough to accept my apology and I carried on breathing in I AM and breathing out I SURRENDER.

It is exactly 9:11 pm on the day I was supposed to sell my house. (lol! Even as I type that I can hear my controlling nature taking over) I was hoping that by the end of this article I would be able to tell you that my house is sold and my rebirth is complete. But honestly, aren’t we always in a state of death and rebirth? Isn’t life just a continuous cycle of endings and beginnings? So here I sit, in my darkness, watching the sparkles of a new cycle float in my vortex and my job is to surrender and follow the glitter into my next adventure.

Janice Cardinale - Special Report - NOWstalgia ALERT 2022

I have been writing, presenting and inspiring trends for the last 35 years. It is in my DNA and I am passionate. I believe in pushing the boundaries of ordinary. Our lifestyles have changed and so have the trends. Style trends for 2022 are on point and will help you think outside the box.

However, they need to have value, purpose and recognize that what we present to clients must be of value, purpose and touch on the emotions of people.

People are being called to a higher consciousness in 2022. Humans are craving the comfort of familiar times. However, themes of the past are not equal. Individuals are looking for ways to engage in a different world. You have choices like never before.

With mentions of ‘nostalgia’, people are clearly craving the comfort of familiar times. Carefully consider how this nostalgic reference resonates with you.

There is a rising class of Gen-influencers who desire authenticity and transparency to spread ideas rather than products. Example: We will see many brands adopt younger people to help support the technical requirements, that the virtual and hybrid environments demand.

So, let’s tap into the trends…


RSVP to a new reason to celebrate parties for life’s undercelebrated moments
What’s an Altbash? It’s something that deserves to be celebrated, even if it isn’t traditionally cause for a party. Think: you broke up with your job, you found your life’s passion, you have adopted a pet, or you finally splurged on a badly needed vacation. These are celebrations of new chapters in life and important milestones that aren’t covered by the basic celebrations we grew up having, but it’s time they got their due. There are many ways to bring this trend to life, so keep your eyes on bright colours, whimsical ideas and tablescapes that draw attention.


Parties that are out of this world
Here comes the sun. And the moon. And the stars. Millennials will throw some totally cosmic parties this year. If I had to characterize the year 2022 astronomically, I would call it, “The Year of Eclipses and Planets. “There is something exciting happening in the sky almost every night of the year, if you know when and where to look. Space stations, NASA, and celebrity led experiences for the adventurers who can’t live until they do it all. Caterers will love creating foods that can be cut into stars and moons. Popcorn in celestial colours, drinks that use blue caraco. Bring a DJ who plays songs like “Total Eclipse of the sun” or other celestial offerings from the 60’s and 70’s and rock out to a cosmic vibe.

  1. NIGHT MOVES (aka) after hours exploration

The most memorable adventures will happen after sundown in 2022. People will turn to the quiet of the after-hours to invest in their travel bucket lists and nature excursions. Gen Z is driving this trend—good thing our phones take better night photos than ever. Into the dark you go. Watch out for the word “bioluminescence aesthetic” which means it’s time to grab your camera and start seeing your fave destinations at nighttime. Evening adventures will give a different and magical perspective, whether it’s exploring the beach after sunset or taking a late-night road trip.


When natures built into your environment
Biophilic design uses elements of nature to provide respite and joy to people in man-made spaces. You’ve seen plants, now meet LIVING rooms. Millennials are turning to plantfirst design solutions this year to increase their connection to nature and enhance their wellbeing. Staircase gardens, biophilic interiors and floral ceilings are all trending up. And don’t leave the office out! Humans are creatures of habit, and with so many lockdowns, the outside has become as important as the inside. When we are forced by circumstances beyond our control, we need our spaces to provide privacy or wall separations within our homes or office spaces. Searches for vertical plant walls, living rooms and biophilic wall are all on the rise.


Arcs are in all around us and curves the word.
People love curve appeal. Investing in this shape and silhouette are both sensuous and inviting. “Did you know that in architecture, the circle is the strongest shape”. Straight lines are a given, think walls, windows and table legs. This circular design lends itself to sharing conversations more comfortably Millennials, Boomers and Gen X are driving searches behind this well-rounded trend. Inspired by mid-century modern pieces from the 60s will be popular. On line searches for bent sofa, which saw adoption across the 80s, will result in a complete aesthetic.


Check please
Checkers are having their moment in all areas of people’s lives—from clothing, to rugs to funky flooring. As men upgrade their wardrobes, they’ll embrace the tiled pattern, too. Millennials and Boomers in particular are driving this checkered trend. The checkerboard revival comes at a time where we have collectively experienced a great transcendence in the face of life-altering changes. For this generation, the checkerboard is a universal motif for fun that offers a touch of softness in an otherwise dull and rigid world.


Safe spaces for feel good
Emotions, are so hot right now. If you need a place to go to feel all the feels, there’s a room for that. The wellness trend has been growing rapidly over the past 2 years. From spa-like spaces to the wonderful world of colour psychology. The impact has never felt so current. People will plan their great (indoor) escapes and designate rooms in their homes to decompress, vibe and rage. All age groups are driving searches for music-themed rooms, crystal rooms and even rage rooms. Emotional escape rooms very much do what they say – they’re rooms to escape from certain emotions. This can come in a range of forms, whether that is to unload stress in a meditation space, or pummel out some anger in a rage room. Where would you set up your emotional escape room and what would be included in it?


Trade in beachfront getaways for an inland swim
Lakes will have their moment in the sun. In 2022, people will trade in their beachfront getaways for inland swims. Gen X and Boomers are driving this freshwater trend that will only grow in the year ahead. Lakeside resorts, pontoon boats, kayaking, paddle boarding and canoeing will all be making a splash. There are so many scenic lakes, rivers and ponds where you can take a group out for a hike and swim and discover nature like never before.


All in for all-inclusive travel
Sitting back is the new adventure map. In 2022, people want to get away—to beautiful escapes where they won’t have to lift a finger. Millennials, Gen X and Boomers are turning to resorts and all-inclusive packages for easy getaways. Another daiquiri, please. Ask your travel partners where you can find resorts to unplug. Forget the jammed packed itineraries and head for the properties with an ocean view.


For the love of movement
Well, good news! 2022 is going to be defined by a range of new wellness trends set to change the game. From hula hoops, to pickleball and VR. Low impact is the new high intensity! This year, people will fall in love with more mellow ways to move their bodies, which is being dubbed “Flexercise. ” Hula-Hoop is the top search trend on google. Pickleball is a hybrid of tennis, badminton, and pingpong and can be played indoors or outdoors, as singles or as doubles. VR will now make it to the mainstream with Gamification fitness. Don’t forget to check out the Flexercise bar another trend hitting the workout.


Afternoon Tea is the new happy hour
In 2022, the bubble won’t burst, as people will choose teas made with enhancements over drinks after work. Afternoon tea is more than a meal—it’s a moment, an aesthetic, a pose. Searches for “tea party aesthetic” and “drinking tea pose” are huge on google searches. Already a cultural phenomenon across Asia, bubble tea has taken hold in North America – especially amongst Gen Z. This has led to the rapid expansion of brands from Asia. Have you tried a bubble milk shot? What are you waiting for?


A whole lotta lovin’ is what we’ll be bringin’

People in 2022 will push through the negative and embrace a positive outlook on life. New optimists range from Gen Z to Boomers, but despite their broad demographic, they have many unifiers – the largest being a vivacious appetite to embrace joy.

Watch out for a new buzz word: Radical Optimism.


Prompted by cultural shifts and changes, people are seeking to reevaluate their lifestyles to behave with more intention. Indulging is an actionable idea that brings results. To tap into this shift towards purposeful behaviors, brands, businesses and organizations should inspire and motivate people to take back control of their lives.

In closing, how the trends affect our lives is up to us because we have a choice. I know that the majority of people I network with, want peace and tranquility in their lives. Trends steer new ideas and help us look at life and what it means.

Sherry Brouzes - Colours of Feng Shui - Feng Shui And The Power of GOLD

Since ancient times, in Feng Shui and Chinese culture, gold has been equated with wealth, abundance, power, divine energy, magnetism, and alchemy.

Chinese culture believed that the five elements reflect the universe, and every colour symbolizes the five-element theory in Feng Shui. The five elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. In Feng Shui, the Air element is not a part of this cycle, yet Chi” is carried by the wind, which is the movement of air. Gold is a prime colour of the metal element in Feng Shui. This is because gold mirrors the sun’s magnetic yang energy, making it the most precious of all metals in Feng Shui. In addition, metal (gold) can create water.

Water activates wealth and prosperity in Feng Shui. When metal is heated and then cools off, condensation forms creating water droplets; thus, metal produces water, a potent element in Feng Shui. This was considered a form of alchemy in ancient times.

Gold is associated with the North West gua of the Feng Shui Bagua, known as “big metal,” and is the most Yang area of the Bagua. Therefore, the North West, known as “Helpful People and Travel” gua, is a perfect area to display gold items and objects to activate Yang Chi. Furthermore, the North West gua is also home of “Heaven’s Gate,” a place to keep decluttered and beautiful to call in heavenly Chi in your home or space. Gold Chi’ is equated with Heavenly Chi’, when activated, brings divine assistance, good luck, favourable destiny and fewer challenges in your life. Furthermore, gold was significant in ancient Chinese rituals, politics and many practices because of its association with spirituality. For example, emperors wore gold cloaks adorned with golden dragons to display their power, wisdom and divinity.

The North West gua is associated with the season of Autumn. Even nature shows of its beautiful glowing golden colours with the changing of the leaves and foliage in the cooler months.

How can we activate our home, business or office with GOLD CHI?

Typical Feng Shui gold items used commonly in Feng Shui:

  1. Place a gold toad near your front door to accumulate wealth.
  2. Gold wealth ship filled with gold coins placed in the South East of your home, the “Wealth and Prosperity” area of the Bagua
  3. Place an ‘arowana’ fish in your home known as the ‘golden dragon’ by the Chinese.
  4. Gold-coloured laughing Buddha will activate happy and prosperous Chi.
  5. Hang gold coins on a red ribbon in sets of 3 or 9 on your front doorknob or for discretion under your welcome mat.
  6. Add gold where auspicious Flying Stars’ fly in’ annually according to Classical Feng Shui.
  7. Wear gold jewelry on your person.
  8. Carry a gold wallet or handbag. (Law of attraction)
  9. Hang artwork with golden frames in your bedroom to activate good health and success.
  10. Display gold angels to call in Divine Chi into your life.
  11. Give gold as a gift of gratitude to someone special in your life.
  12. Add gold-coloured crystals in your space, such as citrine, carnelian and tiger’s eye.
  13. Place square gold items in the center of your home, room or desk to ground your energy. Square shapes represent grounding energy.
  14. Add gold coloured pulls and knobs to doors in kitchen décor.
  15. Gold coloured lamps, vases and statues in gold bring in shining auspicious Chi energy.
  16. Fill an aquarium or fish bowl with goldfish.
  17. Use gold-coloured dishes and gold table wear for dining.
  18. Wear the colour gold to an important meeting or date.
  19. Use warm gold colours in the bedroom for bedding.
  20. Gold towels in the bathroom for a spa like wealthy feeling.

Gold Ingots:

These symbolize wealth in traditional Feng Shui. For example, you can make these yourself to bring in golden Chi and wealth to your home or space.

Landscapers and garden nurseries sell all types and sizes of rocks and boulders for our gardens. A fun way to activate prosperity into your home is to paint rocks and boulders the colour of gold and make little mounds of your own “gold” riches. For example, you can spray river rocks gold and create a “dry river” in your garden, which will shine and call-in auspicious yang golden Chi and Zen into your life.

Feng Shui is the art of placement enriching and balancing Chi’ to promote our well-being in life. Everything is composed of energy. Energy (Chi’) can be transformed and shifted. Therefore, by placing gold items of pure gold or the colour of gold in and around our homes, we can activate yang energy with intent and law of attraction to stimulate auspicious Chi into our lives. The colour of gold is an invaluable asset we can use to balance the energies for our personal Chi and environment. The colour of gold is as precious as the metal illuminating how we can all shine with the divine energy in each and every one of us.

Sonal Raje - Colours of Fine Arts - Tempered by FIRE

Gold: the precious metal, a standard of highest quality or achievement, and the colour that embodies our authentic power. A power that is abundant and purposeful. How do we come to own or discover this power?

We have heard the famous quote by William Shakespeare, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”

I was given the name “Sonal” by my parents. The meaning of Sonal in my Indian origin is “Golden”. So the standard was literally thrust upon me at birth! Born in a family of talented artists, given this name to live up to and every support to follow my passion of learning art, I rode the gentle waves of success on my artistic path for a long time.

But wait, gold has to go through a tempering by fire to be revealed in the purest form. Similarly, we need to go through a tempering of our base self to be revealed as a spiritual self. This tempering in my artistic journey was through many challenges, physical and emotional. The fire burnt away all the unnecessary chaos and confusion, revealing the purest form of inspiration.

Artists are required to have their artist statement or mission statement, and expected to have a signature style that is as unique as it is personal. I found my mission and a style that resonated closely after this tempering. In terms of art style and career path, the change was drastic and visible, tangible. I moved to a more abstract style of expression and worked with frequency and energy of colour. I was painting moods, emotions and I was inspired to teach art in a way that balanced energy through mindful use of colour.

In the context of the energy centers or chakras within our physical bodies, Gold is the colour that combines the creativity and water energy of the Sacral chakra and the wisdom and fire energy of the solar plexus chakra. A mix of orange and yellow. A good piece of art is a culmination of creative inspirations and wisely crafted techniques. More often than not I find myself using gold in my paintings, in the form of accent strokes, bold patches, gold leaf, or even pouring the colour directly on the canvas, sprinkling gold crystals or dust.

Using powerful colour can give you a little taste of the alchemy of creating the actual mineral. Suddenly there is a sense of opulence and authenticity in the expression. The best examples of an extravagant use of gold in art can be seen in Gustav Klimt’s works during his “Golden Period” (1862-1918). The richness of the gilded gold was his signature style. His famous paintings “The Kiss” and “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I” can be good examples of his way of using gold.


But the change within me was the real transformation. I can now say with confidence that I have found my purpose as a creator, and can give value to my art and teaching. Every artist strives to present that perfect solution to a challenge faced by the society, be it personal or communal. The programs I have developed are through the inspirations that were an integral part of the tempering process.

So I think the only real way towards greatness or abundance is through achievement, accomplished with the tempering through the fire of life experiences.

Annika Rayman - Colours of Make-up Artistry - The wisdom and magic of GOLD

As a person of South Asian diaspora descent, the Gold issue of this magazine was very important for me to be a part of. The metal gold is an integral and irreplaceable facet of our culture and customs regardless of religion/beliefs, and its beautiful metallic yellow colour does lend it some of yellow’s attributes. But Gold is unique – it is the colour of things that are elevated; whether that be wealth, knowledge or interpersonal understanding. The wisdom and magic of the ages is said to be passed down in the energy bestowed by each wearer into gold pieces of jewelry or heirlooms, as the metal is known to harness metaphysical traces of its forbearers. Gold is sacred, and is a gift from the universe in its world-renowned beauty and power. Many cultures revered this substance long predating globalization or even cross-border trade. It is no surprise that the use of gold in beauty is also universal.

In this edition’s article, I wish for the power and beauty of gold to speak for itself, as it has for millennia. Here we focus on viewing the use of gold across a multitude of skin tones, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions and event themes to appreciate its versatility and wide acceptance in our industry. Enjoy!

Luma Qusus Awad - Colours of Jewelry Design - An Interview with: Djivan Yeramian

Crafting Joy

I met Jivan in Montreal through a mutual friend. I visited him in his studio located in the heart of downtown Montreal. Jivan took me on a tour and showed me the different work stations where he creates his elegant, fine jewellery.

Let’s get to know more about this amazing jeweler…

About Djivan (Jivan) Yeramian

Owns and operates a custom fine jewelry studio in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He specializes in rings that can make a statement no matter it’s size and value. He offers personalized jewelry services and expert advice to his clients around the world.

Jivan’s own story stems from a long family tradition of craftsmanship and art. He was an avid artist and designer even during his early years, and he knew his calling was in the wonderful world of jewelry. After finishing school in 2000, he moved from his native Syria to France to perform an apprenticeship with his uncle, a master diamond setter. Soon after, he had the opportunity to work in Greece for the world-renowned Diamond Club, whose jewelry is considered as some of the most exquisite around the world.

Over the past two decades, Jivan’s hunger for in-depth knowledge caused him to become an Accredited Jewelry Professional. He also received a Diamond Graduate Diploma from the Gemological Institute of America, and is recognized as the world’s #1 authority in gemology. Jivan continued to refine his craft, providing professional diamond-setting services to some of the most reputable jewelry companies throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Canada.

“Choosing the right jewelry starts with finding the right jeweller.”

When did you discover your love for jewellery?

My love for jewelry started after moving to France and becoming an apprentice to my uncle who was in the jewelry business as a master diamond setter. I always loved art. Ever since I was a little boy, I spent most of my childhood doing painting and sculpture.

My father was a huge influence, he collected art and antiques so I grew up surrounded with beautiful artwork that helped develop my artistic tastes even more.

What is the metal you use in creating your jewellery and why?

I mostly use 14k and 18k gold, yellow and rose for coloured gemstone jewelry , and white gold for diamond jewelry. I don’t have a preferred colour and karat, I just choose the best match. According to gemstones colour and hardness. Also, l let my clients choose their favorite gold colour when customizing a piece. Some coloured gemstones like rubies and emeralds need soft and warm yellow gold, unlike diamonds that match best with white gold due to its hardness and colourless nature.

How has this career transformed your life?

It has really transformed both my business and personal life. I get to enjoy my creative work and live my passion. It also allows me to meet so many wonderful people and leave a positive impact in their lives.

What is the best part about your job?

Being creative most of the time and meeting wonderful people from clients to business associates. Also being part of the couple’s most memorable celebrations, through engagement, wedding, and anniversaries celebrations.

You mention “crafting happiness “ in your bio, tell us more about that.

I chose “Crafting happiness” as a slogan and it became our true mission and purpose. In the end it’s all about our clients happiness and that means to feel happy working with us, wearing our jewelry and enjoying their experience.

You are well-traveled and have lived in many countries. How has this experience influenced your designs? And how would you describe your collections?

Throughout my travels I met great craftsmen who taught me some unique skills. My collections are inspired by the Orient and the Mediterranean. I love picking motifs and colours from both worlds because I feel they have their own energy and character.

What advice would you give to someone looking to buy or sell gold jewellery?

My advice to anyone shopping for fine jewelry is to choose a jeweller that has a great reputation, exquisite taste, and a warm personality, that makes buying or selling a lot easier and more fun.

Choosing the right jewelry starts with finding the right jeweller.
Learn to look for value and not just price.
Quality always beats quantity even in jewelry.
Find out what makes a piece of jewelry truly valuable and only then make your final choice.

Katherine Cott - Colours of Advertising - The Gold Standard

Have you ever noticed a certain green discolouration on your skin after wearing a piece of jewelry?

Well, that means your piece of jewelry is made out of the metal, copper. You may have seen labels saying that these pieces were “plated” in other metals such as gold or silver. Plating means that the base is made out of copper and coated with another metal. If you don’t take care of your jewelry, this plated layer will wear off eventually and expose the base metal it’s made out of.

The green colour is a result of oxidization and it is not harmful to your health, though some people experience an itchy rash or another sensitive reaction to the metal and may wish to avoid exposure to it. An interesting example of how copper turns green is the Statue of Liberty. The skin of the Statue was dull copper and over the years a green layer called patina was formed due to the exposure to air and weather conditions. The artist intentionally used copper knowing that this iconic statue will change in colour to stand out in shades of green.

There are several ways to prevent future discolouration of your plated jewelry and specifically your copper metal ones. A simple way to do this is by coating your copper jewelry with a lacquer finish (clear nail polish) using a soft paint brush. Another option is to coat the item with a thin layer of beeswax. You should also always keep your copper plated jewelry pieces in plastic bags removing the excess air and sealing it. If you don’t catch it in time, though, don’t worry. A little trick of the trade that I’ve learned over the years is that copper jewellery can easily be cleaned with some lemon juice and warm water.

“Copper jewellery can “ easily be cleaned with lemon juice and warm water.”

Copper is a recyclable metal and can last several generations with reasonable care. It is a durable metal that will not rust over time but rather form a green patina. Because of its pliability and durability, many jewelers prefer crafting their designs out of copper, I personally enjoy working with this metal especially when I came to realize the beautiful colours that come out when copper is exposed to oxygen and fire.

If you’ve ever wondered how to match your copper jewelry with your wardrobe remember that copper jewelry complements mostly all colours on the colour wheel such as peach, sage green, terracotta brown, coral, turquoise, orange and jewel tones like emerald green, sapphire blue, and deep purple. Nowadays, it’s very trendy to mix and match metals, so feel free to enjoy the contrast between the cold tones of silver and the warmer tones of gold with your timeless copper jewelry piece!

One of a kind pieces are available on my website.

One of the most beautiful and unique piece I have created for one of my solo exhibitions back in 2012 was copper made statement necklace. This necklace was inspired by a view from my window of three birds on a branch, I translated this image in my head into a wearable artistic piece and made it out of copper and leather. The process was so interesting, as I had played around with the shades by exposing the metal to fire. What is interesting about copper is that it flares up displaying beautiful colours. The birds got some texture by hammering each one and finally gold leaf-paper was applied to resemble the reflection of light on the feathers. This unique piece traveled the world and landed in Paris, France and now, it is part of a collection owned by a lady that loves and appreciates Art.

Moira Bush & Amy Bell - Colours of Business - Colours Behind THE BRAND Case Studies: The season for Oscars and all things gold!

As this article is being written, preparations are underway for the 94th annual Oscars on 27th March 2022. Power of the Dog, Dune and Don’t Look Up are amongst the editors favourites for Best Picture. Licorice Pizza by Metro Goldwyn Mayer & United Artists Releasing, is also in the Best Picture category. MGM has won 177 Oscars, 12 for Best Picture.

As this article is being written, preparations are underway for the 94th annual Oscars on 27th March 2022. Power of the Dog, Dune and Don’t Look Up are amongst the editors favourites for Best Picture. Licorice Pizza by Metro Goldwyn Mayer & United Artists Releasing, is also in the Best Picture category. MGM has won 177 Oscars, 12 for Best Picture.

MGM was known for being home to ‘more stars than the heavens’. But perhaps, the most well known star of MGM is its gold lion who strangely enough fits into the story of the numerology around this brand.

It’s all about the GOLDEN LION

The first lion called Slats was in the logo for Goldwyn Pictures from 1916 to 1924. The second lion Jackie became famous for his roar when sound pictures were first made, he went on to star in Tarzan movies. Coffee, Tanner and then several Leo’s were amongst 11 lions working for MGM. The 12th lion is now a CGI version loosely based on the last Leo and marking the end of an era, perhaps fitting as ownership of MGM’s vast catalogue of movies has now passed onto Amazon’s digital streaming service.

The symbolism of a lion represents power and royalty – the king of the jungle. What is interesting to note about this logo is that the complementary colour to the gold is royal blue and features in the numerology of the MGM name as well. But first let us look at the consonants and work our way back to the story of the lion!

The Consonants as the marketing message of MGM

The ’66’ is the G15 Solid Gold and Magenta bottle, and in Colour Mirrors has often been nicknamed the ‘Millionaires Bottle’. Entrepreneurs who are destined to be very successful choose this bottle as Gold represents wealth, fame and accolades achieved by doing what they love, represented by Magenta the colour of service and the pursuit of a soul purpose.

The 66 becomes a 12 which is Violet and Red mixed, in CM this bottle is called Heaven on Earth. So the projects that come from this brand promises satisfaction on all levels, they will make you feel good (violet) and offer value (red). The 66 and 12 combine to ensure this brand stays noticed, enticing and valued. Then the 12 becomes a 3, and we have coral Jupiter as its final destination message in marketing: we are big, we are bold, we are powerful, we are original, we are the best.

The Lion’s Gateway

The vowels totalling 23 is royal blue and here we go back to the lions – this bottle represents what is called the Lion’s Gateway. Amongst astrologers, it is said that opportunities peak when the Sun is in Leo (July 23 & August 22) and the star Sirius moves closer to Earth and aligns with Orion’s belt. The official lucky date is 8th August and this number 8 sums up the MGM name and the reason for its longevity and success; 8 is the number of abundance and the number 17 is literally to wish upon a star.

It is mind boggling how a gold logo, a golden lion symbolizing the royal king of the jungle, the gold complementary colour Royal Blue in 23 and its Lion’s Gateway, meets the 17 star bottle and depicts a brand that produced movie stars!

It was literally written in the stars that MGM would be a grand success, a mega corporation. Its founding date sealed the process that was to become the MGM legacy, founded on 17 April 1924:

1+7+0+4+1+9+2+4 = 28 New Beginnings, 2+8 = 10 Wheel of Fortune and 1+0 = 1, The Sun which has proven to be the Leo-Lion power behind the MGM brand.

Marion Sadavoy - Colours of Career Development - Reach for GOLD

Impostor syndrome is a feeling that many people have endured, and not surprisingly the numbers have increased tremendously during the Pandemic. One of the main issues with Impostor Syndrome is it can hold us back from advancing in our careers. By tackling intense feelings of self-doubt and designing a path to recognize your professional wisdom you can turn things around. Let’s look at the steps you can take to improve your self-confidence and transform all of your experience into an increase in income.

What is impostor syndrome and how does one get past it?

Impostor Syndrome has been defined as ‘the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.’ It is pernicious and can hold you back from going after your goals. Impostor syndrome can occur regardless of your socioeconomic status, education, experience, or accomplishments. Often, people who suffer from these feelings of self-doubt are high achievers who end up working harder than others, and set ever higher standards.

Dr. Lisa Orbé-Austin, is the author of “Own Your Greatness: Overcome Impostor Syndrome, Beat Self-Doubt, and Succeed in Life.” She shares that a key contributor to feeling self-doubt is the label we receive in childhood. For example, you may have been labeled as “the smart one” growing up, yet you don’t believe you can meet expectations. This is often observed in people who work in highly c o m p e t i t i v e fields such as medicine or the Arts.


Impostor syndrome, although very real for those who suffer from it, is not recognized as a disorder. Identifying the feelings and changing how you respond can help you get in front of them, so they don’t hold you back.

Valerie Young, author of “The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome” said “The goal is not to never feel like an impostor again”. “The goal is to have the tools to talk yourself down faster when you have a normal impostor moment.”

Here is a collection of tips shared by Dr. Lisa Orbé-Austin and Valerie Young, to help you overcome impostor syndrome, and manage impostor-like feelings.


When you step into a new situation or face a new challenge, it is normal to feel some self-doubt.


Reframe your thinking and focus on your strengths. Change your self-talk to a more positive tone. Encourage yourself by saying things such as “This is a great opportunity for me to learn new ideas. Anything I don’t know how to do, I will figure out.”


Write down your successes as you move through your week and review them at the end of each month.


Be sure to do things that make you feel good about yourself mentally, physically and spiritually


Create a team of people who care about you and can remind your of how capable you are, when you’re feeling like an impostor. If you’re feeling severe anxiety, consider seeing a mental health professional for extra support.


Take a risk, push yourself a little further and step out of your comfort zone. This act can propel you into feeling confident again. Remember, playing small may not only affect you, but also those around you including your family, friends and community. Shake off those doubts and show the world what you are capable of achieving.


A common byproduct of self-doubt is not asking for a raise, or not pricing your independent work properly. Here are some helpful steps to follow when preparing to ask for a raise, as sited on Ca.Indeed.com:

  1. CHOOSE AN APPROPRIATE TIME TO ASK. Consider the financial health of the company, your manager’s workload and the time of year.
  2. RESEARCH SALARY TRENDS. Find out what other people earn in a similar position. Check out the national average salary and consider your location, years of experience, greatest accomplishments, specialized skills, time with the company, level of education and certification. Lastly, consider the cost of living adjustment.
  3. SCHEDULE A MEETING in a private setting, either by video or behind closed doors
  4. PREPARE WHAT TO SAY. Be gracious. Share your recent accomplishments and contributions
  5. TREAT THE DISCUSSION SERIOUSLY. Approach it with the same level of seriousness as an important presentation; dress accordingly.
  6. BE READY FOR FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS about your accomplishments or the salary research you’ve done. Also, be prepared for some negotiation. If a raise is not possible, learn why and consider requesting other types of compensation, such as additional vacation time. 7. THANK YOUR MANAGER and send a follow-up email that summarizes the reasons for, and details of your request. This will help your manager if they need to ask someone else about your raise. It will also be a good record of your conversation, should you need to revisit it in the future.


As a freelance creative you may find it challenging to determine what to charge for your work. The most basic way of determining what to charge is by comparing your services to others doing similar work, in your area.

Additionally, you can look at these resources to help you:

HelloBonsai.com, www.waveapps.com, New York Freelance Rates (from Creative Circle), Australia Freelance Rates (from iknowho), UK Freelance Rates (from Major Players)

No matter how you make a living, remember to be confident in who you are and all that you can offer!

Dwayne Richards - Colours of Money - An Interview with: June Morrow

Who is June Morrow?

I am a consultant and a strategist. I work with transformational coaches and consultants. I help them step out of isolation and into more authentic connections with people. I do this by helping them with communications, messaging, and marketing. My goal is to help people create content, programs, and businesses that inspire them as much as they inspire their audiences.

June Morrow helps emerging life coaches step out of isolation and into more authentic connections with marketing, messaging, and communications that inspire them and their audiences. An award-winning speaker, she has over 20 years of experience including strategic planning, copy-writing, web design, social media management, video production, and communications training. She believes in authentic expression over manipulation, relationships over transactions, and acting with integrity over following the herd.

Why is it important that your clients be inspired?

Years ago, I worked in corporate communications. I remember learning if you’re bored with what you’re writing, what do you think is going to happen with your audience, your emotions come through, in what you share in your communications, in your words, in your style. If you’re not interested in it, or if you’re holding back, your audience is going to feel.

“Your business solves problems. The problems that it solves are probably a problem a person feels really alone with right now.”

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Why are you doing what you’re doing?
  • What is the difference that you want to make in the world?
  • What’s the change that you can help people within their lives?

What is your purpose?

Helping people feel less alone.

I believe my purpose on earth is to inspire people. Just being me with all the crazy life choices, and the way I communicate.

“It is about making people feel less alone.”

I remember when I first came to you, I felt, Oh, my gosh, my finances are a mess and I am not making money, I was embarrassed about it. You made me feel less alone. And it was really transformative for me and that’s why I love working with you.

What were your early beliefs around money?

“Money comes and money goes.”

My early beliefs about money were twofold. One that there’s never enough, and two that it’s important to save.

For my parents it was important to not go into debt. They saved their money and paid for everything upfront, except for their house. Because they were always saving, we didn’t have much. I always had this feeling there’s not enough money.

How has your money story changed?

I think that I can create my own money story. I’ve realized that sometimes it’s okay to go into debt, there’s good debt, there’s bad debt. Your life choices are what are important to you. At the end of the day, how you spend money, and how it creates the quality of life that you want is ultimately what’s most important.

So here’s an example. I don’t own a home. But I have had a lot of experiences. I’ve invested a lot of money in education. I have two degrees and a college diploma, I’m constantly taking courses to improve myself. That’s where my money goes, into personal development, and that enriches my life.

The other thing I’ve learned about money is about welcoming in more income, about having the capacity to receive and not being afraid to receive.

How can I actually make more? How can I create more wealth for this world? In the process of doing that, how can I help other people, have more wealth in their life and not necessarily in monetary terms, but wealth in terms of feeling fulfilled, a wealth of connections, or wealth of feeling they’re living their purpose?

What does wealth mean to you?

The ultimate form of wealth is when I can stand tall and say this is who I am. I’m not making apologies for it, I have value, and I am making a difference in this world.

What does authenticity mean for you?

Authenticity is everything to me. I think it’s about being true to yourself. It’s about being true to your higher calling, the thing of your dreams. We spend the first half of our life putting on our masks. Then if we’re lucky, we spend the second half of our lives dropping all of that, and seeing what’s underneath. It’s what’s right for you what’s true to you and then expressing that and having the courage to express who you are. To be vulnerable, a huge part of authenticity is vulnerability.

What about courage?

Courage isn’t the absence of fear. Courage is acting in spite of fear. We all have some inner voice that’s asking us to do something, to be more. When we get on that path, that’s when we have to walk through the fear, and in walking through the fear, you see who you are.

Who is your ideal client?

I absolutely love working with coaches, life coaches, business coaches, any kind of coach who is purpose-driven, they’re coming from a heart-centered space, maybe they’ve been through a transformation themselves, and they want to help other people with that same transformation. They’re not necessarily driven by profit. They’re driven by wanting to make an impact.

What is their pain?

How do I get out there? They don’t want to bother people. It is a big red flag, they are blocking themselves and they are blocking their authentic connection.

There are multiple things that are stopping them. One is, they have a fear of, being judged and they worry about what people will think. That is going to stop them from making connections.

Your business doesn’t exist to fulfill your own interests and desires, it exists to solve a problem.

What is one of the five money-blocking mistakes most coaches make?

Hiding behind technology, this is what it looks like. I’ll start my business when my website, and my branding is done. Learn more about the other blocks including the need for another certification.

Gold at the end of the rainbow.

If you’re just starting your business, the first thing you need to do is to talk to people and find out what they need. That’s the first thing you need before you create anything. Talk to people. What is it that they need? Where are they struggling? How can you help them?

Don’t create, investigate!

Don’t create, but ask and listen. Listening is the most important thing you can do as an entrepreneur. It’s gold.

Closing Thought

Notice where you’re feeling resistance in your business, because that is an area for growth and if you move through it, that’s where you will find the treasures, like gold.

Sara DiFlow - Colours of Visibility - This is a story of being totally STRIPPED NAKED


A journey of transformation and the challenges I faced in accepting who I came into this world to be, and what I hope to leave behind when I’m gone. This is a journey of unravelling thousands of generations of programming about what it means to be a woman, to be human and to be set free.

Pretty soon after this photo was taken my world began to fall apart. Why? Because I needed to embody the intentions I set at this photoshoot, to be an anchor of a golden age.

Gold represents transformation, presence and power. Transformation is like an alchemical process that takes something dense and heavy and makes it gold and light. Ascension is actually a journey of descending into the body and into a knowingness of the power our presence has on earth. Anything not founded on integrity will crumble.

Everything in my world that did not hold to this gold standard I’d intended for myself came to the surface to be examined, transmuted and loved. Including my understanding of love itself. I had learned love was conditional.

As with many humans, I suffered with body dysmorphia and many other insecurities, anxieties and traumas. I was constantly striving to be someone else, somewhere else, other than here and now, in my body and on this earth. I never felt allowed to simply be.

I was constantly trying to fit in by looking outside myself for validation, direction, security and love. I was doing nothing but giving my power away and therefore I was completely out of touch with what being me even looked or felt like.

To become gold one must take one’s power back and understand the responsibility that comes with stepping into that power.

It took years of being in denial about the changes I knew, somewhere inside of me, I needed to make. As much as I wanted to disrupt the status quo and rewrite the story of being human, there was deep fear, guilt & shame. I was terrified of upsetting people I loved. At some level I knew claiming my power would disrupt my whole world. Up until recently I spent most of my time outside of my body, in my head and in the realities of the other people I was trying to please.

Why? Because I was conditioned to believe that not disrupting the status quo was safe and loving. That belief was slowly killing my spirit and making me sick.

“Because I needed to embody the intentions I set at this photoshoot, to be an anchor of a golden age.”

It took a few experiences of feeling deeply betrayed by people I loved to decide I needed to completely cut all ties with my past and abandon the life I knew, in order to save myself.

Little by little I stripped away what no longer served me and my deeper needs. This set me up for a beautiful and messy identity crisis.

Through this crisis, which some refer to as a dark night of the soul, I recovered my authentic power and learned that it is love. I learned what unconditional love is, and that it starts with me. I faced off with all the ways I had denied, suppressed and disowned my true nature.

The journey of transformation has very little to do with outer appearance, goals or accomplishments. It’s about transforming inside and being completely present and self aware of what’s longing to be seen deep below the surface. It’s about recovering our true essence and shining that out in the world.

The deep journey through denial, betrayal, abandonment and crisis is what set me free. It’s how I began to embody who I was always meant to be. This is the glow of gold. A grace filled revealing of our soul’s greatest gift to the world. An integration of past experiences, fragmented parts that were once unloveable and inherit wisdom laying dormant beneath a protective shell. Through my process of reclamation, Flow Network was birthed.

A Network and conscious community of new earth leaders, way-showers and creative professionals who have their own stories to tell and resources to share to support others through the messy and often lonely process of transformation. As messy as transformation can be, it is a beautiful art. Life is a beautiful art, an ever evolving and expanding dance of pure potential, joy and pleasure.

I believe our stories and visions are a survival guide for someone else and key to share and weave together in these times we are meant to thrive through.

UbU – You be You, is the founding motto of this network and the radiant energy required to create a new world built on a solid integral foundation.

When you are embodying the truth of your soul, freedom and joy will emanate naturally – and that is gold!

Whitney Hammond - Colours of Wealth - Demystifying the alchemy of BUILDING WEALTH

Well you know what they say, “All that glitters is gold.” There seems to be a common theme that in order to strike gold and develop wealth, one must either call it right in the stock market or hit it big in a jackpot to make that overnight success. Not so.

There truly is a magical way of building your riches.

The Gold Standard in Investment Management:

All that Glitters is NOT gold. Do we get distracted by shiny pennies and jump from one idea to another without focusing on one? Do we look at others and wish we had the same things they have? Are we all running so hard to keep up with the Joneses?

We relate gold with riches. We imagine people with wealth to be superior, when really its all about financial empowerment. Developing wealth may not be so much about becoming powerful, its more so about having the freedom to have options and having the freedom of choice. These are quite powerful.

Many of us consider people who generate wealth and gold riches to be magical alchemists. A simple definition of alchemy is taking something ordinary and creating something extraordinary, in a way that cannot be explained. Developing wealth can really look like a mystery to many. Let’s unpack this notion.

The 6 gold nuggets you need – to take your wealth from ordinary to EXTRAORDINARY

  1. Building wealth is done systematically over time.

Yes, one dollar at a time. Consider opening an investment account, whether it be a savings account inside of your corporation, TFSA (Tax free savings account) or RRSP (registered retirement savings account.) We all need to start somewhere. I know, this feels like a mountain of work, and we will never get there. But I can assure you from experience, money magically grows.

Once the seed it planted, it grows, and more money is attracted. There is alchemy in this equation. Ask anyone how they built their big nest egg, and they will share, “I started, and it just magically took off! Money literally started coming my way. I hopped on board, and consistently saved a percentage of what I made.”

  1. Work with a coach or mentor.

Find someone, or ask to be referred to someone, who has “been there, done that.” I was so good at building wealth over the last four decades, that I decided 25 years ago to open an investment firm and teach others. I started with being mentored at a young age. Then I became an entrepreneur, strategizing to make myself profitable. I did not make a goal of survival, quite the contrary, I made a goal of developing significant wealth. It truly felt like a mountain in the beginning. I soon came to realize that we do not find our “pot of gold,” we build our “pot of gold” by systematically saving. Magically, this disciplined behavior created the ability to become an investor and here is where opportunities come to those who can invest.

  1. Develop a wealth mindset.

I became a pilot 10 years ago. I very quickly learned there needs to be a direction and rudder for the nose of the plane to fly the course. This is the same with attracting and developing wealth. My thoughts continually lead me to wanting wealth for various reasons, the main one being freedom.

Freedom allowed independence, which then lead to:

  • confidence
  • opportunity
  • leadership
  • giving
  • making a change
  • going on adventures,
  • flying (myself) to cool destinations

And did I mention control? Yes control. It’s what my mind wanted, so the world alchemically opened it up to me.

  1. Build a matrix.

Creative entrepreneurs come up with endless business and marketing ideas.

We must measure for success: What works? Where is there too much energy? Where do I need to apply more energy?

A business matrix can be as simple as the 10-3-1 ratio

Call 10 people to book 3 appointments to make 1 sale

Set a target:
200 clients x $50 = $10,000

If you double your revenue?
200 clients x $100 =$20,000

Working on the numbers makes it reasonable to bring in the revenue to create an investor out of yourself.

Next Target:
5 years x 200 clients
is now 1000 clients x $100 = $100,000

Systematically build your client base, focus on a matrix and then create your client base. What we focus on, WILL show up. Measure the numbers, lay out the plan and then work it. It works if you work it.

  1. Establish long term relationships with customers.

When we develop relationships with our clients, we understand their needs, we know what keeps them awake at night, and we know how to make their lives better. The only thing constant in life, is change.

When you meet your client at each stage of change, they KNOW you care, they KNOW you are there for them and they will continue to buy and refer other like-minded people to you. Customers for life. You nail this one down and “magically” you have created a thriving business.

  1. Give, give and give again.
  • Volunteer time
  • Pick a favorite charity
  • Spend time with a client without a sales idea
  • Collaborate and mentor others.

Give of what was so freely given to you. Giving sparks transformation, it shows leadership, and it reaps rewards. Incomes go up when we give!

Back to the pot of gold…

Build your business, service your clients, put money aside systematically each month, and increase the deposits regularly. Suddenly you will see, your pot of gold will be adding its own deposit each month, creating a snowball effect.

Not only does your ordinary pot of gold become extraordinary, so does your life, your experiences become richer and richer. I cannot think of a more satisfying life of helping others, building financial freedom and being able to make decisions without limiting beliefs. The streets are paved with gold….

Use these gold nuggets and go out and live your extraordinary life!

Crystal Eves - Colours of Astrology - Crouching PLANETS Kicking ECLIPSES

Astrology, although often thought of as a dozen one-dimensional personality traits, is actually a robust craft that relates events in the sky to life on Earth. It is a rich, symbolic language that is usually conveyed through the use of metaphors and a fair bit of astro-jargon. But, if you’d like a simple way to experience what astrologers understand about the second quarter of 2022, I invite you to try the following exercise.

Find a spacious area in which to stand, and then assume a crouched position. Make yourself as small as possible, contracting all of your muscles, squinting your eyes shut, tensing your face and breathing in a shallow manner. Then slowly, ever so slowly, begin to relax and expand. Gently rise to a standing position while releasing the tension in your face and muscles. Open your stance, extend your arms up and out. Tilt your head to gaze upward, and open your eyes and mouth as wide as you can. Finally, take a deep satisfying breath in, before expelling your breath in a long, slow, calm exhale. That, dear readers, is what is happening in the sky.

No need to wait for an eclipse-kicking…

Did you try it? If you did, no doubt you could feel the visceral contrast between the two postures and the relief that washes over your body when moving from that guarded, closed-off position to the relaxed, expansive one. Even if you didn’t try it, I’m sure you can imagine. (But you should still try it.)

When astrologers look to the sky these days, this transition, from tightly bound to more open and expanded, is exactly what we see. At the opening of this quarter all the planets are bundled together in one third of the sky; by the end of the quarter, they will occupy half the sky, and this expansion will continue throughout 2022.

The interpretation is that we are now unfolding and reintegrating. As we do, the new potential that we hold, the potential that has been forged since 2020, is making its initial debut in this nearly post-pandemic world.

Who have you become over these last two years? Be assured that you are no longer the same. Even if you haven’t noticed, you have definitely transformed during this time. You are older, for one. You have learned some tough truths about your values, your relationships and your resiliency. You’ve seen all the programs worth seeing on Netflix, plus a few more. You may no longer be interested in commuting to work, or wearing business attire from the waist down. It’s possible that your old jeans no longer fit your new body, and it’s more than probable that your old plans no longer fit this new time.

You may have evolved to be stronger and more purposeful, or you may now be feeling more confused and uncertain than ever before. Either way, making in-roads into this new time, with your new self and all of its potential, is what this quarter is about. It is time to appreciate all that you have recently become, and to allow this new understanding to guide your actions.

You don’t have to embrace this new you, of course, but it will be easier if you do. Clinging to your old life and plans is akin to going to dinner in jeans you’ve outgrown. It cuts off your circulation, restricts you at the core, and keeps you from enjoying the present moment. (If you lived through the 80’s you know this first-hand.)

Luckily, there are specific times when the astrology of this quarter will prompt you to ‘get with the program’ and that will be during the mid-spring eclipses.

On April 30th there is a solar eclipse in the sign of Taurus. It will offer a swift kick to anyone stuck in the old. (Financial astrologers are predicting that this eclipse might also affect global markets and geo-political developments.) From a personal perspective, any growth you have been forestalling, may now be forced on you due to circumstances, perhaps surprising ones. If you have already begun expressing the ‘new you’ in the world, this eclipse could lead to developments that highlight just how far you have come and where you might expand further, possibly through exciting, unexpected events and flashes of insight. This eclipse also has a soul-mate theme connected to it, so some of these electric developments may involve love, partnership, and circumstances triggered by others.

The lunar eclipse of May 16th is also landing in the fixed signs of Scorpio and Taurus, further encouraging stuck energy to move forward. In between these two celestial events, Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, moves into decisive Aries (at least for the time being) and this could lead to some bold action during the May eclipse that wasn’t possible prior to the first eclipse in April.

One way to work with this energy is to picture yourself having already achieved the growth that you are currently moving toward. The book is finished, the promotion gained, the new relationship has been found, and the harmony is restored. You already are this person who is capable of these things and as you relax and stretch out into this new territory with your fresh eyes, energy, and newly-forged self, you will see that this is so. No need to wait for an eclipse-kicking to find out.

Tasha Bodnarchuk - Colours of Embodiment - All that GLITTERS. All that SHINES.

Do we really need to follow some magical winding path to the end of the rainbow to get to the gold? Do we need to look outside of ourselves to receive abundance? I believe that we are the GOLD we are searching for. Each of us is a vessel that has the potential to overflow with love and sparkling possibility. It is a disservice to our humanness to doubt how powerful we are, from the inside out.

We are the creators and alchemists of our dreams. Embodiment requires us to deep dive with open arms and an open heart into our truth, our authentic selves, and this can only be done by going inward. Humanity spends so much time on the external – the external body, the external environment and all that exists outside of us. When we strip away the stress, noise and busyness of our lives we are able to recognize that it is all separate from us. We have the choice to ground into who we truly are, each of us golden shiny beams of light and love energy with endless potential.


How can you begin to tap into yourself and your inner knowing? It starts with connecting to just YOU in the moment. Having presence and using your breath as your guide can be an amazing tool. Inhale, exhale, repeat. Moment to moment. Take the time each day to have a few minutes of body and breath awareness. Sitting in a comfortable spot, place your hands on your chest, lungs, or heart space, if it feels good to do so. Otherwise place your hands comfortably on your knees or lap. Fully and deeply inhale and open up to receive the fresh oxygen for your lungs and blood. Allow that breath to travel deep down into your belly. Envision that breath as golden and bright and feel it cleansing your mind, body and spirit. When you feel an exhale coming, connect to that golden energy again. The out breath releases stagnant air, negative ideas, thoughts, stories, and creates space for the next healing breath.

Why is our breath such an important tool in our self-care kit? It is automatic, so we do not have to force our breath. Our magical body has the ability to function as a welloiled machine, all the integral parts working together so we can function and live, move, grow, and explore the world around us. Our breathing creates an instant change and shift no matter what we do. Inhale – newness, freshness. Exhale – all which no longer serves us. Simple breath work relieves anxiety, stress and feelings of being overwhelmed with all that is happening in our world. It brings us home, to the simple intricacy of our bodies. When we tune into our physical body in this way, what is external to us can perhaps fade into the background and we can return to what we do have control over, our very own feeling and moving body.

In reality, (let us connect to that for a moment) we often get swept away with should haves, could haves and an endless to-do list. My recommendation as a Holistic Counsellor is to find ways of going inward that work for you. I can make suggestions but it is about YOU. Maybe what you feel comfortable doing at home, you may not want to do at work, or sitting in your car. Find ways that resonate for you. You are your number one healer, never forget that. The more you take the time to know your mind and body in stillness and quiet, the more you will receive clarity and the answers you need. With a gentle reminder that this process takes practice, and that there can be a beginning, but there is no end. The work of exploring your self-awareness, self-acceptance, and openness to stepping into your golden power is an ever changing and evolving journey of self-love. It is our personal adventure and we can choose to embrace all of it with an open mind, heart and body.

Maybe connecting to your breath will lead you to connect to your body, to move, dance, or do yoga stretches. Maybe you walk, or run, or explore in nature. Maybe you create a mantra that you can repeat and focus on, something that grounds you and brings you back to your body in the present moment.

Maybe you can repeat these words as a focus point: I AM GOLD, I AM ENOUGH, I AM. It does not have to be complicated, simplicity is key. Just sit and be and repeat these words inward or outward: I AM GOLD, I AM ENOUGH, I AM.

You can create a mixed bag of options to help you find that gold within yourself, your WHY. The ‘why’ is about seeing and accepting exactly who you are, peeling back the layers that help to expose and express why you came in this human body form, and what magic you are here to create. All of us are unique and individual masterpieces that come together in this tapestry of life. Never forget – you are worthy, YOU ARE GOLD.

Kathryn Dzsudzsak - Colours of Energy - Going ga ga over GOLD

It never fails; my brain is on fire with ideas, and then, when it’s time to write……chirp, chirp…crickets! To make matters even more fun, here we are again with a colour that typically is not in the chakra system.

What is gold? Why do people go absolutely gah gaa over gold, especially pirates?? Arrrrrh matey! Where did the word gold even come from?

I can delve into the history of it, but I would need a lot more space than what I have for my article, so let’s just do the obvious. (I can’t just leave it at that, so I have to give you a little bit.)

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au which comes from the Latin word “aurum.” For all you scientific people out there, the atomic number is 79, making it one of the higher atomic number elements that occur naturally. It was discovered in the Middle East before 6000 BCE! And I thought I was old! Apparently, all of the gold found on earth is the debris of dead stars? Who knew! (Google)

“For a moment, I invite you to forget about the warmth and brightness the sun provides and just allow the gold to soak into your cells.”

What is gold all about?

Gold is a cousin to yellow and the colour brown, so it has a link with your solar plexus. It is about courage, passion and wisdom. Yellow also is joy, and when you think of gold, how do you feel?

Imagine a beautiful golden sun beginning to rise in the morning or set in the evening. Think about how it makes you feel. In the morning, does it’s golden warmth inspire you? Does it get your mojo going? What about the sunsets? At the end of a long day I invite you to forget about the warmth and brightness the sun provides and just allow the gold to soak into your cells. Allow it to energize and rejuvinate your DNA as you rest during the night.

So let’s move into the frequency and the energy of gold.

Is gold part of the chakra system?

Yes and no. Gold is all about balancing the space between the solar plexus and heart chakra. It is also associated with the third eye and the crown. So yes, it is part of the chakra/ energy system. It helps to amplify your thoughts and assists in meditation. It is believed that gold can help prevent spiritual deterioration, so if you feel you’re struggling spiritually, grab a gold necklace or something that’s gold. It is also beneficial for fatigue and helps to rid negativity. Gold may help you move away from greed and to relieve anger. If you are feeling low, gold is fabulous to gain back the mojo you misplaced!

Does it affect your energetic/ spiritual self and physical body?

Yes, it does! Healers have been using gold for centuries because of the healing properties. Because gold is an allnatural mineral, it is nontoxic, and the body easily tolerates it. Once again, don’t be taking anything until you check with your medical professional! Gold has been placed in many things. Certain foods, drinks, and creams have actual gold in them. It’s a mineral, and because it is a soft metal, your body can digest it.

When I found this out, I could have smacked myself. I have a skin issue, and look what gold can help treat! (e.g. eczema, fungal infections, skin rash, wounds, skin burns) Gold provides warm and soothing vibrations to the skin and, therefore, helps your body regenerate cells.

Apparently, gold plays a big role in the health and maintenance of joints. The other cool thing is gold is a conductor of electricity, and thus, it will help transmit electrical signals throughout the body! I guess we need to do some more research on gold! It’s beginning to answer why some people have gold teeth!

Gold helps to clear negativity from your chakras and your energy field. If the negativity is stuck in your energetic body, it will also be stuck in your physical body! Whatever happens in your physical body, also happens or is happening in your energetic body! Gold helps clean your physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual body. Because of the frequency, gold will transfer the energy to areas that your body needs healing in. Your body needs the minerals that are in gold. Who knew!!

There is not only yellow gold. We also have rose gold and white gold. What properties do these hold?

  • Rose gold really enhances spirituality.
  • White gold is really good at channelling the energy of the sun and the moon.

So when you use gold with other stones or crystals, it can amplify the energy in the healing power of those stones.

It is best to be able to use the purest of the gold that you can get. However, not everyone can afford or wants to spend a lot because gold is not cheap. There are more economical ways to get the energy of the gold without having to forfeit anything. There is gold wire that can be used for wrapping some of your favourite stones. Make a necklace or have a mala made with gold intertwined through it. Even something as simple as gold thread can give you what you need.

As a reminder, before you purchase anything, always muscle test and make sure that it is right for you. It has to be right for you. Just because someone tells you that it’s good for you does not mean it is. It is so, so important to let your energy, your physical body, and your energetic body choose what is right for you.

Heather Bain - Colours of Family - The Snow Fort Builder's Skills!

One day a grade one teacher called me and reported that two of her students hadn’t come back in after recess. She could see them, and called them from the steps of the portable, but they didn’t respond. It was a sunny, cold, winter day with a fresh blanket of packing snow covering the school yard as I headed outside.

I found them at the back of the school field, perfecting a massive snow fort. They excitedly showed off the walled rooms and a cache of snowballs for ammunition in case the older kids wanted their fort. They were quite surprised when I told them recess was over and they were late for class. Both began to cry because they thought they were in “big trouble”. As we walked inside, we discussed safety and strategies to use. We explained what happened to their teacher and they shared their recess plan. Happily there were no further issues like this one.

Years later, when the same two boys were in grade eight, they ran in the student council election, and both won leadership positions. They brought their focus, communication, work ethic and the teamwork skills they had displayed that day in grade one building a snow fort, to their new Student Council roles.

When I was a child, my sister and I attended a weekly ballet class. Our mother would drop us off at the front door, go to park the car and come inside. We always arrived dressed and ready to join dance class with our street clothes packed in our dance bags. We were expected to get changed and meet our mother by the front door right after ballet was over.

One day when my mother was waiting to take us home, my sister met her at the door. Mom asked where I was, then came into the change room. I was half changed, working my way around the room as I chatted to friends. My belongings were scattered. Mom rounded up me and my stuff and asked why I wasn’t ready to leave. I shared detailed comments about my friends and how I hugged my classmate and her mother goodbye who were going to be away from dance class on vacation. My mom told me that I needed to be more organized like my younger sister. I was 6 and she was 4.

In the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner proposes that intelligence can fall into multiple areas of human ability that are not necessarily able to be measured by standard intelligence tests. They are broken into several categories and people may have more than one area of strength of varying degrees. (*Please see the chart above and the reference article for more details.)

What do you see and identify as your areas of intelligence?

Which ones do you see in your child/children and other family members? Educators often deliberately design the activities within their lessons to assist each student learn in a way that best fits multiple areas of intelligence and a child’s learning style.

Some questions for parents to think about are “How do we encourage and support our children to be their best selves? How do we help them develop their potential?” My answer: children learn what they see! Encourage them to be true to their authentic selves even when it’s hard. And do it yourself too! A read-aloud story I found on YouTube that clearly and simply explains this concept is “ A Kids’ Book About Belonging “ by Kevin Carroll.

It’s amazing to see how the combination of time, maturity, social and emotional growth enables children to become a wiser, more able, confident versions of themselves. The same can also be true for adults. As my college Gerontology.

Professor once stated, “The rat becomes rattier!” By that she meant people become more themselves and find a way to use, practice and polish their innate skills, abilities, and personality traits. The student who doodles to escape classroom routines could become a talented artist. The high school track star may be the student who used to do laps in the halls to deal with anger issues!

To this day, my younger sister is more organized than me. I always envied her ability to focus, work hard and get great report cards. She envied my ease in socializing and making people feel comfortable. Honestly, I haven’t changed that much from the half dressed, chatty little girl keeping my mother waiting! But now I make my living (completely dressed) using my strong interpersonal and communication skills to support students, staff, and parents.

Want to show your children that you are being your best self??? Experiment and praise the effort taken to explore new skills, hobbies, situations, and experiences. Lead by example and model the positive character traits you want your child to have like honesty, cooperation, respect, loyalty, kindness, and compassion. Teach your child that mistakes happen, that they are normal and can be a learning opportunity. Reframe it from a growth mindset point of view. Show them that you are still excited about learning new things! Accept successes and challenges as part of life. Have them notice, acknowledge, and appreciate the caring people in their lives. Find joy in everyday wonders like a pretty flower, jumping in a puddle, or cuddling a beloved pet.

Most importantly, take the time to notice the effort and skills your children bring to building a terrific snow fort! It could be the start of a wonderful story!

Samantha Timbers - Colours of Hypnosis - Empower yourself with GOLD

Gold is one of the most prestigious metals on the planet and throughout history has been equated with power.

When I thought of the word “power”, my mind would automatically look to the negative, because to me power meant that someone has power over you and implied they were going to use that power for control. Over the last few years, I have redefined my perception and now see both positive and negative sides of power.

As I have discovered since writing for this beautiful magazine, often when I am working with the edition colour things related to the aspects of that colour appear. This month was no different as I was working with the colour gold a few situations arose regarding power and feeling disempowered. Two of these situations involved my daughters. In two separate situations they had felt their power was taken away by the actions and comments of other people. There were choices and decisions that needed to be made. Two choices immediately came to mind; run away and feel defeated or fight back and get angry. Many people believe these are the only two options available when you feel your power has been taken from you. At the root of any disempowerment is the lack of choice.

What if there is another choice? You don’t have to be defeated, a victim, or angry. Taking back your power can mean standing your ground from a place of calm and confidence, knowing your worth, knowing no one other than you can give away your power.

At some point in everyone’s life they have felt a sense of being unworthy, unlovable, undeserving, or just not feeling enough. When we feel this way, it is easy to give away power through being a victim or lashing out in anger. There are a number of ways to remove these limiting beliefs in order to feel worthy. In my last article, there are some concrete suggestions as to how to begin to feel worthy. It is difficult to feel empowered while not feel worthy or deserving.

When you are empowered, wonderful things happen. When you decide to stand your ground and keep your power and not give it away it will change your life. To claim your right to communicate what you need and want without resentment, anger, or feeling like a victim is power.

The Oxford dictionary defines Empowerment as “the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.”

Hypnosis and feeling empowered

Hypnosis can assist you to find your power and feel empowered. Hypnosis is a tool used in Hypnotherapy, and is a trance-like state in which you have heightened focus and concentration. When you are in the state of hypnosis it allows you to access to your subconscious mind; when you access your subconscious mind you can begin to reprogram your thoughts and beliefs. Your beliefs, values, view of the world, and programs that run your life are all stored in the unconscious mind. All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so whether you are working with a Hypnotherapist or you are going to practice self-hypnosis you can reprogram your mind to feel empowered. Through hypnosis you can increase your feelings of confidence, selfesteem, self-worth, and self-love. This will assist you in feeling empowered and expressing what you need and want in a situation.

When you are in a situation where you feel disempowered

Step 1 Take a breath, do not immediately react

Step 2 Be in the present

Step 3 Tell yourself you are worthy, confident and you are powerful

Step 4 Decide how you want to be treated and what you need and want

Step 5 Communicate these wants and needs

Step 6 Stay strong, say positive affirmations, know you are worth it

Hypnosis can assist with confidence, self-esteem, weight loss, stress, anxiety, smoking cessation, setting and achieving goals, and so much more.

Empower yourself through self-hypnosis

Many people do not realize that they can hypnotize themselves to assist with being empowered. You don’t always need a hypnotherapist. It would be similar to working out on your own to build your muscles or seeking out a personal trainer to assist you. When working with a certified Hypnotherapist you will often be able to experience a deeper level of trance and may have quicker results. Depending on what you are working on you may be able to accomplish what you need on your own. Self-hypnosis is similar to meditation with the additional use of suggestions to install behaviors and new beliefs.

Steps to hypnotize yourself to empowerment

Find a comfortable place where you will not be distracted and turn off your devices

  • Sitting up preferably in a comfortable chair with loose clothing

Set your goal of empowerment

  • You will use suggestions such as: I am confident, deserving, and worthy to speak of what I want and desire

Focus your gaze:

  • Find a spot to focus on within your line of sight

Begin to relax

  • Breathe deeply in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, do this 3 times and allow your shoulders to drop

Focus on your breath

  • Continue to relax, close your eyes and continue to breathe deeply. Count down from 10 – 0 and imagine yourself walking down a beautiful staircase


  • Use your senses to create your most relaxed place see, hear, and feel what you would see in this space. Imagine your body becoming heavy, just like when you are about to fall asleep

Your suggestions of empowerment

  • Imagine yourself feeling empowered, and see, hear, and feel what that is like. State to yourself – I am confident, deserving, and worthy to speak to what I want and desire. Repeat this to yourself 3 times as you do direct compassion and love to yourself

Bring yourself back

  • Let your body return to normal, begin counting from 5 – 1 telling yourself that you are coming back from wherever you were into the room, and say when I reach one I will open my eyes energized and alert.

Jennifer Love - Colours of Intimacy - Sex Magick & Pussy Sparkles

How to Use Your Sexual Energy to Create Your Dream Life

Before we dive into the details of this juicy practice, I invite you to take a moment and reflect on what the name Sex Magick stirs up within you. What do you think it means? Does it activate curiosity or fear? How do you feel when you read the words Pussy Sparkles? Do you feel empowered within your sexuality and sexual expression, or do you notice blocks inside you?

Everything is perfect as it is, there is no need to change anything at this moment, simply reflect and notice what comes up for you. Your sexual energy is the most potent and powerful force available to you to manifest your dream life. When it is combined with the Law of Attraction in a Sex Magick ritual, you are consciously channeling this sexual energy toward what you want to bring into your life.

Everything in this Universe is energy. It is in a constant state of movement and flow. When this movement of energy is constricted, we can feel it in our lives. We may feel stuck or at a standstill. We may feel distracted or lost, or unable to focus. This is an indication that your energy is blocked. You have the power within you to create the life of your dreams, whatever that looks like to you. The key is to keep this energy in flow.

I will share with you how to do this practice in a moment, but before we do, I want to give you a quick introduction to the chakra system. The word “Chakra” is Sanskrit and means WHEEL, so you can imagine or visualize each of your chakras as a spinning wheel of energy. There are 7 major chakras in the body, and they align themselves along your spine from the very base all the way to the top of your head. Your chakras are one part of your energy body and a key piece of how energy moves within your physical body and out into the world.

When you practice Sex Magick, you will be moving your sexual energy up from your base chakra and genitals all the way up to the crown of your head as you reach an orgasmic state. This may seem like a foreign language to you at the moment, and that is okay. This is an energy PRACTICE and you will not get it on your first or second try, and that is okay too. Be gentle with yourself and have fun with it. It is well worth the investment of time to learn how to do this ancient practice of using your orgasmic energy combined with your creative intentions.

I love the term Pussy Sparkles. I just imagine golden glitter being sent out into the Universe to return to me all my desires. Feel free to use the term yourself or choose a word that resonates with you. The idea is to have a visual of your creative, sexual energy being activated. And at the very least, this is a fun practice to do solo or with your partner to create more intimacy in the moment.

*Note, before beginning this practice – if you are not familiar with the chakra system, I recommend having a picture of them with you when you do the practice for reference of where they are located and the colour of each one. (You can find one on Google to print off or look at)

How to Practice Sex Magick

  1. Set an Intention for your Ritual – You will want to begin your Sex Magick Practice by setting an intention. What is it that you are wanting to create in your life? You can have an intention for your career or business, your relationship, your health, and fitness. It can be for more abundance, more happiness, more freedom, etc. Whatever your heart desires. Allow this to come easily and naturally for you. You can write it down on a piece of paper or a sticky note, add it to your altar, or create an image in your mind. This will be what you focus on as your pleasure and turn on expands and finally what you will release out to the Universe at the moment of the Big-O.
  2. Set Your Sacred Space/Gather Your Materials – Once you have set your intention, you will next create a sacred space. Take some time to clear out all the clutter from your space. If you are in your bedroom, make sure all the laundry is put away and that your bed is made. You may want to add some crystals, essential oils, fresh flowers, or candles. Make your space clear and beautiful. Take as much time as you need to set the space. If you are doing a solo session, you may also want to gather your favorite toys.
  3. Cleanse Your Energy – Before beginning your ritual you will want to cleanse your energy. I always enjoy a hot bubble bath with rose essential oils and Epsom salts. You may want to do the same, or a hot steamy shower may be more appealing for you. If you are doing the Sex Magick ritual with a partner, you may even want to invite that person to join you. Once you have cleansed your physical body, consider cleansing your energy body as well. You can use sage or Palo Santo, smoke from incense, or even just visualize yourself surrounded by a ball of white light.
  4. Ground Yourself/Connect to Your Partner – Your next step will be to move into your sacred space and ground yourself. If you are with a partner, you will want to take a few extra moments to connect with them heart-toheart. To ground yourself, sit on your bed and take a few deep breaths with the intention to bring yourself to the present moment. Release the day and allow all your thoughts to move as they wish. Take as much time as you need. Once you feel that you are present, connect with your partner by facing them and breathing a few deep breaths together. You may also want to hold hands or put one hand on each other’s hearts.
  5. Focus on Pleasure & Turn On – Then you will slowly begin to turn yourself, or each other, on. Take your time and really enjoy the feelings and sensations. This can be whatever feels good to you. There are no rules here. When you start to sense the turn on energy, bring your attention to your root chakra, located at the base of your spine. Imagine a glowing red wheel or ball of energy. Mix your sexual energy with this energy and notice how the energy shifts or changes. Stay with these sensations for a few moments and then move the energy up to your sacral chakra, located just above the root chakra. Imagine a glowing orange wheel or ball of energy. Mix your sexual energy with the energy of this chakra and see how it shifts or changes. Continue to do this all the way up to the crown chakra. Take as much time as you need. If you feel yourself getting close to the big-O, take a few deep breaths and go slow. You want to save that energy until you get to the crown chakra!
  6. Release Your Pussy Sparkles – Once you have moved your sexual energy all the way up through your chakras to your crown, you can then release your intention out into the Universe as you climax. Again, you want a visual representation of your sexual energy moving out into the world and I invite you to see golden Pu$$y Sparkles move out your crown chakra toward your dreams. Visualize yourself having achieved your dreams, living your desires. Continue to visualize for as long as feels good for you. Then you can sit or lay for a few moments in stillness or in the arms of your partner. You may feel inclined to journal after your experience or however you would like to close off the ritual.

Again, Sex Magick takes practice. Do not put pressure on yourself to get it right the first time or even to reach orgasm. The important thing is to relax, have fun and enjoy the moment, either with yourself or with your partner!

Diana Butler - Special Report - Letting go of CONTROLLING behavior

A tidbit of wisdom about how tapping into our power can help us let go of our controlling behavior. From my experience, we use control as a tool to validate that we are in the “right.” Generally speaking, we do so to keep us feeling safe, not just in our environment but also in our identity. By enacting structure and order we remove the threat of chaos and uncertainty. But is our way “the right way” or are we in a subconscious power struggle where our ego’s innate desire for safety and security, has waged war against the truth?

Perspective is reality. Reality becomes our truth. Our truth becomes our identity. Our identity becomes our ego. Our ego is protected through control.

So, in essence we use control to protect our ego, which then protects our identity, which has been crafted by a will to stay safe and therefore, the actions we take are determined by what we deem to be true, based upon the reality of our world, which is ultimately determined by our perception.

So, does that suggest that to alter our reality, we would need to change our perspective rather than control our environment? Have we been doing things wrong all this time? Have we been trying to control others and our environment to keep us feeling safe, a process that creates tension, fuels fights and wages war, when all we need to do is alter our personal perspective?

So, what is perspective?

We all operate on different energetic frequencies, experiences, education, knowledge, wisdom, and emotional intelligence. How much of each “element” we tap into, ultimately determines how we perceive things. Therefore, multiple people can interpret the exact same event in many ways, each of us assigning a different personal truth to the same situation.

However, there is a difference between personal truth and universal truth. There are very few universal truths that exist in this world – so other than those truths, everything else, for the most part, is perspective.

Control becomes such a dominating player for everybody because when somebody has not chosen that same truth as us, we become very agitated because our identity is threatened. We choose to try to force others into our reality of truth.

But that’s very reactive and destructive. Few people know that we have the power to squash our natural response to defend our truth at all costs. It is when we actively choose to control our reactions rather than let them control us that we are met with greater ease and grace in our lives.

The good news is that it’s way easier to take control and change our perspective than it is to control others and/ or our environment. All you need to do is add or remove elements of perspective and you will have a different outcome. For example, operating from a frequency of trust versus distrust, will change the result. Perhaps a little Google research can shed some light to a situation, thus changing your perspective, or you may seek guidance from an expert who has achieved different results. In being open, and seeking out answers, you can alter your perspective, find security and do so which greater ease and grace.

Another tool we can use to let go of control is to embrace compassion. When we can recognize that someone’s behaviour is based simply upon a different perspective than ours, not a hardcore truth, our ego does not need to feel so threatened. We can engage in dialogue and become more receptive to adopting other perspectives, moving forward towards positive changes, and working together, while giving and taking – not waging war in defense of our identities.

Can you imagine a world where we did not live in a constant battle for control, no tug of war between friends and family? No bickering and making others feel wrong so you can feel good about yourself? Living in that way is a powerful tool that offers life-altering results.

This is where the power of Gold really shines: in transforming your understanding of truth. Instead of dictating outcomes via control, you will be positioned to balance your life and improve relationships. You can stand in your power, knowing you can define your life, through personal change rather than forced control. It gives you peace knowing that with a little pivot or a tiny adjustment to perspective can have a lot more impact than the sledgehammer of control.

Korani Connolly - Special Report - InnerGOLD

I have always liked gold. Something about its shine, its lustre, and its quality of being slightly elusive always appealed. It wasn’t until I found myself writing a book some years ago, however, that I discovered a deeper significance to gold. I was in South Africa visiting Colour Mirrors creator, Melissie Jolly, who had just added seven ‘Golden Gaia’ oils to her colour healing system, Colour Mirrors. To say I took these golden bottles into my heart would be an under-statement. From the first, I was mesmerised, transfixed, bewitched. The particular shade of gold was pale, soft, flaxen and delicious: this was literally liquid gold.

For the week I was with Melissie, we sat and gazed at the beautiful golden bottles, but we were not just enjoying the colours, we were soaking up their energies and messages. Melissie’s creations are far more than ‘just’ colour. They exude a light and radiance that almost everyone responds to in some way. Whether they stir up an emotion, bring peace to your heart, quieten your mind or make you smile, each Colour Mirrors oil has a specific colour or combination of colours that brings about a response.

Colour is a language, and even if your mind does not know it, your body – and your spirit – speaks it fluently.

Over the course of my week with gold, I felt extraordinary changes taking place within me: bliss, joy, huge excitement and a well of creativity bubbling up inside. I felt as if I had found a truth – a truth so huge my mind could not fully comprehend it. For what these Golden Gaia bottles showed me was my own unique inner gold. They showed me that it is the powerful light within each human being that makes us who we are. They showed me the beauty and the magnificence of the human spirit. They showed me that there is a power within each of us that transcends who we ‘think’ we are. They even showed me the potential for humanity, if we can evolve beyond the limited and limiting mindsets we seem collectively to have embraced.

The golden bottles began to convey so much information that I felt compelled to write about them, and a book, The Language of Light, began to take form. As it did, I realised there would be no turning back for me now. I could no longer ignore the call of my soul to follow the path it was laying out for me, and soon my life began to take on a kind of golden glow. Everything flowed. As soon as I had a desire it would manifest. My creativity blossomed. I was also given a profound taste of living in an expanded state of consciousness.
This blissful state lasted quite some time, and has informed my life ever since, but I have also experienced my share of struggles and challenges like anyone else. I have certainly had times of finding it difficult to access my inner gold, and during those times, I would call on the messages of gold I received from the Golden Gaia bottles. They reminded me that the gold was still there inside me if I could keep chipping away at the rocks surrounding it: the conditioning, the limiting beliefs, the traumas I had experienced, and the dramas I had created.

Now, the more I access my inner gold, the more I live in a flow state. Gold helps me remember how to value myself. I choose to find the ‘gold’ in the challenges I face and be grateful for the blessings. I find a storehouse of wisdom and inner knowing I can turn to and rely on. I keep on reaching for the gold within me and drawing on its power.

Not everyone owns physical gold. But everyone has inner gold!

Gold helps us see who we are, perhaps from a higher perspective than we might usually view ourselves. When we describe something as ‘gold’ or ‘golden’, it is because it is priceless, precious and valuable; special, significant and admirable; shiny, beautiful and brilliant.

Your inner gold is what makes you ‘you’. Your inner gold is what makes you precious, of value, of worth – to yourself and others. It is the beauty, the light, the glow you carry inside. It is your unique brilliance: the things that others admire in you, and that you respect in yourself. Gold is the spark that shines out through your eyes. It is your spirit, and your individual essence. And when you truly access your inner gold, you cannot help but feel empowered.

What do you value about yourself? What do others value about you?

Imagine you are a true friend, one who knows and loves you deeply and sees you clearly. What would this friend say about you if asked to describe your inner gold? If asked to share all the gifts, talents, skills, qualities and characteristics that make you so precious to them? Write it all down, without censoring, without stopping. Dig out every last nugget of gold you can find. When you are done, take a breath and read it back. This is YOU! This is your inner gold. If it feels hard to own it, just notice that.

Now highlight the top 4-6 things your friend has said about you, the ones that resonate the most, the ones that feel most ‘right’, most ‘you’.

Distil them down into one sentence. You can mix and match words, pick out some nuggets, discard others, add new ones. Refine this sentence until it perfectly sums up your inner gold, your inner worth, your inner preciousness.

Now see or imagine it as a golden light in your heart. See or feel it right there inside you. Let yourself feel, even for a moment, that it is truth.

Write it out (preferably in gold). Place it somewhere you can see it, and let yourself receive this beautiful golden message often. It is your inner gold that lights up the world!

Korani and Melissie Jolly will be offering an 8-week Golden Keys online course starting April 28th, 2022, more information at korani.net.