United Colours of Design • Black Edition • October 2020

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Welcome Message

Our Highest Vision

To inspire entrepreneurs to tap into the transformative power of colour and align their business with their soul’s purpose, leading to a magical and prosperous life full of love and joy.

Seek • Expand • Inspire

There are many magazines on this planet that provide information and education to entrepreneurs based on traditional methodology. This magazine is NOT one of them. We ask that you view this magazine as a soul-based resource and safe space for you, our dear reader, to do business and life differently. 

The world is awakening and we need to meet our clients at their new level of awareness. They want connection, relationships, authenticity as well as profits and a sustainable business plan.  

With this in mind, our writers explore their area of expertise through the focused lens of one colour per edition. As you engage with this book you will feel their intension, their energy and will see colour in action in their own businesses. With their articles you will be able to easily apply this information directly to your own business – immediately.

There are many positive and healing aspects to each colour and by exploring your own company through the rainbow we can all evolve and grow our passions in alignment with our higher selves. In this context we are able to examine business topics from a completely different perspective.   

The energy and psychology of colour, from a business point of view offers you tools to create energetically compatible mission and vision statements, corporate messaging, hiring practices, policies, procedures, intentions and motivation. It helps you discover your WHY and gives you insights into why you are attracting the type of client that fills your database.  

Our Mission

We focus on the energy and psychology of one colour per quarter, providing entrepreneurs insightful, interesting, deliciously-new perspectives on business and lifestyle topics.

Amy Bell - Founder & Creative Director - Our journey begins in black.

Welcome to the inaugural edition of United Colours of Design (UCoD)! The idea for this magazine hit me like a bolt of lightning. I saw the entire publication before my eyes! I saw people from all over the design industry coming together sharing their talents, their wisdom and their spirits. Its mission is to open a deeper conversation about colour. How does colour impact our designs, art forms, mood and journey on this planet?

The basis for all the issues will be (of course) colour. Rather than have a volume and issue number, each edition will be a colour. Essentially we will never run out of themes. Once we work our way through the colour ascension ladder, from black to white and everything in between, we’ll just begin again with a new story.

I decided to start this journey with black because black is about going into the deep dark depths of your soul. Into the void, so to speak. Once you’ve been there and embrace all your shadowy bits, a magnificent rebirth awaits you. It is where potential lies and dreams are hidden. Only by traveling down this road, and loving all that you find, can you begin to create from the light.

If the idea of a void seems daunting, know that it is a place of extreme creativity. It’s a place to reflect on your journey. A place to heal past wounds. A place to plant your seeds of desire. Everyone, at one point in their life has been to this place. Perhaps you’ve been there many times. I’m sure each time had its uncertainties, but no one I know would take them back. The lessons learned are much too valuable.

Van Gogh created his most famous Starry Night painting when he was in an asylum recovering from a nervous breakdown. He was inspired by the view out of his window in the silence of the night. This magazine was created out of a pandemic lock-down where I visited a dark night of my own.

In that darkness I decided that I was done with hearing “You’re a little too seasoned” or “You’re over qualified for this position”. I would change the story to “I’m fucking spicy and ready to take on the world!” I would bring together other seasoned professionals to inspire and mentor younger up and comers. This is how UCoD was born. This is where our story begins.

All design industries, Interior Design; Graphic Design; Event Design; Floral Design; Fashion Design; Hair Design; Make-up Artistry; Photography; Artists etc. have their separate trade magazines which is great.

However, there isn’t one that connects us all through the lens of colour. So here we are, a trade magazine that met a business magazine in a bar, got a little tipsy …and thought it would be fun to invite lifestyle to the party!

The format, although intuitively laid out, is in four categories. (1) Seasoned design and creative specialists here to be the voice of their industries. (2) Heart-centred professionals who specifically support creative businesses in their growth. (3) Features where we spotlight local and foreign artists and designers. (4) Lifestyle columnists that provide personal guidance while we navigate our time on this planet.

All of our columnists have many years of experience in their respective industries. In fact, I think we have about 350 combined years of experience in this magazine! They are here to mentor, lead and serve as the foundation for this new community.

In this BLACK issue, each contributor will be taking a deeper look at black as it relates to their creative industry. Is black a neutral or an accent? How do I incorporate black in floral design without it looking like Halloween? What role does black play in the make-up, hair and fashion industries? How do I work within someone else’s brand and maintain my sense of creativity? How have our creative professionals fared through this pandemic? Each of their individual stories will inspire and motivate you to take action.

In this BLACK issue, each contributor will be taking a deeper look at black as it relates to their creative industry. Is black a neutral or an accent? How do I incorporate black in floral design without it looking like Halloween? What role does black play in the make-up, hair and fashion industries? How do I work within someone else’s brand and maintain my sense of creativity? How have our creative professionals fared through this pandemic? Each of their individual stories will inspire and motivate you to take action.

In this BLACK issue, each contributor will be taking a deeper look at black as it relates to their creative industry. Is black a neutral or an accent? How do I incorporate black in floral design without it looking like Halloween? What role does black play in the make-up, hair and fashion industries? How do I work within someone else’s brand and maintain my sense of creativity? How have our creative professionals fared through this pandemic? Each of their individual stories will inspire and motivate you to take action.

Thank you to Moira Bush for taking frantic calls and offering your words of wisdom as I navigated this journey in black. I’m so happy you heard my call across the sea and made your way to Canada to bring the wisdom of colour to our side of the pond! Xo

Thank you to my King who always has my back, who always believes in me and always knows just the right thing to say. You’re my muse, my idea bouncer off-er and the love of my life. So happy I get to spend every day with you.

Annika Rayman - Colours of Make-up Design- Experimenting with BLACK

For millennia, people have found and developed new ways to adorn themselves and makeup has been in the forefront, constantly being reworked and re-imagined. One aspect that has not changed is the generationally transcendent and internationally popular use of the colour black in beauty.

The use of black in art plays similar roles on a person’s face as it does on a canvas; to outline, to create a void, to dramatize, and to emphasize light or lighter spaces. In my experience, no matter the type of makeup being rendered, using black is practically inevitable.

Your client, whether talent for theater, photo or film, a special event consumer, or just a person using makeup on a daily basis, looks to you to expand their horizons with the use of black in their makeup. To many people black is harsh, too stark or too strong. In a way, they are not wrong. The onus is on us, depending on their needs, to use black as effectively as necessary, and if needed, to impart the knowledge and the how-to’s of its use, tailored to each person. That strength, that drives the average person away from black, that innate ability to stand out, needs to be released from its negative connotation, and then black can clear its name. This can happen with the help of impartial and knowledgeable professionals giving sound unbiased advice and information regarding the use of black in makeup.

Aside from the colour itself, black has gradient ranges, such as jet, soft, midnight, and so on. The various textures and finishes can also create the subtlest, but visually impactful effects that can change a wearer’s entire makeup look as a whole. A drop of black liquid foundation onto a palette can suddenly create the perfect shade of makeup for a client having difficulty colour matching. A glossy black lid versus powder shadow used to amplify a model’s eyes with drama, without adding harshness. Fine black lines expertly placed on the lips before lipstick to give the slightest illusion of volume for a boudoir shoot. Our own personal perceptions of the colour and our practice with it can profoundly impact it’s meaning to a client. It is imperative that as artists we experiment. This allows us to have the widest breadth of experience to correctly guide our future clients. As the expert, we use our technical abilities coupled with our understanding of colour theory, as well as the effects of texture on different parts of the face to illuminate our clients’ view on the colour and its versatility. Our own personal use and experience with the colour on our own features must be separated from every application we begin.

The power of black is as infinite as the universe. Black encompasses all colours and thus has the ability to absorb. It is the beginning and the end of all things. The way other colours behave and appear when interacting born of the Third World, lining the eyes with black went from being ritualistic, to a culturally significant staple in beauty for that region paying homage to a time that was, to a new cool thing discovered by the West, and then given a whole new meaning and use.

With the world’s introduction to photography and film, the use of black was vital to the shading and definition required to sculpt and perfect our classic and beloved movie stars and singers, and that continued even after colour film. International audiences fell in love with complete strangers, whose perfected features were and are to this day craved by people everywhere. The coveted features themselves change decade by decade, but even so many generations later and thousands of “Remember, black’s power works both ways” with light is integrally related to its blending with or placement contiguous to black. This power and energy is naturally imparted onto the wearer and onto the part of the face or body it is used on. For example, using black to line the eyes can be traced back to a multitude of countries and cultures around the globe, in early timelines of international histories. I will touch on one of many origin stories of black liner from personal experience and inherited knowledge. Black liner for the eyes is culturally significant in places where kohl (made of ore that forms mineral lead) was found in large quantities, such as Gulf and Middle Eastern nations like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and South Asian countries like India. In the ancient times of some of these areas, prior to the international spread of the Big 3 monotheistic religions, the power of black around the eyes amplified our sense of ‘seeing’ – beyond the realms of our material world and current perceivable existence. It was used (and still is for this purpose) by any person, of any gender and any age who accepted the influence of their environment of that time. This sight and ability was to be attained, a practice assisted by a naturally occurring compound given to us by the earth. Through the ability to ‘absorb’, it was and still is believed that lining the eyes with black wards off evil thoughts or wishes from others who hope harm for you, and especially for children. The aesthetic effect of making the whites of the eyes appear brighter, in turn framing the eyes, was a secondary and superficial effect of the lining. Fully lined eyes give what now is widely seen as an exotic, bold and provocative look to makeup, which was once merely spiritual. Like many things miles away, the allure of sparkling eyes brightened by even the gentlest sweep of black pigment (think Marilyn Monroe’s signature ‘bedroom eyes’) has been a common element in propelling celebrities of any gender into Hollywood or Music Halls of Fame, and garner repeat requests in cosmetic chairs; ours and those of cosmetic doctors.

Remember, black’s powers work both ways – it can absorb and emanate. The mindset of the modern wearer can be influenced by the person educating them about its use. Understanding the origins of black in personal adornment, before its adaptation into the beauty ritual of people all over the world, is necessary to effectively level our attitude with regards to using it and recommending it for clients and it will affect their impression of the colour for their lives, daily or otherwise. We can empower our communities with their understanding of black and what it can do for them when used correctly.

We are the wielders of colour. The alchemy we produce on the faces and bodies of others affects them beyond the realm of vanity. The colours we choose create delighted reactions when we are done. This stems not only from how they look but also how they feel due to the combined energies of the colours used and the specific placements and applications. The power of the colours in their relationship to where and how you have used black in their makeup magnifies the positive feeling and can completely reconfigure a person’s internal energy. What an effect it has on the world around them for the betterment of their own lives.

A client of Annika’s on her wedding day who wanted a modern take on a traditional look for her East Indian Heritage. Black Eyeliner was used to line the upper lid and tightline the upper waterline before placing matching black lashes to the eye makeup. Black eyeshadow was blended softly from outer to inner corner and mixed with a metallic brown to create a gradient where the pigment faded from dark to light. The result is beautiful and flattering, as well as culturally significant to the client’s ethnic background. Photos taken by Annika.

Diversity Shoot to highlight possible varying physical features and personal style tastes of Canadian Brides beyond what is typically shown in the average Canadian Bridal Magazine. Photo is courtesy of Flashing Lights Photography @flphotodesign.

Anastasia Kravtsova - Colours of Hair Design- A demonstration of POWER

As a hair colourist and hairstylist, I take colour very seriously. Your image is a message that you are sending to the world about yourself. It is a non-verbal way of communication; that’s why your look in general and your hairstyle, in particular, are so important.

W h a t can your hair colour say about you? Actually, it can say a lot. Have you heard the saying “Gentlemen prefer blondes, but marry brunettes?” I know it is a silly joke, but there is some truth in every “just kidding.”

The symbolism of hair is powerful because of its close connection with sex, age, and life force itself along with its evolutionary associations with natural signals.

The lion`s mane is nature`s demonstration of power. So too is a big mane of human hair, this has been true throughout history. Shiny, healthy-looking locks have always been considered sexy because it is an indication of vitality. Luxurious hair is a visual signal that the body is young and the person would be able to have healthy babies.

With age, hair becomes less shiny. The explanation is that its outer shell consists of numerous overlapping small scales. When the capillary fiber lacks internal moisture, these scales rise and do not reflect light well. The easiest way to restore shine and strength is hair colouring. Dark hair reflects the light better that’s why visually, it appears thicker, healthier, and shinier.

When hair is coloured, it becomes more dense and thick in texture, therefore, more radiant, strong, and voluminous. In addition the saturated pigment, nourishing natural proteins, oils, and vitamins, colour, and gloss restoration is achieved thanks to amino acids. The wrong combination of chemicals in hair colour can be stressful to the hair, so don`t do it by yourself … leave it to a professional!

Hair colouring dates back to ancient times. Pigments were made from berries, tree bark, minerals, bugs, nuts, herbs, leaves and other materials. Many of these colourants are still used today.

You should consult with your stylist when it comes to choosing your ideal shade of hair colour as there are many things to consider like maintenance and the look you’d like to achieve. In general the idea of colouring the hair relates to the psychology behind that “forever young” appearance.

If we compare the condition of the hair of a 20-year-old girl and 60-yearold woman, the difference in the hair structure will be enormous. With the onset of menopause – on average, it occurs after age 45 – the female body starts to produce less estrogen – the hormone that is responsible for the life cycle of skin and hair cells. Hair growth slows down and, thus, the hair loss is not compensated by sufficient growth of new ones.

Let’s talk Grey. There is the stereotype that older people have grey hair. Some people experience gray hair by age 25, while some do not find a single gray hair at the age 60. Why? – GENETICS

Chris Sorichetti - Colours of Graphic Design - Learn the rules like A PRO so you can break them like an artist

Or in my case, design. I am a designer, a designer in a corporate world – a vast, challenging world with many obstacles. Because of that, it’s integral to come up with solid, eye-catching ideas, then break them. Break them to the point that they stand out from the crowd, so that they become something different in the world of corporations, retail or whatever your world is. The Corporate world is a tough place. There’s structure, opinions, guidelines and rules to follow. It is also a world where opportunity comes knocking. It is our job as a designer to decode that secret knock and find out exactly why you are there and what you have to achieve. That’s where the journey begins.

It is our job as a designer to see past the darkness and pull out an idea that gets the job done. It is then our duty to take that answer and bring it to the next level. It’s a process for sure, but if you stick to your design fundamentals you will catch the big wave and ride it to shore. I’ve put together a few thoughts to remember along the way which may make your life a bit easier:

  1. It is our job as a designer to see past the darkness and pull out an idea that gets the job done. It is then our duty to take that answer and bring it to the next level. It’s a process for sure, but if you stick to your design fundamentals you will catch the big wave and ride it to shore. I’ve put together a few thoughts to remember along the way which may make your life a bit easier:
  2. ATTEND THE BRIEFING MEETINGS (if there are any). Whether it’s a product launch and you’re helping with packaging, a newsletter that requires a layout or a poster where you need to grab the customer’s attention, you need to be present. If there are no briefing meetings, request to start one.
  3. We have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Hear what the team has to say, take notes, then ask your questions. I find sometimes it takes time for the info to sink in (I’m hard headed), so I may send out a summary of what I took from the meeting or book a quick follow-up call. Either way, listen to your colleagues and ask questions.
  4. After the briefing meeting, develop a brief or get one from your team. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but it needs to get the idea across. What are you doing? What is it for? Who requires it? Etc. Think of the questions you ask yourself when working on a piece and go from there.
  5. Look at magazines, sketch, write out your key points, go for a walk, grab a coffee at a local store and people watch, and go on-line. All of this is research to find your inspiration. It happens in the weirdest spots, at the strangest times. It’s an integral part to develop your design and keep your process going. Get your ideas and write them down, draw them, save them – whatever works.
  7. DON’T GIVE TOO MANY IDEAS. In my experience, 09 too many options isn’t a good thing. This is where your expertise comes into play. Pick your designs apart, put yourself in your client’s shoes; do your designs hit the brief you have? Are they on brand? Are they eye-catching? If any of your designs answer no to any of the above, put them aside. Don’t delete them, just put them aside. Don’t overload your coworkers or clients.
  8. SHOW AND SHARE. Once you’re comfortable with your designs, it’s time to share with your team. You’re working for the same company, so you all know your brand and have an idea of what works and what doesn’t.
  9. HAVE THICK SKIN – This is a tough one. You’ve had some time to work on a solution that you know answers the problem – but your client may have another idea. They will poke and prod and dissect your piece into something you may not like. This is a crossroads. You now may have to put your best solution aside and make it into something that you don’t think works. This is the corporate world. This is corporate life. But, this is where a solid team and solid support is essential. You will now have to work with them in developing a piece where you make them happy and you are content. This is the time to look on the bright side and realize you’ve developed a solution. It may not be what you think is the best solution, but it’s the answer to their problem. Take a deep breath, be happy with your solution.
  10. HONE YOUR PRODUCTION SKILLS AND GET IT OUT THE DOOR. This is just as crucial as your initial design. It comes with experience, but having a solid process for your production helps in turning it around in a timely manner. Be vocal with your printer/producer/coder/vendor and find out what they need. Hi-res PDF? All fonts outlined? Videos to certain specs? Certain colour space? Your vendors will have the answers. Use them, befriend them and learn from them. You’re the expert in the design work and they’re the expert in production, making sure your job looks its best.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering how this went from a breaking rules quote to having a list of rules…it’s simple, no two jobs are the same. Design is a funny thing. Sometimes it’s simple and in your face and sometimes it’s so difficult it brings you down a dark path of doubt and despair. Regardless, you are a designer and you have the solution. It’s in you. It’s there. It just takes time to find it. Trust yourself. Trust your talent. Just remember to keep things interesting. Keep it fresh, keep it simple and keep it fun. Break the rules I noted above. Speak up more, create ‘out there’ ideas. Speak to a group before you start your research. Ask around. Get out of your comfort zone and most of all, trust yourself. You’re an artist, break the rules. There is no right or wrong here – it’s what works for you and your flow.

Jamie Hengartner - Colours of Floral Design - Uncovering hidden GEMS

My favourite colour is black, and my favourite thing to do is design with flowers. The challenge: finding black flowers to readily design with. What seems an obvious dilemma is actually an opportunity for designers to think creatively and uncover hidden gems. Before going further, I need to address a myth: “black flowers are for funerals or Halloween”. Not true. With the colour black having so much rich meaning, it has limitless potential. It’s time to realize it. In mother nature’s collection of flowers, there are two ways to approach black – by petal or by pistil

First, are the handful of flowers with deep shaded petals: reddish, purplish, and even brownish petals that are as close as you’ll get to black. Not exactly black unless the petals are professionally dyed, but they play the same role by adding drama, depth, and emotion. They are stunning contrasted against light walls or tables or designed alongside light white or pastel flowers and can be admired from afar. Deep shaded petals are harmonious beside warm oranges and vibrant red flowers too, but the real beauty here is best admired up close when you can appreciate the deep petals taking on the hues of their warm vibrant neighbour.

The second way to achieve black is by selecting a flower with a black pistil (the centre of the flower). There are usually more flowers with black pistils readily available, my favourites are Anemones, Poppies, and Black-Eyed Susan’s.

Of all the design principles to adhere to when using black in floral design, balance is the most important. Generally, I adhere to a “less is more” strategy when designing for homes, offices, and milestone events like weddings. You only need hints of black to balance out all other colours in the design. Since black is essentially all other colours mixed together, it is just awesome to see a flower with very dark red or purple petals compliment or contrast with whatever flower or leaf is next to it. In these everyday floral designs the ratio of dark petals is about 10-15%. Just the right amount to add texture and depth, without overwhelming the entire arrangement or changing the mood. It’s my go-to formula for balance

“Balance is the most important design principal when using black.”

Black also modernizes any floral arrangement. When you know your client favours modern design or the latest trends, my best advice is to incorporate a little black for an instant update. That could mean asking your flower designer to add a few stems of flowers with dark petals or pistils, or even wrapping your gift with black paper or ribbon. Either solution creates a freshened presentation, and is a nod towards confidence and timeless taste.

Central to my company’s brand is the colour black for all the reasons cited above. It just ties everything together. It can be used with varying degrees or with varying elements to look fresh, timeless, and classic. When incorporated thoughtfully, black in floral design has the exact same effects as you’ve seen and felt with interior design and fashion.

  • Anemone ‘Black Eyed Beauty’: striking black centre with contrasting white petals.
  • Ranunculus ‘Black’: delicate & dark maroon petals, with a velvet texture.
  • Scabiosa ‘Black Knight’: tiny, deep chocolate petals that resemble a pin-cushion.
  • Peruvian Lily ‘Dark Purple’: one stem contains 3 to 5 rich purple blooms.

Neha Sawhney - Colours of Interior Design - BLACK. Neutral or accent?

A question from one of my design interns that got me thinking. After some contemplation I realized it’s the only colour in entire spectrum that is used as both – sometimes to paint all the walls in a room so that other accents can pop and sometimes as accent to highlight a focal point or a feature in the room.



In this powder room design, I decided to use black as accent and designed the vanity wall with black tiles laid in herringbone pattern. Do you notice how glossy tiles add glamour instantly? I went further and added black pendant lights over the black wall, which is usually an uncommon thing if you go by design rules. This added texture and layers along with mystery since the pendants are there, yet not there. Another interesting trait of black is that it can be paired with any metal – be it chrome, brass, gold or bronze. Thus I used copper for mirror and vanity frame. Lastly, the flooring had to have some black so that it all could be tied up beautifully.

Coming back to using black in interior design, I want to share another project where I got to use black abundantly. The furniture, light fixtures, wallpaper, feature wall, basically everything was black except walls, floors and ceilings. There is certain calmness about black furniture and lighting fixtures that puts you in a zen state and makes you quiet by creating a barrier between itself and the outside world.

Black was the first pigment used by artists in pre-historic times and also the first ink used for printing texts, and today there are more than fifty shades ranging from deepest dark black to Iron Black, and from Day’s End to Midnight Black.

It’s interesting how black holds varied meanings for different people and cultures. For some it’s darkness and evil while for others its elegance and sophistication.

There is a popular saying in the world of interior design “every room can use a touch of black” and that is SO true. When a client tells me they love black, it almost instantly makes me jump with joy. I use the opportunity in all possible aspects while designing their spaces.

As I write this, I am getting present to a revelation. We all see colours through the black pupil in our eyes! All colours come together to make black, and pupils disintegrate every single colour in its own entity to show them to us!

As I write this, I am getting present to a revelation. We all see colours through the black pupil in our eyes! All colours come together to make black, and pupils disintegrate every single colour in its own entity to show them to us!

Nkemdinum Egwuenu- Colours of Fashion Design - RESILIENCE in the face of uncertainty

To embark on any path requires a sense of purpose and vision. My journey in design began with an interest in visual arts which ventured into sewing and fashion design. After school I gained experience in custom design for clients for special occasion wear as well as working within the costume industry for film and music videos. The best way to gain experience I’ve found, is to determine what your strengths are and to take risks. Sometimes the best way to begin anything is to start with what you have on hand and learn as you go. You may not have all the tools, experience or connections when embarking on your journey but with determination a clear vision and plan anything is possible. Creativity happens when you have the least amount of resources which forces one to be innovative with what is on hand.

I’ve found that continuous education in business has helped in navigating the industry and can allow one to develop and implement these skills.

As a designer the best way to strengthen your skills in illustration, pattern making and sewing is to simply practice consistently. It is also a great advantage to understand technical specifications in order to delegate tasks once your company begins to grow and you have to begin wearing many hats. If you are just starting out, it is very important to just have fun and be as expressive and creative as possible especially with all the amazing tools we have available like the internet and social media. With platforms such as Instagram and Depop, I’m seeing countless young creatives making their way and trying things. Regardless of where you are on your journey, having the spirit of resilience in the face of uncertainty can keep you going even if you think there is no way forward especially during these times.

There are multiple resources available on-line today that provide valuable information about the current state of the industry as well as some education to help along the way. Some of my favourite publications and organizations on-line for fashion include: Apparel Entrepreneurship, which teaches new fashion upstarts a great and practical way to make your brand solid and viable. I.D. Magazine is a cutting edge publication that talks about what is happening in the underground world of fashion with an emphasis on the new. They also feature short films, videos on YouTube to inspire and have discussions around issues like sustainability and youth culture. Social Media Channels such as Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok have allowed so many people to cultivate their own voice, style and brand in an unobstructed way with no middleman or corporation. These channels are allowing an entire generation to create their own worlds and possibilities are endless with the right amount of dedication, hard work and spirit of collaboration.

A few of my other favourite organizations include Harlem Fashion Row, which puts a spotlight on designers of colour who may not have had the same opportunities due to many systemic issues. Fashion Group International is a global platform with chapters worldwide that allow fashion professions to congregate and meet. Fashion Revolution and Slow Factory educate the general public as well as industry insiders on what sustainability is and why it is an important issue to tackle at this time. The last of my favourite organizations deals with Intersectional environmentalism run by Green Girl Leah and educates people about how oppression and unethical business models cause environmental injustice.

My top 3 tips on how to navigate the fashion industry!

  1. Reach out to people/ organizations in fashion through platforms like YouTube, Patreon and workshops by industry leaders to learn new skills.
  2. Learn how to make your creative practice a business by simply taking small risks and how to budget for projects and/or collections.
  3. Learn how to make your creative practice a business by simply taking small risks and how to budget for projects and/or collections.

Sonal Raje - Colours of Fine Art - Black is not just a colour in my artist palette IT’S A VOICE

One that can only be heard in black. Not in any colour. Not any shade of gray. Pure black. Definitive. Unapologetic. Unerasable. I paint at night. It is dark outside. My canvas is bathed in light. There are bottles of fluid colour on my table. I reach out toward one. Then another. And another. Washes of paint bathe the canvas all through the night. I begin to see a story unfolding. Each colour is a character in the story. Each has its own voice. I let them all have their say. The symphony is in full swing. Finally, it is time to reach for the black. The colours are stunned into silence, trembling as the liquid darkness flirts with each.

Outside the dawn breaks. The first rays of sunlight stream onto the canvas. I trace the beam with a streak of white paint. The last wave of the conductor’s baton. Over the years what has been said on my canvases is a compendium of essays that recount my impressions of life.

The documentation of my life experiences. Snapshots of my mind through abstract art. I had exhausted every shade and nuance of every colour in the rainbow.

Until one day, a strange phenomenon occurred. As the black paint was unleashed on the colourful canvas, it took on a life of its own. Swirling in circles. Expanding across the canvas. Flowing over the edges.

I was mesmerized by this devilish dance staged in my studio. I waited with bated breath for sunbeams to fill the room. It never happened. I never reached for the white.

The world had come to a standstill. It was a snapshot of the collective experience of mankind in 2020. I could only gaze at the canvas in front of me.

The black night held sway. As I stared into its depths, I felt a strange feeling of peace. I began to love this place of respite. No crowd, no words. Only the symphony of silence.

Where all is ONE. The Beginning and the End The Search and the Discovery. The Mortal and the Divine. Life and Death.

Dwayne Richards - Colours of Money - Financial Wellness: How to move out of the dark and into the BLACK

In the context of financial well-being, what does the colour black represent? In this article, I explore two interpretations and combine them for an inspiring finish!

IN THE DARK:  How it feels when you have financial problems and are struggling to track your cash-flow

IN THE BLACK: A state of financial well-being where you are financially solvent and making a profit

I’VE BEEN THERE! Have you ever been financially stuck? Have you ever been in a situation where you knew your expenses were greater than your cash flow, but you weren’t sure how to break out of the loop? I’ve been there, and here’s my story.

Five years after losing my corporate job as a Finance Manager, I was five years into my separation, working towards finalizing the divorce, and my ex and I owed a mortgage that was leading us towards bankruptcy and not the financial freedom we expected from investing in real estate. So, we decided to sell the house, and it was just before the market correction in the spring of 2017. We asked our sons how they would feel if we moved; their one question was, “would we go to the same school?” The answer was, “We will do our best to make it happen.” It was decided, and the “For Sale” sign went up on our front lawn shortly after our family meeting.

SO WHAT? When it comes to money, do you have an old pattern or belief holding you back? I certainly did!

My belief that home ownership is a sign of being financially successful is no longer the case for the average individual or family. I tried so hard to hold onto that house that I nearly went bankrupt. Paying down debt like a mortgage is easy when you have positive cash flow; however, when life gives you challenges—like the loss of a job, that same mortgage payment can become a real challenge.

After paying out the mortgage, realtor fees and lawyers fees, I received my portion of the balance/equity from the sale of our house. That equity provided the opportunity to pay off my debts, outstanding credit balances, and provided cash flow for everyday living.

The sale of the house also simplified the final steps of our divorce, so there was no money owed to either party. What could have been a dark life event of selling our family home turned out to be a bright opportunity!


Usually when my clients struggle with cash flow, it’s because they are in the dark – they don’t know where all their money goes, they know it’s not enough, and they don’t have a plan for changing this pattern. These are the three topics we explore and document together before deciding what to do next. It all comes down to understanding your needs and wants, that money is emotional, and understanding your behavioural spending, and moving from budgeting to a cash flow mindset.

  1. IDENTIFY NEEDS VS. WANTS Why do you spend your money on certain things? Are there expenses you can defer?
  2. HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? Exactly how much money do you need, on a monthly basis, in your current living situation?
  3. FINANCIAL Where, exactly, is your money going and where are you choosing to spend it?


The theory of cash flow planning is to shift your mindset to telling your money where it’s going to go. Too often my clients rely on other people to tell them where their money should go and how to plan their budget. Other people don’t necessarily have the same values as you do and will make recommendations that don’t fit your desired lifestyle. With cash flow planning, you allocate your money to support your personal goals and dreams.

When it comes to cash flow planning, stepping out of the dark and into the light can be unsettling at first, but after you adjust, new paths and opportunities become available to you. It all comes down to understanding your needs and wants, that money is emotional, understanding your behavioural spending, and moving from budgeting to a cash flow mindset.

Elvira V. Hopper - Colours of Mindset - Are you showing up as an artist in EVERY AREA of your life?

Magical Mexican Fabric/Embroidery Artist Gabriel Dawe said:

“ Colour is JOY “

He went on to say, “I hope that my art instills that in viewers”. In this first edition of my UBER INSPIRED, fierce & fabulous branding diva, graphic artist divine & beloved client Amy Barroso’s baby ‘United Colours of Design’, I’m borrowing Mr. Dawes idea. It is MY greatest intention to bring you joy by sharing my take on the importance of becoming truly JOYFUL aligned & authentic and FULLY self-expressed as artists in this lifetime.

I have witnessed over and over within my beautiful clients’ lives, that by connecting with this highest version of themselves as artists, they come alive in ALL areas of their lives…and EVERYONE benefits.

I wish to challenge you. Are you showing up as an artist in one area of your life…or EVERY area of your life? ‘Were you told that you were ‘good’ in ‘Art A’…but not as good in ‘Art B’?

Did you listen to what ‘they’ said and did you climb into that box that someone else created for you?

It does take courage to step up our game and do the ‘inner work’ of connecting deeply to who we TRULY are versus who ‘they’ told us to be.

Some will enlist the support of a good therapist if there are childhood traumas they need to unpack, in order to have the courage to step up their game and stretch out into new areas of self-expression, which are not so comfortable.

Do remember that growth happens at the end of our comfort zone.

My theory is that each of us was divinely gifted with passions, gifts & talents that make us who we are.

If we do not have the courage to FULLY explore all of these areas within ourselves, if we do not learn how to get out of our own f ’n (fear ‘n ego) way to FULLY self-express ourselves (jazz video) in ALL the bright colours that we are (and black is ALL of those colours) then, we may actually die with our REAL music still in us and the world misses out on the FULL COLOUR of YOU.

You owe it to yourself as an artist to go down every path of interest and curiosity, just to see where it might lead. A path may lead nowhere, but perhaps give you greater insight into who you TRULY are.

As a Miracle Mindset Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Artistic Healer and Founder of ‘The Love Your Vibe Transformation’ (a NEW personal development SOULution). I am deeply passionate to see my clients do their important inner work in whatever way feels most in alignment with them. Be it with a therapist, 1:1 with me or with one of my beautiful heart-centred Miracle Mindset Mentors, just to name a few. I trust there are many more modalities. The important thing is to keep taking inspired action forward.

Keep listening to the insights, the tugs ex: listening to your intuition that ALWAYS knows what is BEST for YOU. Your intuition IS your higher self, your divine self, the self that may have forgotten who they truly are. The self who is open to doing the work to remember.

You might shock and surprise yourself. I had the courage to walk my own ‘Love Your Vibe’ talk, and became a professional jazz artist at the ripe sweet age of 51. I’m blessed to work on sold out world class jazz venues with Juno award winning artists.

I was ALWAYS an artist/entertainer since I was a wee child. Yet I had to shut down that gift as it was not valued in my family (filled with incredibly talented artists). Hard work, making money and being a responsible and respected member of society was valued more.

I see incredible artists emerging in their 50’s and 60’s and beyond. When we hit a point (usually a Universal 2×4 over the head and a mental, physical or relationship breakdown) it can be a wake-up call to stop living as they told us to live and go live OUR TRUTH.

What more do you have within YOU? Go ahead beautiful soul, we are counting on you to become ALL you were meant to be!

Finally, black is the colour of SPRING & REBIRTH, inspiring us with the beautiful message that it is NEVER too late to be reborn into who you were truly MEANT to be!

“Don’t ask for what the world needs, ask for what makes you come alive, as the world needs people who have come alive.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

“Don’t die with your music still in you”. ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

“Our purpose is to connect with our Purpose and to humbly serve the world with it”. ~ Oprah Winfrey

Emma Romano - Colours of Business - Four pillars of SUCCESS

Hello you amazing, AWESOME readers, Firstly, I would like to introduce you to ME. My name is Emma Romano. I love my life of high frequency, training practitioners and mentoring natural practitioners in their business – to get them back in the black.

I have the absolute pleasure of spreading the word of self-healing (in a natural way, with love and light) all over the world. I am married to a very gorgeous Italian man and am the Mum of two teenage boys (ok, I know I’m supposed to say young men but, they are 17 and 18).

My family doesn’t end there though, as I have a huge dog called Teddy who’s over 120 pounds and is such fun. Plus a gorgeous black cat Rodger (ok, so Rodger is a girl, but that’s another story)! But enough about me!

Wooohooo!! So, in life, health, career, wealth and spirituality, I am WINNING!!

BUT, yep, here it comes, life was not always like this for me. Let me explain.

Firstly, let’s use the metaphor of the two colours being:

In the RED = broke & broken

Getting into the BLACK = success, wealth, health etc.

So, what does “being in the black” actually mean?

It means you have money in the bank! Imagine all parts of your life being like bank account. Now, are you currently in the red or the black?

Picture this: If you were to open four bank accounts and name them:

  • Health
  • Career
  • Relationship
  • Wealth

Ask yourself for each of the accounts: are they in the RED or are they in the BLACK?

For me, ALL of them were in the RED. And I say that with big capital letters because my life was a struggle. EVERY part of it. I was suffering with PTSD, anxiety, I was sick, I was broke AND I didn’t love myself. Actually, I didn’t even really like myself to be honest. I was living pay cheque to pay cheque and could not see the light. Sound familiar?

Then things really changed for me. I learned some amazing things on my journey of self-healing and was able to heal my PTSD, anxiety and Multiple Sclerosis. Oh yeah, I had that too.

The darkest days of my life were also my best. How can it be both you say? Let me explain why! It was 2014 and it was at this moment, it was the true turning point of me getting my life back into the BLACK.

And you know what, I am going to share with you right here, right now how I began on that journey. There are 4 Pillars to Success in my philosophy, and today I am going to share the first step.

The first and most important thing I did was to take full responsibility for where I was in life! This was a hard pill for me to swallow in the beginning, but I soon realized that there was such huge self-empowerment in this.

A situation might not be my fault, but how I choose to deal with it, and what I do next is my responsibility. If I am blaming old events, circumstances or other people, or making excuses, I am stuck in victim mode and there is no action I can take. I am powerless. If I take responsibility, there is an action I can take.

Responsibility versus Victim is a fundamental concept for me. I think it is one of the biggest tools for producing change. When something happens TO you and not FOR you, you acknowledge that thing, and then that puts you in Victim. You’re pretty much powerless to do anything.

But when something happens, and you ask, “How did I make that happen, or how am I responsible for this?” That question helps you find the cause, which then helps you to change the behaviour. If you constantly blame someone or something else for your pain, you literally become powerless to do anything about it. This is called living in victim.

You can’t always control what happens in your life. You can however, choose what you do with it, how you react, your attitude, the meaning of it – and what you do next.

Put that in context with your business. For example, if you say, “I can’t get any clients”, it suggests that you are unable to get any clients at all, which is disempowering and in victim. If you take responsibility for your ability to get clients, you empower yourself to find a solution, and it becomes “How can I get more clients?”, and then you can find a solution.

Yes Emma, but HOW? I hear you asking me. (See exercise on opposite page)

Now there were of course more steps to getting in the BLACK, and unfortunately there isn’t enough space in this article to walk you through my entire process for this, but I have outlined them in my free video course “The 4 Pillars of Success in your Natural Therapy Career”.

My four pillars philosophy works for anyone in any career so I invite you to check it out HERE. You can also find more information on my practitioner training courses and workshops at www. emmaromano.com.au

So you amazing soul reading this. Remember to have a beautiful day and that the BLACK is only 4 steps away are you ready to achieve it?

Moira Bush - Colours of Shadows - Re-birth your CREATIVITY Pick a card...

When your well of creativity has dried up and your work is not attracting the income and accolades you desire, this is not the time to give up! On the wheel of colour you have entered a black cycle and symbolically being encouraged to instead re-invent yourself! Choose a card to see where you’re at in your re-birth process.

“Release yourself of any toxic environments and connections that no longer serve you.”

In this cycle you are called to go quiet and reflect on what has been. It may feel like a black hole, a pit of nothingness, yet here you are encouraged to wallow and whine and most certainly get to feel a bit sorry for yourself. In a way this celebrates a death of an old you, a death of a period in your life that has completed a cycle. You will need to grieve what has been lost before being able to effectively re-birth your new beginning.

In your dark phase you can assess what no longer serves you. You can drop so many of those exhausting expectations you burden yourself with, including the desire to be perfect. You can use this introspective time to change your belief system from working hard to a new belief that working is all about having fun! This is not a time to push or manipulate your creativity out of panic or a fear of not enough money. Use this black time to simplify your life, rest and allow inspiration to come towards you organically.

In the black cycle you may find yourself going into resistance. Wanting to cling to markets, clients and ideals that your higher intuition says you have now outgrown. Be prepared to release yourself of any toxic environments and connections that no longer serve you.

“You have completed a cycle of learning and you feel so overly masterful and empowered that your shadow has stepped in to stop you from learning anything new. Your arrogant ‘I know it all’ is your shadow’s defence to stop you from accessing vital information for the next cycle of your personal, financial, business and spiritual evolution.”(quote from my book).

Once you have retreated and released, your last step is to ensure that you genuinely open up to new information by being aware of the I KNOW shadow game. Shadow feeds off negative energy such as fear, struggle and stress and does not want you to be inspired. By-pass this mind control game by going into your heart and feeling what will give you bliss.

Reflect on the type of customers you would love to work with. Decide the level of income you ideally want to create. Follow your heart and your shadow will have to step aside and release you from the black void into the arms of your new teachers.

Spiritually this is your time to believe in Angels, and that there are energy light beings who have the highest intentional support for both your spiritual well-being as well as your material wealth.

BLACK: Your physical body has been giving you signs that you can no longer build up negative energy, surround yourself with self-destructive people and feed your addictions. It needs you to purge and detox immediately.

The old belief systems you hold onto as your truth have passed their sell by date. You have used them to walk a path of chaos and fear and your soul is saying enough is enough. To get your attention, your soul has triggered physical issues and relationship struggles so that you cannot miss the timing for you to make a radical change and stop what is becoming a slow suicide.

This date with destiny was set by you before you incarnated, giving permission for you to be reminded – in case you missed the signs – that you will be able to re-start and live your life based on a foundation of forgiveness, love, self-awareness and taking responsibility for yourself.

Explore using alternative, complementary and integrative therapies and release permanently the old frequencies of hate, anger, revenge, betrayal and aggression. Study spiritual subjects and immerse yourself in meditative and purifying systems so you can increase your body’s frequency to match the love frequency of the angels.

BLACK: Exhausted and with depleted resources, you are ready to give up. You exist yet feel you are not alive. Unable to even now hear your own voice or feel anything, you find yourself abandoned and alone in a dark void of nothingness.

Accept the darkness as a warm blanket that protects and holds you just that little bit longer, giving the rest of the world the time they need to prepare for your re-birth.

Use this time of silence and low energy to focus on simplicity, deep breathing and only doing activities that match your energy levels. Allow yourself to experience the emptiness and solitude as a necessary process to prepare you for what is soon going to become a busy, noisy, bustling rush of activity and adventure.

Let go of your judgment and shame that being in a black hole should not have happened to you. In this darkness, fine tune into what really matters to you, examining who and what you want to take with you, and what is so done and never needs to be relived again. If needed, ask for therapeutic help from a professional to be your midwife and support you with this re-birth.

DEEP BLACK: Every cycle of growth has a beginning, middle and an end. You tend to use the ‘I Know’ defense to learning more when you are at the end of a cycle, the top of your game. So this becomes a two edged sword; you are acclaimed as having achieved top level success, however your arrogant ‘I know it all already’, is keeping you from the information you need for a new beginning in the next cycle of your personal, financial, business and spiritual evolution.

Your fears that you may not be good enough to step up to the next level, or that you will have to switch from being the big fish in your pond to the little vulnerable fish in the unfamiliar bigger pond, has you resisting with ‘I know more than you’ to stay both safe and admired.

Shadow wants you to stay in the dark and resist the teachers, mentors, books and knowledge that will inspire your next exciting adventure. Start a swear jar and put in a dollar for every time you say ‘I know’ to help you remove the block that is your shadow’s way of keeping you from bridging the old and the new.

Stuart Rurner -Colours of thw Law - Getting back to BUSINESS HR law issues you need to be aware of

Now that Canada is opening back up, business owners are finding themselves facing new and challenging issues. Are there rules about who you have to bring back and when? And what if someone refuses?

Our firm has been trying to help everyone understand their rights and obligations in these unusual times. We have participated in countless webinars, panels, Q&A discussions, and other efforts to educate the general public, and I answer listener questions on 680 News. By far the most common question that we have encountered over the past few months is some variation of “do I have to go back to work when I am recalled?”

So what’s the answer? In the vast majority of cases, it is a simple “Yes”. Work is not optional or voluntary. As I have said repeatedly, that is as true now as it was in pre-pandemic days.

Similarly, workers do not normally have the right to dictate where they will work. Although they may have been working from home for the past few months, it does not create a right on their part to insist that they will continue to do so. That is true even if they are able to work effectively and efficiently while remote, though we do encourage our corporate clients to continue allowing employees to work from home for now if it is viable to have them do so.

Surprisingly, many employers underestimate their rights and are scared to insist that employees must return to the workplace, even when there is no reason that they can’t. That is where Employment Lawyers like our firm come in: we will explain your rights and obligations so you can make an informed decision.

Employees refusing to return to work

Without a legitimate reason to refuse to work, an individual is at risk of losing not only their job, but their access to government benefits, which are only available to those who cannot work.

There are three legitimate reasons to refuse to return to work:

  1. LEAVE OF ABSENCE : A leave of absence is a job-protected period of unpaid leave, such as pregnancy/ parental leave. Most provinces have implemented some form of leave of absence for individuals who are unable to work due to COVID-19. For example, those with medical conditions that render them immunocompromised or those with childcare obligations.
  2. ACCOMMODATION; Each province features its own human rights legislation which entitles workers to be accommodated for various personal characteristics, such as disability or family status (which includes childcare obligations, to the point of undue hardship).

In the context of both leaves of absence and accommodation, there must be a need as opposed to a preference. Many claims for failure to accommodate childcare obligations, for example, fail when the complainant cannot show that there were no other viable options.

Workers that insist that they will simply remain off work, or continue to work from home, can be in for a surprise when they find that their employers have other ways to accommodate their needs. Employers can be proactive by offering options to the employee, such as modified hours, on-site daycare, or other ways to allow the employee to work while addressing any limitations they may be experiencing. The focus is on allowing people to work, not letting them stay home.

  1. REFUSING UNSAFE WORK: Employers have a duty to provide a safe work environment for their employees. Individuals therefore have the right to refuse to work if there is a specific and objective safety risk in the workplace. A Ministry of Labour inspector will be assigned to assess the situation if the employer and employee cannot agree on the safety conditions. It is important to note that, of the large number of complaints made, very few are upheld.

What to do? If an employee refuses to return to the workplace, talk to them and find out why. If they have a legitimate reason, work with them to find a solution that works for both of you. Avoid assumptions; in some cases, you may be underestimating your rights and in others, you may be risking liability. And while it may sound self-serving, speak with an Employment Lawyer before making any decisions. Once you make a decision, document it clearly.

Ann Mcveigh - Colours of Astrology - This is a general western Astrological forecast for the next few months.

TIMELINE FOR FORECAST: October, November, December 2020
NUMEROLOGY: 2020 = Number 4 Year,
RULING PLANET: Uranus Destruction Clearing, Darkest before the dawn, and Spiritual Blessings.

Mars is in Aries, in its home sign but is in Retrograde September 9th to November 13th in Aries, with a war like energy. It’s not happily in Retrograde (when a planet is appearing to move backwards) here, energy is hard to come by, especially for men and with everything dying at this time of year in the Northern hemisphere we are not without hope. Have you got your plan in place for 2021?

October 1st is the Full Moon in Aries, and on the 2nd Venus goes into Virgo, connected to Olive green, love and money is hard work. Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio until October 13th and then back to Libra October 28th to November 10th.

This is not the best time to buy technology or sign documents. The New Moon in Libra on the 16th, the Sun goes into Scorpio on the 22nd. Venus enters Libra on the 27th where it is its happiest and balance is restored. Love, money, romance, justice prevails.

This is not the best time to buy technology or sign documents. The New Moon in Libra on the 16th, the Sun goes into Scorpio on the 22nd. Venus enters Libra on the 27th where it is its happiest and balance is restored. Love, money, romance, justice prevails.

On November 3rd Mercury goes direct bringing communication forward in Scorpio and the New moon in Scorpio is definitely the time to pull out your Black Lace Dress. On the 15th Jupiter conjunct Pluto is a Dark day indeed; viruses could still be out there causing problems. The Full Moon on November 30th and Lunar Eclipse in Gemini means that traveling could be a really bad idea. I don’t know about you but I’ll be home till January.

December 14th is the New moon total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, where you may find a lot of fire energy in your day. If you have been feeling sleepy and not going to the gym or hot yoga studio, this will get you going and having more fun. The next day Venus goes into Sagittarius – this means socializing parties, so take out the silver purple sparkle dress and faux fur. Then Saturn moves back into Aquarius for the next two and a half years, here advancements in technology are prevalent. Saturn’s been in Capricorn representing governments, corporations, capitalism, racism, oppressive world leaders, problems in the global economy, and inequalities of all kinds. Believe it or not it’s to make the world a better place. Aquarius is revolutionary energy; it’s friendly, socializing, humanitarian energies focusing on ways to fix these problems. New Laws and Government will be held accountable – thank goodness. On the 21st the sun goes into Capricorn, and conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which only happens every 20 years, by now COVID should have slowed down. The 29th is the Full Moon in Cancer and this is connected to the emotions, a highly sensitive time. On New Year’s Eve the moon is in magnificent Leo, say something sweet about how your sweetheart looks.

ARIES: Jupiter is now on the top of your solar chart. Your ambitions, career, business goals, and reputation continue to grow and develop. Your talents and skills are recognized now like never before. All of the hard work you’ve put in when Mars was at its best in your sign begins to pay off and is rewarding you as you get recognized. You are in the limelight, wear red & blue in some way during this cycle. Although it’s a great period for expansion and recognition on a professional level, and you should take advantage of it, choose your projects carefully. Don’t take on more than you can handle. While Jupiter brings gifts, these can be wasted if we go to great excess, one day at a time Aries.

TAURUS: Your ambition increases, and so does the enjoyment of what you’re doing and where you’re going. This is a good time for feeling both motivated and inspired; you are no longer tolerant of negativity (2020). You have a great desire to grow, improve, and transform your entire life now. This can be a time when you make friends in foreign places, who have very different backgrounds or perspectives than you and who inspire your life during this powerful time. You are likely to enjoy opportunities to expand your experiences and you really impress others. This could be a time for educational pursuits that could lead to important opportunities in your work area. You are in the spotlight in some way during this time. Although it’s a great period for expansion and recognition on a professional level try to take advantage of anything that comes your way now. Be careful of situations that could get blown out of proportion or misunderstood. While Jupiter brings luck and gifts, these can be a problem if we spend more than we make. It can be a time of significant progress in your career, a fortunate change in status, new job or business, increased recognition.

GEMINI: While you are attracting others magnetically especially during the Solar and Lunar Eclipses, this will play a big part in your love life, but you could be a little recluse or hesitant about pushing forward when it comes to love. Ask yourself this, “what does my heart truly need” to really understand myself more intimately. At this time you’re likely to take a good look at what changes to make to your personal image, beauty, finances, and love relationships. Try to find time for fun as well, wear blue & yellow to help brighten your day. Mars is retrograde at this time slowing down your social life, not something that sits well with you. There can be some heavy issues and delays now. If your dreams are not manifesting fast enough, make some modifications to your everyday life until Mars goes direct. There can be a return to an old friendship or troubles from the past resurfacing in a current one.

CANCER: October starts out very intense but something’s from the past are coming back in a positive way due to the mercury retrograde in a water sign. New career paths developing will feel like you are almost like reinventing yourself. Cancer, if you’re single you might feel very alone, your life might suddenly need a plan to find someone special and strong, a committed partnership. Please don’t lose hope, it’s just temporary, try to hear the messages the universe is sending you through this experience, meditation and positive affirmations work for me. Basically Pluto has been in your 7th house of committed relationships and hidden enemies since 2008 and until 2023. Saturn is there so it hasn’t been easy, but there is good news and some much needed relief when they both move forward into Aquarius in mid-December. Many hard lessons were learned and now it’s time to put what you learned into action, like the way a butterfly finds a new life. With Jupiter in our 7th house some of you could be making a commitment this year. If a relationship cannot withstand the tests of time, remember that relationships “lost” during a Saturn transit to your partnership sector generally are not good for you in the long run. If your wedding plans were delayed or signing contracts, look at it as a blessing. Next year will be better and 2022 even better. It is awakening you to a new way of life, the past is gone forever, nothing could be worse than 2020. Say yes and show up to all invitations with Venus in Scorpio in your 5th house of romance. Dress in your most vibrant red dress and black lace stockings, heads will turn.

LEO: Leo you are the King or Queen at love or work, and things are looking good. Venus in Libra October 27th and Mars in Aries will makes you feel marvelous. Maybe you moved or got a new job with more money and your relationships received a boost of energy mid-December. Your ability and powers in business negotiations begin to grow and expand until December 2021. You will be more successful in a partnership or improve your relationship status at this time. You are in the limelight and good may come your way in career matters. If it’s a new partnership the time is now, opportunities will arise, or bringing fresh energy to an existing committed relationship will emerge. If a relationship comes into your life now it can be successful and happy with benefits. Sometimes, this transit absolves an existing partnership, but if this is the case, it is likely to come as a relief, or it is a “blessing in disguise.” Meeting someone better for you at this point in your life may be the reason for this, although it’s important not to jump into something new blindly. Your ability to get along with others is enhanced as you are especially willing to compromise, and you are more attractive than usual. Pull out that gold dress, silver strappy high heels and do your hair up in a big way.

LIBRA: With Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in your 4th house of home, you are moving towards improved emotional foundations with regards’ to home and family life. At this time you will benefit in a powerful way if you reconstruct your life either physically or emotionally at home. After all “home is where the heart is.” De-clutter, throw out what no longer serves you, put in a new vegetable garden, saltwater pool, or gazebo? In December you get a powerful new start regarding fun in your romantic life, children and perhaps a new hobby, as Jupiter and Saturn are going into your fifth house. Mars is in your 7th house, so it is time to bring your sexy back. A new powder blue sparkle dress with knee high boots should do the trick.

VIRGO: So Virgo all the difficult plants in Capricorn making us all crazy, are in your 5th house of creativity, romance, children, joy, self-expression and bring you happiness. With Jupiter and Pluto so powerful together as they have moved through much of 2020, you’re very determined to do things right this year. Whether it’s a new love or love of self, be kind to yourself and let it happen. Jupiter in Capricorn is there until December 17th then moves into your 6th house of work and health, so expect improvements in this area. Saturn is a disciplinarian, and while it brings powerful and useful lessons, it’s also a serious and heavy influence. By December 17th, Saturn will have moved into Aquarius and your solar sixth house of work and health, but before it does it will leave a gift. Try to get to some festive house parties in December, meet up with old friends, wear something comfortable but throw in a sparkly scarf that matches your outfit and let your hair down.

SCORPIO: What’s going on Scorpio, do you have hidden talents you are not even aware of? This is a powerful time for achieving, and discovering new goals. Do you want to teach people what you know or want to take a course so you can take what you know to a new level? Why not, you have till the 17th of December and then it’s all about your home and family life. Why not paint the bedroom, black walls come to mind or red pillows, this is your sanctuary and the sky’s the limit. Time for Black Lace Dresses and stilettos if you’re going to be home in the winter months, you might as well keep things hot and interesting especially on the full moon in Taurus October 31st.


SAGITTARIUS: Planet Jupiter is going through your second house of luck and earnings until December 17th. You are likely to see and enjoy benefits to your earning power and value system. Jupiter in this part of your chart could very well bring a profitable and productive period. You feel more confident and enthusiastic about your ability to save money for a rainy day as you attract more income. This is not a time to gamble or take financial risks. Saturn is here till December 17th holding you accountable, Jupiter and Saturn will go into your 3rd house of higher education and communication. Look back at 12 years ago, and did you go back to school or do some kind of training at work? Also with Saturn here it causes us to slow down and pay more attention to what is around us in our everyday life. With Venus in the 12th house love may be behind closed doors or a secret love affair, and that’s kind of exciting. Then Venus will go into your first house December 15th – you are looking hot, sexy, and beautiful. Great time for a new hair cut or full day at the SPA.

CAPRICORN: Mars is in your 4th house of home – are things like kitchen appliances breaking down? Energy is stagnant till Mars goes direct November 13th. Mars square Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto now until December; challenges are on the home front, confronting the issues that have been ongoing. Once Saturn moves into Aquarius you will feel like a Phoenix coming out of the ashes and if you have been wearing black it’s time to pull out the earthy colours, olive green, or copper with gold running through it and looking very Goddess like, Gaia comes to mind. Jupiter in your first house of self,“look at me I’m wonderful”, will bring benefits to you for change and help improve your life. There will be new adventures and bringing about a whole new you. Then it goes into your second house of money (sweet!), we all want some improvements in our finances and so use this influence wisely.

AQUARIUS: Jupiter has been in your solar twelfth house all year, showing you the benefits and yes, joy and putting an end to outdated attitudes or situations in your life. Once it goes into your first house of self, mid-December, you can now expand yourself into who you have become to the world and how people see you on a whole. Be careful of weight gain so walk and move frequently, but it does help bring more clarity, purpose, and structure into your life, to things that have been lacking and sometimes bringing you down the last 12 years. At the same time Jupiter enters your sign just two days after Saturn enters Aquarius in December for the next 2 and a half years. While Jupiter expands, Saturn constricts. Fortunately, even though these planets have many opposite functions, they tend to work together quite well. In fact, they may be considered a power team. You can feel the incredible powerful energy coming into your life, very productive and effective from December forward. You can find a lot of pleasure and joy in exercising more self-discipline and initiative. Until then, there is quite a bit of inner work or preparation to do, and you have Jupiter helping you on these fronts this year, many burdens are now behind you. Uranus continues to shake up your personal or domestic world. Changes on the home front, with family, or with living arrangements, I will talk about this more in 2021.You may frequently feel as if you’re on the verge of something great this year Aquarius, and you are! Patience will benefit you greatly now as you prepare and plan in 2021. With so many new beginnings for you next year I think that you need to bring out the red lipstick, wigs, fun hats, hot pink boas and plan a house party with your closest friends and family.

PISCES: With Mars in your 2nd house of money and self-worth, things have been good, but will slow down September 9th till November 13th. A lot happened this year. How are you feeling about your self-worth? Don’t get too down on yourself, with Venus in Virgo in your 7th house in October you are getting along with your partner very well, as well as other people or your relationships in general. With Jupiter conjunct Saturn in December in Aquarius, be careful to take care of your mental and emotional health. Reach out to close friends and family more often so you have warmth and love at this time. Even if you don’t feel like going out for a long walk or to parties, put on that beautiful Indigo dress and magnificent smile that lights up a room every time, my sweet sensitive Pisces.

Heather Bain - Colours of Family - A Skillful Parent’s BACKPACK

October means we are one month into a new school year and everyone is conscious of staying healthy and protecting others. Stress is common these days as parents and students face new educational choices. Here are some fun stress busting ideas to do together. My suggestions are based on my experience as a Behavioural Teaching Assistant, Mom and Nana. I’ve included author’s names and resource titles in bolded font so parents can google topics of interest.


Wear your magic glasses! You and your child/ren can have fun picking out inexpensive pairs of funky magic glasses. Creative people may decide to choose items from the craft section to create and decorate unique magic glasses. Put your glasses on and take turns sharing what you consider your positive character traits. Encourage your child to describe their personality using some conversation starter questions. Do they consider themselves chatty or shy? Are they relaxed or get frustrated and angry quickly? Can they share, negotiate, take turns and play by the rules? Do they play using their imagination to include and inspire others? Is being organized a strength? Is it easier to focus on one task for a lengthy period of time or shorter activities with frequent changes? After your conversation, take time to quietly identify their innate talents and challenges. Think of it as a Social Skills Checklist. You can also ask a trusted adult in your child’s life to share their insight. This information helps you and your child build positive self-esteem and aids in creating a strength based plan if troubling behaviour occurs. Make a habit of wearing your magic glasses regularly to encourage the practice of seeing positive qualities in yourselves and others.

Check your feelings: Children sometimes have difficulty connecting how feelings impact behaviour because they don’t recognize the way their body reacts. Encourage your child’s inner actor as you take selfies of your child demonstrating various expressions. Work together on creating a collage that can be posted somewhere prominent for easy reference. Talk about body language and how it gives clues to peoples’ moods. It’s easy for adults and children to show each other how they are feeling with a quick point to the appropriate selfie. ‘Feelings Charades’ is an entertaining way to give real life examples as well. Then put on your magic glasses, choose a favourite book, t.v show or movie and have your child practice empathizing and identifying how the characters are feeling. Movie night complete with snacks to watch Disney’s movie “Inside Out” is a terrific way of illustrating the concept.

Wave that Flag!!! Make a set of 3 flags to represent Patience, Practice and Persistence. I imagine them with giant glittery letter P’s but feel free to decorate them to suit your inner artists. Then write a family cheer to recite while waving the flags. Use them to encourage anyone actively learning a skill. Ask your child how they would feel when cheering on a younger sibling learning to walk, parents experimenting with a new recipe or other family members attempting something new. It’s a fun way to encourage resilience, the ability to bounce back. Model patience for your child showing them how to take a minute, do an emotional temperature check and stay calm during frustrating situations. (My personal mantra is “Stay calm, cool and collected!”) Reassure them that learning can take time and practice. If you plant a seed together, waiting for it to sprout is a concrete example of the act of patience. Reinforce that practice is essential, nobody does things perfectly the first time. Persistence is powerful when you encourage the effort, not the result. Enjoy Aesop’s Fable “The Tortoise and the Hare” together. Wave your flags and cheer the tortoise on as his persistence wins the race. Your positive mindset will encourage your child to follow your example.

Quiet time: Finally, pick a quiet time so you and your child can snuggle while reading How Full is your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. Fill a bucket with small items that represent joy, curiosity, wonder, a sense of humour, fun, good deeds, compliments, respect and courtesy. Then find opportunities to fill people’s buckets with acts of kindness!

Jennifer Love - Colours of Intimancy - Let’s add some JUICE to your creativity

Before we dive in, I would like to ask you a question: What comes to mind when you think of the colour black and the word intimacy? I asked this to a few people and some of their answers were – black leather, latex, bondage, and having sex in the dark, just to name a few. It became noticeably clear that intimacy means different things to different people and when you add an exciting colour like black to the mix, it really adds spice to the word. Just to be clear intimacy is not sex – it is possible to have sex without intimacy as well as intimacy without sex.

Your sexuality is directly connected to your creativity. The easier it is to express yourself sexually, the easier it is to share your creative gifts with the world and vice versa. Your sacral chakra controls both aspects. It is of great importance for creatives, such as yourself, to keep this energy centre open and balanced. If there are any types of blocks here, both your sexuality and creativity will be affected. You may also experience issues with intimacy and connection to others as a result.

In this column, we will be focusing on the intimacy you have with YOURSELF. The initial step to deep intimacy with another person is to first know and like yourself. By coming to know and value yourself, you identify your innermost feelings and needs and develop the security to share them with others. You also create space to dive deeply into the void within you. Into your core. The centre of your being that you may never have experienced, nor know the depths that reside there.

For this black issue, I invite you to begin your journey into your inner reality. I invite you to ask yourself a question: What are your biggest fears around intimacy (with yourself or with others)? Many people struggle with intimacy because their fears of being hurt are so strong. When you begin to look within yourself you may find hidden abandonment issues, fears of being rejected, control issues or even past trauma or abuse.

“When you can bravely step into the dark and experience it, you will begin to see the light”

Whatever is there, it needs to be expressed and released so that you can go even deeper within. Your creative centre, the place where your “Genius” resides, can only be reached as each layer is revealed and peeled away gently. I invite you to step into the black, into the darkness within, into all that is hidden there. I invite you to begin your exploration. When you can bravely step into the dark and experience it, you will begin to see the light that is there also.

Only when you can be intimate with every part of yourself, the light and the dark, can you then be intimate with another. When you can love yourself for exactly who you are in this moment, you allow for your inner truth to be revealed. You allow for your creative gifts to expand and reach new heights you may have never even dreamed of. You can then share yourself and your gifts with the world and fulfill your life’s purpose! This is our mission together here in this column. I look forward to accompanying you on this journey as we explore the Colours of Intimacy.

Kathryn Dzsudzsak - Colours of Energy - Your body holds secret MESSAGES let’s decode them together

Did you know that you can change your life by sensing your energies? Shift your energy and thus change your life? Everything is energy, including us. We have a vibration and frequency. We are all vibrating at certain frequencies. That is why a table is hard and water flows. The table is at a lower vibration/frequency, thus it is hard. Water is a higher vibration/frequency and that is why it is liquid. It is quite the amazing system our energetic body and there is a lot to know and learn.

I want to touch on our entire energetic body. Many of you already know about “chakras” aka energy centres. Many of you work with your “chakras” and balance them already, some of you may not completely understand what chakras are or maybe you haven’t even heard about them and that’s what I am setting out to do. Let’s begin to shift and transform your life, business or both! Let’s shift out what no longer belongs there! I hope that those of you who are already tuned to your “chakras” will also join in.

To make things a bit easier to understand for those that are new or just learning about energy centres (“chakras”), below are some questions that most people ask.

What are energy centres? Energy centres or “chakras” is the energy within our bodies. Our energy centre runs up the middle of our bodies. Your central nervous system, or spine, is the easiest way to envision these energy centres. There are many energy centres but most people work with the major 7 “chakras”. Each “chakra” is associated with an organ, gland, chemistry and body part within our physical and energetic body. Being a Medium and energy worker, those are what I work with, and on when I am assisting clients. Each “chakra” carries its own message to your body and brain and when you are out of balance, that’s when people contact me for a reading or energy balance session.

What do they do? There are hundreds of “chakras” and they are all over our body. Everything that we do in life has a connection to that energy center. If you’re feeling angry, we would look at what’s happening in the root chakra or base energy centre. That is located at the base of your spine. If you feel deflated and powerless, what is going on in your solar plexus? That is located just near the bottom of your rib cage. When we have a “negative” feeling or things are going sideways, taking a look at the chakra that is associated with that “thing” will give you a direction and most of the time, the answer.

Why are they so important in our lives? Our energy centres basically run our body, emotional and mental state. When we are in a negative state of mind or our energy is out of whack, things begin to go wrong, we begin to notice health issues. Example: what if you are not speaking your truth? You may constantly suffer from sore throats, frogs in your throat or laryngitis? Your throat chakra will be out of balance or blocked. When we shift our energy to a more positive frequency, wonderful things begin to happen. Things just show up! Those “ah-ha” moments and “how did that happen” moments become more frequent. We begin to feel better, sleep better, think better. Now is the time to tune into those energy centres and become physically, emotionally and mentally healthy!

How do I know when I’m out of balance or blocked? Easiest way to explain this is: If your base energy centre/root chakra is out of balanced, you may feel excessive negativity, greed or, feeling as if you are living in constant survival mode. A “blocked” root chakra not only creates an imbalance in energy flow throughout the body, but it can also instigate feelings of restlessness. Another way we know that we have a block is, the things we are needing in life come very slowly or difficult. Remember, everything about us is energy so you must be careful on how you think and talk. If you say “I will never have”, you have just said “energetically” I don’t want it. That also is associated with a blocked chakra. Why are you feeling this way? It’s time to discover your hidden treasure trove of health, well being and begin living your life!

How and what do I get them back in balance? There a many ways to get your chakras back into balance. Diet, exercise, meditation are just a few. Some people that are really out of balance go to someone like myself who does chakra/energy balancing and correcting.

How will I know if I am back in balance? You will know once you are back in balance because you will feel it for sure! Whatever “symptom or pain” you may have been experiencing begins to diminish if not disappear. You will feel happier, more rested, less stressed peaceful if the chakra is correctly balanced. Any physical issue will begin to go away as well.

How will I know if I am back in balance? You will know once you are back in balance because you will feel it for sure! Whatever “symptom or pain” you may have been experiencing begins to diminish if not disappear. You will feel happier, more rested, less stressed peaceful if the chakra is correctly balanced. Any physical issue will begin to go away as well.

Lisa Berry - Colours of Health & Wellness - You’re going to want what’s in my little BLACK BOOK: Dating your diet

The Little Black Book for Wellness –

Match making you to a few contacts in my Little Black Book for a passionate and satisfying experience. Today’s wellness video (click image above) gives you the juicy details of the pleasure and health benefits these attractive foods bring. Fall in love with the foods that are right for you. Experience a healthy relationship with your diet and blossom into the energetic being you were meant to be, because the nutrients exist in the foods you choose.